Acadamae Student Korvosa

Mim Perdu's page

10 posts. Organized Play character for verdigris.

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About Mim Perdu

Delivered to Lady Gabrielle D'Apcher,the 26th of Erastil, 4712 AR,

Lady Gabrielle D’Apcher,

It was with great joy and gratitude that I received your reply to my previous correspondence. Your points regarding Subtlety and the Art of Heroism were deeply appreciated. Thank you! Any inspiration upon my part was owed ten-fold already to your own works, and in but a few sentences you have returned it back to me once more. With only a few strokes of a pen, the path before me becomes clear. I will build my future upon the bedrock of your wisdom.

The Art of Heroism! Such easy words, and yet, I had never heard it described thus before. Yet nothing has ever been a better fit. As a patron of such an art, you can only excel, and any that rise under your tutelage only flourish. It would be too bold of me to suggest my own name for such a position, and yet a heart hopes what it will hope.

While I am already in Absalom, my every minute is owed to the Masters within the Grand Lodge until the 30th day of Arodus. Upon graduation, I am to have some small amount of free time before my first assignment. Should any of the three days following coincide with your own availability, it would be my greatest pleasure to make your acquaintance.

With Deepest Regards and a Renewed Hope,

Mim Perdu

A letter of introduction, delivered to Lady Gabrielle d'Apcher, 15 Erastus, 4712 :

Lady Gabrielle d'Apcher,

It is with no small amount of trepidation that I set quill to paper and begin this missive. My name is Mim Perdu, and, while it is of little consequence as yet, and as of yet, there is only myself to commend it to you, I have a hope that it may be one you find useful in the future.

Forgive this unsolicited introduction, I pray, but it is your own name that is the dearest subject I wish to broach, for it is well-known within certain circles as a bastion of class, distinction, and discretion within a society of misfits, malcontents, and plebeian petty peccadilloes.

While I have easily divined that you are *the one* to study if I would become a jewel of elegance and distinction, and a finely tipped dart in the service of that Grand Dame we both call Mother Taldor, it is so often difficult to find the reports that would allow me to follow your career from afar while I continue my studies. For, as is often the case when one incites envy with every word and deed, reports of your accomplishments seems frequently minimized and misplaced by those that have not half your skill nor a quarter of your grace. It is perhaps inadvertent, coincidental, even, though one hopes that the Powers That Be within this Society are skillful and petty rather than loyal but gauche in this particular case, as the training of future Pathfinders is their primary responsibility. Finding word of your deeds has become so difficult in recent months that I find myself concerned upon occasion about your continued existence. Relief and consternation are my constant companions on these treks through the dark recesses of received correspondence from active agents. I am grateful for your continued activity upon this plane, yet find myself more and more disgruntled by the poor organization of your exploits within these walls.

This brings me to the reason for my unsolicited contact; I find my tenure at the Grand Lodge drawing to a close, and could think of nothing finer other than seek service in your employ to further my education beyond these walls and without these frustrating limitations.

Should this request offend in any way, please accept my heartfelt apologies and continued admiration.

Regardless, I remain your faithful admirer in Taldan Loyalty,

Miss Mim Perdu