
Mike Hinds's page

Starfinder Charter Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 3 posts (24 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

11 people marked this as a favorite.

After reading the rulebook (and constantly needing to remind myself what those symbols meant - ugh the symbols) I came away with a few thoughts.

First impression: After two years this is what was created?

Next impressions:

What was wrong with the term "race"? Was this some kind of trigger word at Paizo?

Why the move from gold pieces to silver pieces? Fantasy world, fantasy economy.

Why the massive nerf to spellcasters? A wizard familiar is now a separate feat? Most of the time they're not going to be moving and as has been pointed out in other threads spells have been depowered and number of spells per day greatly limited.

Much of the changes feel like a movement of deck chairs on the Titanic. Sure it is vaguely different but overall many changes feel like change for change sake.

Needless complications with what gets added to die rolls. I'll not waste post space with the long list.

No true combat example in the rule book. Just some small bits but no complete combat example to show all the bits tying together.

Rules used as examples before they're introduced (a critical hit damage example that uses a magic weapon before the whole etchings or whatever they're called is explained and what they do - I thought it was a typo when I first read it).

Nothing thus far says "buy me, play me" when I have nearly a complete library of PF1e material. I dearly hope the company isn't betting on this to survive. I really hope you have a Plan B.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The rule book lost me with those icons for actions (at least I think that's what they were) that all look practically the same. I didn't find the system simpler or easier or otherwise in some way that says reject all my current Pathfinder books, modules, supplements, etc. Could play for years with what we have and this new thing seems new for new sake.

For example (adding complexity) why make the separate bits of spellcasting (verbal, somatic, material) all take separate actions? My reading of it (first reading) is a spell caster who casts a spell with V,S,M cannot move in a round.

Why change the base currency from gold to silver? No explanation given.

In the words of Jason B. during many a game day in Wisconsin: "meh".

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ryan Dancey wrote:
I recommend you read the New Player Guide before you start play!

You have then already failed if I have to read a guide to even start the game. There should be in game help, pop ups or other directions to point a new player in the right direction.

Furthermore, having to click on each NPC to find out its name was also not fun. If there was a command to display a name banner over their head I was unable to find it as I did hunt around for a list of commands.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would wait for something far more polished and not sign up and PAY to be alpha testers in this mess. Zero direction on character development, bizarre terminology (evidently license related) and starting a fantasy game with a club and no idea what to do - not even being able to hit the combat dummy - does not a good first impression make.