Gelatinous Cube

Mike Helfer's page

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Being an Eberron addict, I have set my AoW campaign in Eberron. Converting Whispering Cairn was easy as pie. Change a name here, change a location there, and BOOM it was converted. However, 3 Faces of Evil presents a different problem. Each of the dungeons in 3FoE are designed to reflect the flavor and belief of the different gods, and The Ebon Aspect is an amalgamation of the 3 gods. That said, what should I do to change the adventure to Eberron.

What kind of changes should I make to the dungeons to reflect the flavor of The Shadow, The Keeper, and The Mockery?

What changes should I make to the Ebon Aspect in order to reflect these three gods?

Has anyone else converted 3FoE to Eberron? If so could you post your stat changes or ideas?
