Rosie Cusswell

Miss Deredwell's page

21 posts. Alias of spinningdice.

Full Name

Heather Rosetta Deredwell




Artificer 3 | AC 16/12unarmoured | HP:24 | Saves: S+0; D+2; C+4; I+5*; W-1*; Ch+1* (*ADV vs Magic) | Init +1 | Per -1 (passive 9) | HD 3



About Miss Deredwell

Neutral Female Gnome Charlatan Artificer (Gunsmith)

STR 10
DEX 15
CON 14
INT 16
CHA 12

Spd: 25
HP 24 (d8)
AC 15

Handaxe: +4; 1d6+1s; light, thrown (20/60)
Lt Hammer: +4; 1d4+1b; light, thrown (20/60)
Lt Xbow: +4; 1d8+1p; Ammunition (80/320), loading, 2h
Thunder Cannon: +4; 2d6+1p (+1d6 thunder); ammunition (150/500), 2h

Proficiencies +2
Armour: Light/Medium
Weapons: Simple, Thunder Cannon
Skill: Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation, Sleight of Hand
Tool: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, Jewelers Tools*, Smith’s Tools*, Thieves Tools*, Tinker’s Tools*.
Languages: Common, Gnomish
Saves: Constitution, Intelligence.

Darkvision: within 60ft see in dark as dim and dim as bright.
Gnome Cunning: Advantage on Int/Wis/Cha saves vs magic.
Artificers Lore: Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects or technological devices, you can add proficiency bonus x2, instead of any proficiency bonus that would normally apply.
Tinker: Spend 1 hour & 10gp of materials to make a tiny clockwork device.Can have up to 3 devices active at one time, device options: Clockwork Toy, Fire Starter or Music Box. (p37 PHB)

False Identity: Have a second identity as a Jeweller, making elaborate jewelry for the local nobility (or those that aspire to be).

Magic Item Analysis: detect magic and identify added to spell list, may cast as rituals with no material components.
Tool Expertise: Double proficiency bonus with Thieves Tools, Tinkers Tools, Jewelers Tools.
Wondrous Invention: Bag of Holding
Thunder Cannon: 2H ranged, 2d6 piercing, 150ft/500ft range, reload as bonus action. Can create a new one with 3 days of work and 100gp or materials.
Arcane Magazine: at end of long rest can produce 40 rounds for thunder cannon, short rest can produce 10 rounds. Costs 25gp of raw materials to create a new arcane magazine
Thunder Monger: As an action can make special attack with Thunder Cannon adding +1d6 thunder damage on a hit. (+1d6 at every other level i.e. 2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 7th etc)

Spellcasting (DC13 / +5)
2x1st slots
3 Spells Known


Detect Magic(Rit)
Identify(Rit - no Mat components req’d)
Cure Wounds

2 Simple Weapons
Light Crossbow + 20bolts
Scale Mail
Thieves Tools,
Dungeoneer’s Pack
Fine clothes,
Disguise Kit
Con Tools
Arcane Focus - Crystal
Thunder Cannon + 40 rounds.

Bag of Holding (from Wondrous Invention)

Heather grew up in a small gnomish enclave in [local area], her family was moderately well off and Heather wanted for little working as local jewelers ensured the family wealth and reputation. However for Heather it was not enough, she felt the humans looking down on her, even her family - among the most well respected would never be equal to their human peers (at least in her mind).

Heather practiced tinkering, creating small mechanical devices, learning how to breath life into them with tiny amounts of arcane energy, and honed her skills to prove herself best, stealing to find components to use for her devices. Eventually she overstepped, and as she saw the guard coming, she fled her parents house, resolving to do better in future.

Heather is somewhat spiteful and self-important, a little paranoid and with an unhealthy dose of anti-human sentiment. That said she dislikes humans as a race rather than individually and will work with them provided they help her own aims, and she is adept at hiding her true feelings and usually does so as a matter of course.
While usually somewhat confident, she struggles with anything resembling friendship, rapidly become shy and flustered when dealing with people’s expressions of friendship or love. Given the close-knit nature of the gnomish communities, she extends this attitude towards almost any gnome she speaks to, so tries to avoid them.

Heather stands about 3’2” and about 40lbs, her slightly unusual black hair (for her race, which tends towards fair hair) is curly and springy and takes some effort to bring under control. She tends to brush it back, and tuck it into a bonnet.
By any standards she is considered cute, before she fled her home she had no shortage of suitors among her own kind.