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Hi everyone.

I wanted to know if anyone knew if there was some guidance somewhere within Starfinder about proper level rating and Gear for various kind of Soldiers or foes as the Alien Archive was rather... light on such matters.

Specifically I wanted an idea of what level/CR and what gear level the following would have:

- A professional properly trained an equipped soldier. (AKA the Sci Fi version of First World armies)
- Veteran/Advanced infantry (AKA Sci Fi Royal Marine Corps, Foreign Legion or the Martian Marines from The Expanse)
- Elite Special Forces (aka Space SAS, SEAL Team 6...).

In all in universe logic, the elite troops of a space nation should have the very best equipment money can buy, but the Alien Archive does give the example of such soldiers with the Azlanti Empire and, despite supposing to be really high tech have really weak gear if you compare to what is available on the high end.

Anyone got any guidance ?

Hi everyone.

As part of designing a world heavy with intrigue, I wanted to get some opinions on the Setting wide consequences of the Raise Dead spell, in particular when it come to targeted assassination.

In fiction (and to some degree in reality too), assassins tend to prefer using subtle and discrete methods to kill their target, sometimes making it look like an accident. Sniper rifles, stabbing, poison, accidents, they enable to commit the deed and avoid alerting every cop and bodyguard in a 10 mile radius of the assassin's presence.

The problem comes with this fact: Raise Dead costs 5000 credits + dealer markup to make happen and pretty much anyone worth sending an assassin after will easily have the financial means or backers to guarantee they'll be back up the very next day unless steps are taken to make sure the body is too damaged or impossible to recover.

In fantasy settings, casters able to do this were too rare and far most settings so murdered kings/lords... could still stay dead. However, in a future setting where Abadar Corp probably offers literal life insurance and every major faction, mafia and government probably has their own pet high level mystics to raise their VIPs/leaders/key witnesses back from the dead how can an honest Red Mantis assassin perform their deadly trade and ensure the target stays dead ?

As mentioned before, the traditional methods tend to leave a fairly intact corpse so that's not really an option. So how do you figure assassins work in Starfinder ? Do they use heavy weapons that turn the target into a red stain ? Do aircar bomb suddenly become popular ? Does the business resort to kidnap and kill ?

Hi everyone.

As part of preparing some factions for a campaign, I began going through the ship design rules in order to build some warships. The rules are mostly ok, save for one aberration that doesn't compute with me: hangar bays take 4 expansion bays, yet only house 8 tiny ships.

Am I reading this right ? Because going by my math, that means a carrier hull can only hold 16 fighters top, all the while being gargantuan scale (2000-15000ft). Meanwhile, in real life, aircraft carriers smaller than this can carry between 20 (Cavour, 800ft) and 80 aircraft (USS Gerald Ford, 1092ft).

Am I reading the book wrong ? Is it a typo or did the designers really intend to downplay the Imperial Star Destroyer with its swarms of Tie Fighters trope ?