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Is there a way to search and find it in the source material?

Sounds like a plan. Thanks again for all the information.

Ravingdork wrote:
If it's from an adventure path, I'm surprised I didn't see it on PFSRD. They typically include such NPCs on their site.

Do they ever post them or publish in a compendium or another web site?

Ravingdork wrote:
Are you sure the miniature is from the Pathfinder line, and not some other line, such as Dungeons and Dragons?

The copy right says Wizkids and Paizo publishing. I also found it listed under the Shattered Star listing. i also found it listed on the Paizo web site:

http://paizo.com/products/btpy8wsy/discuss?Pathfinder-Battles-Shattered-Sta r-Troll-Champion#tabs

Again, being new to Pathfinder, I then presume that Pathfinder battles is separate from the RPG?

Being new to Pathfinder, is this in the Bestiary?

I appreciate all the information but I am looking for more basic information. I was given a figure called a troll champion. It says #36 of 55 SS. I wanted to know what book of the Bestiary it is in. Perhaps I am in the wrong thread?

I was just presented with Pathfinder books and figures. Which book is the troll champion in?