Numerian Gunslinger

Milo Mila's page

9 posts. Alias of Dennis Harry.


Inquisition Assassin

About Milo Mila

Character Sheet

Matching Aptitudes

Zero --- Weapon Skill - 25
Two --- Ballistic Skill - 40
Zero --- Strength - 25
One --- Toughness - 40
Two --- Agility - 35
One --- Intelligence - 30
Two --- Perception - 35
One --- Willpower - 40
Zero --- Fellowship - 20
--- Influence - 25

Two --- Acrobatics (Ag)
One --- Athletics (Str)
Two --- Awareness (Per)
Zero --- Charm (Fel)
Zero --- Command (Fel)
One --- Commerce (Int)
One --- Common Lore (Int) (Adept)
--- ---
--- ---
Zero --- Deceive (Fel)
One --- Dodge (Ag)
One --- Forbidden Lore (Int) (the Warp)
--- ---
--- ---
Zero --- Inquiry (Fel)
Zero --- Interrogation (WP)
Zero --- Imtimidate (Str)
Two --- Linguistics (Int)
One --- Logic (Int)
Two --- Medicae (Int)
Two --- Navigate (Surf) (Int)
Two --- Navigate (Stel)(Int)
Two --- Navigate (Warp)(Int)
Two --- Operate (Aer) (Ag)
Two --- Operate (Surf) (Ag)
Two --- Operate (Void)(Ag)
Zero --- Parry (WS)
Two --- Psyniscience (Per)
One --- Scholastic Lore (Int)
Two --- Scrutiny (Per)
One --- Security (Int)
One --- Sleight of Hand (Ag)
Two --- Stealth (Ag)
Two --- Survival (Per)
One --- Tech Use (Int)
Two --- Trade - Prospector (Int)