
Mirathan's page

239 posts. Alias of Emperor7.


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Swimming. Swimming. Swimming in the interwebs...

That Chicken of the Sea chick is hawt!

Look! I'm an emo merman!

People are trying to push the Erik thread ahead by a day. They cannot succeed. We must keep up!

Go Team Gary!

"Perhaps you should be in charge of my schedule all the time," he breathes as he takes her hand.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
Just UNDER 2 years?! *sigh*

"I know, dearest. I don't like it either. But we were looking at three to four years before my father took a hand in organizing things, so at least this is some improvement. State weddings are complicated," she said, wrinkling her nose in distaste. "But it's what we need to do, so I guess we'll just have to put up with it."

"At least some things don't have to wait," she added, giving him a long, passionate kiss.

after catching his breath "Better, but you're quite sure we can't sneak away and elope?"

Just UNDER 2 years?! *sigh*

Mirathan rubs his temples. Who knew that there was such a huge political side to marriage? Life was so much simpler, albeit dangerous , at the Oasis.

lynora wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
It's seems E7 is forgetting all the possible guests who can't breathe underwater... ;)
Oh, I don't think anyone's forgetting them. Just one more complication to the arrangements. :) And if I can manage to go for more than an hour without feeling like I'm gonna vomit, I'll start writing things up. :/

Stopping in quick while I can. Sorry you're not feeling well. Cool and rainy in Pittsburgh.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

"I'm...I'm not sure. I wasn't born yet when my parents got married."

"Oh, you mean...I doubt that would work. A state wedding is a big deal. Wanna elope? Nah. I want to show you off to the whole world."

She smiled at him. "Well, then that necessitates going through the whole ordeal of a state wedding I suppose. We should probably ask your mother for some advice."

"This is so complicated. Duty sure messes up people's lives doesn't it?"

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

with vacation starting do you want to write a narrative Princess Nimora engagement/wedding, or wait for me to do it justice? If I could.

"So, dearest, how long do people have to wait to be engaged in Sandreef? I'm not sure I can be patient."

"How long will it take to make the arrangements for the wedding? Because that's about how long we have to wait," she said, smiling. "My family will be thrilled, and most likely want to expedite things before anything else can go wrong," she added with a little laugh. "But what are the usual customs here in Pearl?"

Sure I can write up the narrative sometime in the next couple of days while you're enjoying your vacation. :)

"I'm...I'm not sure. I wasn't born yet when my parents got married."

"Oh, you mean...I doubt that would work. A state wedding is a big deal. Wanna elope? Nah. I want to show you off to the whole world."

with vacation starting do you want to write a narrative Princess Nimora engagement/wedding, or wait for me to do it justice? If I could.

"So, dearest, how long do people have to wait to be engaged in Sandreef? I'm not sure I can be patient."

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

Then for a long day of 'watching' the waves. Not as boring as this job usually is. Followed by a view of the setting sun, before they teleport back to Pearl.

Nimora still doesn't figure out what 'watching the submarine races' means, but she doesn't care.

watching the submarine races??? Trying to figure out if this has to do with an activity or is just the weirdest euphemism ever. :)
Well, if you're watching the submarines race (underwater) there's not much to see...so, you may as well smooch. Didn't grow up by the water, did ya? Or watch Happy Days? ;)
Didn't see much Happy Days, no. :)

Oh well. With Lake St. Clair by us, submarine races were a popular event. o.O

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

Then for a long day of 'watching' the waves. Not as boring as this job usually is. Followed by a view of the setting sun, before they teleport back to Pearl.

Nimora still doesn't figure out what 'watching the submarine races' means, but she doesn't care.

watching the submarine races??? Trying to figure out if this has to do with an activity or is just the weirdest euphemism ever. :)

Well, if you're watching the submarines race (underwater) there's not much to see...so, you may as well smooch. Didn't grow up by the water, did ya? Or watch Happy Days? ;)

Then for a long day of 'watching' the waves. Not as boring as this job usually is. Followed by a view of the setting sun, before they teleport back to Pearl.

Nimora still doesn't figure out what 'watching the submarine races' means, but she doesn't care.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

in between smooches

"After sunset, we'll head down and tell everyone."

"Not that I think they'll be surprised. It's been like I have 'I luv Nimora' written on my forehead or something."

"I don't, do I? looks for something to check his reflection

"No, dearest, there isn't anything written on your forehead," she said laughing.

"Neither of us has been very good at hiding our feelings."

"Sunset? But the sun just came up....Oh. Mmm. Yes, I see. After sunset."

"Both sunrise and sunset are beautiful, but different too."

"Neither as beautiful as you."

in between smooches

"After sunset, we'll head down and tell everyone."

"Not that I think they'll be surprised. It's been like I have 'I luv Nimora' written on my forehead or something."

"I don't, do I? looks for something to check his reflection

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

Mirathan watches her closely as she enjoys the repast.

"Nimora?, he asks tentatively.

"Yes?" she says, smiling at him.

"I know we haven't had much time to be us, simply us...."

"But...if you would have me...I would...would you marry me?"

he flushes, and adds quickly "I'm sorry. I practiced and practiced, and still couldn't help sounding like a fool. But I forget to breathe when I look at you."

Her eyes got wide as she heard what he was asking her.

"Yes! Yes, of course I'll marry you!"

She flung herself into his arms, hugging him tightly, not quite sure if she was laughing or crying she was so happy.
"My dearest love," she murmured and kissed him.

Much smooching ensues

running out for lunch ;)

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

Mirathan watches her closely as she enjoys the repast.

"Nimora?, he asks tentatively.

"Yes?" she says, smiling at him.

"I know we haven't had much time to be us, simply us...."

"But...if you would have me...I would...would you marry me?"

he flushes, and adds quickly "I'm sorry. I practiced and practiced, and still couldn't help sounding like a fool. But I forget to breathe when I look at you."

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

Behind the couple, a blanket has been spread out on the ground. There is a basket with assorted goodies, and several bottles on ice. Two settings have been laid out. Surface utensils, salvaged from ships or traded for, metals that would corrode in the sea. Bread. Still fresh, and impossible to enjoy beneath the waves.


She smiled. "It is a beautiful place. The sight of a sunrise above the waves, I miss it sometimes even though I still love the world under the waves. Thank you for bringing me here."

She smells the bread, savoring the aroma, before putting a piece in her mouth and chewing slowly. "Mmm. It's delicious."

Mirathan watches her closely as she enjoys the repast.

"Nimora?, he asks tentatively.

Behind the couple, a blanket has been spread out on the ground. There is a basket with assorted goodies, and several bottles on ice. Two settings have been laid out. Surface utensils, salvaged from ships or traded for, metals that would corrode in the sea. Bread. Still fresh, and impossible to enjoy beneath the waves.


Just before dawn the next morning there is a light knock on the door. It's Mirathan, alone and dressed simply. A crossbow and dagger as weapons. His carrying net at his waist.


Once Nimora is ready he holds her hand, and touches an amulet around his neck. They teleport into darkness; not total but really more of a deep purple. Air. They are above ground. Nearby the splash of someone leaving is barely heard over the splash of waves upon rocks. As Nimora's eyes adjust the scene brightens; the purples of the morning sky give way to bands of crimson and orange. They stand silently as the new day dawns.

"This is where I fell in love with the surface world," he whispers.

The cries of gulls seem to respond in kind.

In her room she finds a new sketch of herself standing proudly, a figure of power and beauty. And a note

Breakfast at dawn, my love?
- Mirathan

time warp when your'e done in the hall.

El-Lina Solareil wrote:

El-lina drops one of her earrings in the hot tub

Poo! I dropped one of my earrings. Would you be a dear and get it for me?

Sure thing.

the sea elf dives below the water

holds up car keys

Did someone lose these?

Mirathan pops up in the hot tub

Queen Mother Marielle wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

"Mother, I plan to ask Nimora for her hand."

"How do I make such an occasion truly special? Should I talk with her parents first?"

"Mirathan, follow your heart. What does Nimora love most?"

Mirathan mulls this over.

"Mother, I plan to ask Nimora for her hand."

"How do I make such an occasion truly special? Should I talk with her parents first?"

An aquatic elf swims up from the bottom of the pool. Holding forth a bikini bottom,

"Excuse me, Miss? You dropped this?"

High Chamberlain Erstlan wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
High Chamberlain Erstlan wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

distant smile on his face

hmmmm...pardon me. What were you saying, Erstlan?


Do you plan to court the Lady?

Court her?

No. I plan to marry her.

As soon as she says yes.

but...but...but, your Majesty...

Mirathan holds up his hand

"Nimora didn't save my life, Erstlan. She saved my soul. There isn't anyone I could love any more."

High Chamberlain Erstlan wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

distant smile on his face

hmmmm...pardon me. What were you saying, Erstlan?


Do you plan to court the Lady?

Court her?

No. I plan to marry her.

As soon as she says yes.

distant smile on his face

hmmmm...pardon me. What were you saying, Erstlan?

The servants give up trying to attend to the king and his guest, and simply leave food with the guards at the door. Appointments are canceled, excuses made. Days go by. The young couple finally emerge, blushing and apologizing furiously.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
what you think about the new avatar?
I like it. I think it suits him better.
Thanks :) Are you sure you weren't just little worried about how the children would turn out? o.O
Ummmmm....I was hoping they would look like me? ;)

If that held true all babies would look like their mothers and the world would be a prettier place. :)

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
what you think about the new avatar?
I like it. I think it suits him better.

Thanks :) Are you sure you weren't just little worried about how the children would turn out? o.O

what you think about the new avatar?

Mirathan holds her hand the entire way back to the castle. Perhaps fearing to lose her again.

Heading straight to his suite the young lovers find it bedecked with flowers. It's almost as if the entire garden was stripped. Not a servant is in sight. Mirathan pulls Nimora close again as he closes the doors.

...fade to black....

good night kids

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Nimora swims through the omniportal into Pearl.

"General Olbereth...Nimora...aw,

screw it." Mirathan grabs Nimora and kisses her hard. For a long time.

The guards around the portal look studiously away.

When the kiss does end, (soon? a long time? She's not really sure since she can't seem to think straight.) she looks up at him, perfectly content.

"I love you. And I'd just as soon not leave you again anytime in the near future if that can be managed," she blurted out, a little surprised after the fact that she had actually said that out loud. She blushed.

he looks straight into her eyes,

"You won't have to. I love you too."

"Let's head back to the castle. Unless you've gotten used to being the center of attention."

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Nimora swims through the omniportal into Pearl.

"General Olbereth...Nimora...aw,

screw it." Mirathan grabs Nimora and kisses her hard. For a long time.

The guards around the portal look studiously away.

Despite objections about decorum and security Mirathan heads to the omniportal, Telestial close behind.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

"I'm so glad you're safe. hurriedly And your city too."

"Things seem to be calm at the moment. The nomads have withdrawn. You are always welcome here."

"We might even be able to talk for more than a few minutes."

"If you want to...you know..."

"I would love a chance to talk. I...I've missed you. I have to talk to my family before I go. I don't want them to think that I'm running away this time. I should arrive in Pearl in an hour or two."

"I'll meet you at the omniportal. 'Til then."

"I'm so glad you're safe. hurriedly And your city too."

"Things seem to be calm at the moment. The nomads have withdrawn. You are always welcome here."

"We might even be able to talk for more than a few minutes."

"If you want to...you know..."

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

About mid-morning the next day.

She sat beside the window, looking out at the city. She pulled out her comm crystal.

"Mirathan? Can you hear me? If now isn't a good time, I can talk to you later."

Mirathan fumbles with the crystal, dropping it then picking it up quickly.

"Nimora? I'm here."

later in the day

"Telestial? You look distracted. Is something on your mind?"

"Have they withdrawn form our borders as well?"

Mirathan takes on a resigned look and sighs. Looking at Telestial and General Orseidon he shakes his head.

"No. But have them keep their distance. Even the female troops."

what this war needs is a thunderdome. two fighters enter one fighter leaves. even break a deal spin the wheel had a chance of acquittal before then. sorry, Mad Max was on this weekend.

smurf. besides you may not like what the bad guy is hiding behind those veils.

Empress Melusine - heh

lynora wrote:
Mirathan wrote:

But...but...but...Patrick is the chief antagonist...mumble..mumble...

So we can just assume that the nomads agree to a peace treaty? ;)

Well, he did say go along with anything...so...the Brightwater Clan tries to enlist the Free Companions to fight their battle for them, the the Free Companions hated the underwater version of the hillbilly ogres from RoTR so they kill the rest of the family leaders and usher in a new era of peace in the sea realms.

Has a nice ring to it doesn't it? The 'ring' of truth?

lynora wrote:
...just forge ahead and assume I/they are going along with the plan.
Yay! We win the Battle of the Seven Seas, without dressing! Ok, so now what do we do? LOL. :) Somehow I don't think it's that easy.

But...but...but...Patrick is the chief antagonist...mumble..mumble...

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