About Miko KesslerStatistics:
Male Human Scoundrel 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +7; Senses Perception +7 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ hp 18 dt 11 fp 5 Fort 11, Ref 13*, Will 14; *+1 dodge target ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 6 squares Melee knife +0 (1d4 P/S) Ranged sporting blaster pistol +2 (3d4 energy) ------------------------------ STATISTICS ------------------------------ Str 11, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14 Base Atk +0 Talents fool's luck (fortune) Feats dodge, force sensitivity, point-blank shot, weapon proficiency (pistols), weapon proficiency (simple) Skills (5 points; 4 class, 0 INT, 1 human) ACP -0 Gather information +7 Initiative +7 Perception +7 Persuasion +7 Stealth +7 Languages Basic Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ - Knife (25) - Sporting Blaster Pistol (300) ○ 2 Energy cells (20) ○ License (forged by gang) (15) - Short-Range Comlink (25) - Pocket Scrambler (400) - Basic Datapad (100) - Glowrod (10) - Concealed Holster (50) - Meshtape (5) - Breath Mask (200) ○ 1 Canister (25) - Aquata Breather (350) Money 475 credits Background:
Miko was born on Coruscant, but by the age of 5 he was showing signs of force sensitivity. He could use telepathy, and was fully aware of people who were behind his back or hiding from him. His parents decided to immigrate to Mon Calamari to protect their son, who they thought would be ripped from them if they didn't go somewhere remote. His parents were not super well off, but enough that they could move and start up a business. They bought a series of warehouses, which they rent to companies with business on Mon Calamari. Miko was a C student who cared little for school. He preferred to skip class and hang out with his friends, who would go around exploring places and smoke pot. His best friend was Bant Lilpok, a Mon Cala who wasn't exactly the brightest, but the nicest and most genuine person Miko had ever met. Early on he was introduced to Karson Talton, a human seven years older, who would hang out with the youngsters and show them the "big boy world". He was very nice to Miko and pulled all sorts of favours for him, including money to buy his first speeder. Eventually, Miko thought of him like a big brother, the kind he'd always wanted. He was the only person other than Miko's parents who knew that Miko could use the Force, a secret Miko gave in friendship. When Miko reached the age of 17, Karson decided it was time to reveal a secret: Karson was part of a local gang called Electric Vikings, and they'd love to have Miko join them. Miko hesitated, but Karson insisted that he'd give it a try. Humour him for all the favours he's done for Miko. The gang was responsible for plenty of crimes, the biggest of which were drug trafficking and large-scale theft of trade goods. Miko didn't get alone very well with most of the gang, who saw him as little more than a runt, but Holra Welborne, a red-headed firebrand human saw a cute lil bro in him. She tried to train him up to fight, since he was a puny shoestring to her. This mainly involved Miko getting the s%%% kicked out of him by Holra, who was very proficient in martial arts. She taught him everyone's nickname as well. Her's was Three-Fingers, since her left hand was missing her pinky and ring fingers due to a failed grenade throw. Karson was Razor, who unbeknownst to Miko was actually the leader of the gang. He's called Razor for the vibroblade he uses to slit throats. It was time for Miko to receive his hazing, or as they put it, a 'test of loyalty'. They were going to do a big raid on some restricted weapons. Miko was hesitant, but also kind of excited to finally be a true member of the team. When they arrived at the target, Miko realized that all the goods were in a warehouse that belonged to his family. The whole gang pressured him, and finally he relented. He used the code to enter the warehouse, and the gang stole every weapon they could get their hands on. His parents were sued into the ground as a result, and many companies refused to do business with them. This hurt Miko terribly. He spent even less time at home, and eventually picked up a part-time job so he could have enough money to move out. Razor got him a job at a mechanic's shop, called Broophu's (a fat Mon Cala mechanic) as a cleaner and toilet scrubber. He hated his job for the most part, but he got along well with most customers. A woman about his age (20ish) was surprisingly fond of him. Her name was Starjess Sappoli, and though he knew very little about her other than she's a chemistry student at the local university, she was very happy to visit Miko. She would tease him often about his 'stoner talk', and flirt with him although he did not clue in. A year had passed, and Razor decided it was past time Miko had an actual job in the gang. After considering a few options that he thought would suit Miko best, he offered to make Miko either a drug dealer, or a pimp. Miko did not like this at all. He just wanted to hang out, talk with people, ride speeders, smoke, and have fun. That one raid was more than enough crime for him. Razor reminded him of all the favours he'd done, how nice he was for including a Shoestring in the gang, to be part of a real family. This time, Miko refused. Two days later, Razor calls up on Miko's comlink. He wants to talk with Miko and offers him a joint in an abandoned building that they used to smoke at. Razor picks him up and drives him there. When they arrive, he takes Miko to the garage, and opens it to reveal a bound and gagged imperial trooper. Miko is shocked. Razor told him to kill this man, and all of Miko's debts will be forgiven. He'll never have to talk to Razor or the Vikings ever again. OR, if he doesn't, then Razor will reveal Miko as the one who set up the raid in the warehouse, and that he's a force sensitive. Miko is so emotional and panicked that his telepathy starts going off for everyone nearby to hear. Finally, he decides to do it, so he can finally be done with the Vikings.
Shortly after the death of the trooper, the imperials arrive to arrest Miko. Razor is already long gone, disappeared like a ghost.
Appearance and Personality:
Miko is tall and lanky, with little fat but also little muscle. He has short, blond hair that he never combs, but usually gels it forward in a raised peak. He has light blue eyes, and his cheeks and chin are covered in long fuzz scruff that barely counts as a beard. He wears a black leather jacket with studded shoulders, black jeans, leather boots, and a belt buckle that has two crossed vibro axes. When he's not around the gang, he prefers loose clothing like baggy hoodies and stretchy pants. Miko is a very relaxed person who likes chillin with his homies while smoking a joint. He tries to hide his feelings of anxiety, shame, and depression under a jovial, comical attitude. He is a master of "stoner talk", which helps give him an identity when interacting with people, who otherwise rarely remember his name. When his emotions start running wild, it is common for him to accidentally use telepathy to convey his emotions to nearby people. He finds that smoking weed really helps reduce this, as well as calm him down in general.