
Micar Youxia's page

167 posts. Alias of Eric Sklavos.

Full Name

Micar Youxia




Magus 2/Unchained Rogue 1: [HP:21/21] [AC:20 T:16 F:14] [ Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4] [CMD 16] [Init:+4, Percep:+8]

Active Abilities:
Wakizashi +1

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Micar Youxia

Micar Youxia
Magus (Bladebound Kensai Archetypes) 2 / Unchained Rogue 1

Lawful Neutral Half-Drow

Initiative: +4
Senses: Perception +7, Darkvision 60’, Light Blindness

Tracked Resources:

Arcane Pool: 3/4
Dancing Lights: 1/1
Darkness: 1/1
Faerie Fire: 1/1

AC20 Touch 15, Flat-Footed 12, W/out Weapon 16(+4 DEX, +2 Dodge, +4 Armor)
hp21 (3d8 + 3 CON )
Fort:+5Ref:+7 Will:+4
Special Defense: Canny Defense, Immune to Sleep, +2 vs. Enchantment

Speed: 30 ft.
(Wakizasi +1) +7 (1d6+5/18-20)
Wakizashi +6 (1d6+4 / 18-20)
Dagger +5 [1d4+4 / 19-20]
Light Crossbow +5 (1d8 / 19-20)

Special Abilities: Sneak Attack 1d6

Str10 Dex18 Con12 Int16 Wis10 Cha8
Base Atk+1 CMB+1 CMD16
FeatsWeapon Focus (Wakizashi), Combat Reflexes, Weapon Finesse, Slashing Grace (Wakizashi)
** Skills not listed are untrained **
Acrobatics +10
Craft (Weapons) +9 Background Skill
Disable Device +10
Escape Artist +8
Knowledge (Arcana) +7
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7
Knowledge (Engineering) +7
Knowledge (Local) +7
Knowledge (Planes) +7
Lore (Famous Weapons) +9 Background Skill
Perception +8
Sleight of Hand +8
Spellcraft +9
Stealth +9
Use Magic Device +3

Languages: Common, Tian, Draconic, Elven, Undercommon, Terran


Racial Traits:
Elf Immunities: Immune to Sleep, +2 vs. Enchantment
Keen Senses: +2 Perception
Drow Blooded: Darkvision 60’, Light Blindness
Drow Magic: Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire (sp) 1/day

Favored Class: Magus (+1 Skill point)

Bladed Magic
Arcane Revitalization

Magus Abilities:
Arcane Pool: As a swift action, can expend 1 point in arcane pool to give current held weapon a +1 enhancement bonus for two minutes. Current Arcane Pool: 4
Spell Combat: Can cast and wield weapon as two-weapon fighting.
Weapon and Armor Profs: Kensai has no armor proficiency and is only proficient in simple weapons plus one weapon of choice (Wakizashi).
Diminished Spellcasting: Kensai cast 1 fewer spell of each level than normal.
Canny Defense: Adds 1 point of Intelligence Bonus to AC as Dodge bonus for each level of Magus.
Weapon Focus: Gains Weapon Focus (Wakizashi) as bonus feat
Spellstrike: Use melee attack to deliver touch spells.

Unchained Rogue Abilities:
Finesse Training: Gains Weapon Finesse Feat
Sneak Attack: 1d6
Trapfinding: +1 Disable Device and Perception vs. Traps

Spellbook (Confiscated):

0-Level: All 0 Level Spells
1st Level: Shocking Grasp, Chill Touch, Vanish, Shield, True Strike, Burning Hands, Reduce Person, Frostbite

Spells Memorized:
1. Detect Magic
2. Read Magic
3. Arcane Mark

1st Level
1. Chill Touch
2. Shocking Grasp


0 gp

Bolt with drow poison
Mithril Chain Shirt
Cloak of Resistance +1
Pearl of Power (1st)
dagger (2)
silk rope, 50' w/ Grappling Hook
light crossbow
bolts (20)
Thieve's Tools
Belt Pouches
Alchemist Fire (2)
Acid Flask (2)
Alkali Flask (2)


The dark purplish skin, long white hair, and pale eyes instantly reveal Micar’s drow heritage. Trying to keep a low profile, the 5’7” slender male sits alone against the wall furthest from the cave entrance. Anyone attempting to converse with him is met with a curt response; an obvious attempt to continue his stay in solitude. If observed for any length of time, he can often be seen sitting with his eyes closed, almost as if in meditation, his right hand making subtle but fluid movements almost as if exercising some form of ritual or routine. Micar finishes his meditation and continues his normal routine of watching the movements and habits of the prisoners and guards alike.


The young disciple opened the door. He could barely hear the knocking over the songs of the cicadas. ”Chu Wen! Chu Wen! Come quick! She needs your help!” A young monk goes running back down the hall, while the other stands over the pregnant tian woman who has collapsed at front door of the Unclouded Peak Monastery. The Irori monastery is located up the mountain about 2000 feet above the nearest town of Hu Ming. The obvious elder comes running to her aid, ”She’s in labor, bring her inside.” The two disciples pick up the woman and follow Chu Wen to the nearest bed. The woman is woken up and labor is long and painful, and ultimately fatal for the mother. Upon birth, the two disciples are taken aback by the child’s dark purple skin and pale eyes. One points at the child, ”He’s . . .he’s . . a . . .” Chu Wen interrupts his disciple, ”Half-Tian. Yes, I see that, and he will be raised tian by the disciples of Irori.” Taking a moment to himself, I guess it has been about 9 months since the invasion. That portal had been inactive for centuries. . . .

It’s been 16 years since he was born. 16 years training under Chu Wen. Though Chu Wen treated him as good (sometimes better) as his other disciples, the name he was given, Youxia, is a constant reminder that he’s different; he doesn’t belong. Soon, he’ll walk out the front door for the last time . . .

Chu Wen was a master swordsman and blacksmith. He trained most of his disciples with the katana, but the long-blade the others took to never felt right in Youxia’s hand. He prefered grace and dexterity of the shorter blade over power and strength. He also found an affinity to magic, probably from his drow heritage, and the katana was much too clumsy to combine his gift of magic and his sword training. As he got older, Youxia noticed that only Chu Wen would approach him. His training consumed him; it was all he really had in this place. When he wasn’t training with Chu Wen in the forge or on the training grounds, he spent most of his free time in the library, mostly at night while everyone else was asleep; studying up on history, swordplay, and magic. He studied the drow and the histories of the invasions.

One night he found an old legend of a drow and a tian blacksmith. The legend states that several centuries ago a drow invaded and killed a blacksmith. This wasn’t just any blacksmith, this blacksmith had just finished a blade created from a piece of the Earthfall meteor. He had nearly 30 years invested in this sword, and it was a beauty. Though, not enough material to make a katana, the wakizashi was perfectly balanced. The handle was made of Mithril, and had ribbons of gold inlayed in a simple pattern. At first glance, the blade looked like obsidian, but upon closer inspection had veins of green and purple swirling through the material, almost as if dancing with each other. The sword was going to be presented to the monastery elder as a gift, but it never got there. The cicadas were loud that night, and the blacksmith never heard him coming. A drow invader broke down the door of the blacksmith’s home and instantly spotted the prized weapon. As the drow grabbed the newly finished sword, the blacksmith rushed to rescue the culmination of his life’s work, but instead was met with the point of his own sword. The blacksmith was devastated, and it is said the blacksmith couldn’t let go of the sword and his essence still hangs onto it seeking revenge. The blade was known from then on as T’rissmacar. Drow for Lost Blade. . .

Youxia had heard rumors of another half-drow living in the village at the base of the mountain. The village his mother was from. Chu Wen wouldn’t allow Youxia to leave the monastery until he was sixteen, when he was of age to make that choice. The night of his sixteenth birthday, Youxia walked down the mountain. He walked through the village, which was mostly deserted. It was new and invigorating. He didn’t converse with anyone, especially since the few people he did see kept their distance and gave him dirty looks. That’s just as well, he didn’t feel like talking to anyone anyway. Walking down the mountain was now part of Youxia’s daily routine. After about a month of doing this, he found the other half-drow at the base of the stairs, waiting for him. Her name was Ha-Ming and she had heard of another half-drow wandering through town at night. They immediately hit it off, and made the nightly meetings a routine. They talked about traveling together and seeing more of the world. It was a comfort to both of them knowing there is someone else who feels out of place as well, and they both found solace in each other's’ arms.

About 2 months had gone by of Youxia and Ha-Ming meeting every night when the cicadas started singing again. That night there was a faint glow off in the distance outside of town. The two of them went to investigate when they were confronted by three drow. They immediately attacked the half-breeds. Youxia fought one of them and slayed him, but while he was locked in battle, the other two captured Ha-Ming and dragged her away. Youxia ran after them, and saw them drag Ha-Ming through the portal in the side of the mountain. Without hesitation Youxia ran after them. He jumped through the portal and ended up inside the mountain? No, this doesn’t feel right. After crossing through the portal, he was immediately queasy and sick. No, not inside the mountain, much deeper than that. As he lied there trying to gain his bearings he was forced to his feet. ”You look lost, half-breed. You’re strong though, you’ll do. Come on . . . Micar.”

I’ve been in this place for three days. The damn guards keep calling me “Micar.” I guess it’s fitting considering I have no idea where I’m at. Three days, still no sign of Ha-Ming, though I guess I probably wouldn’t see her as I was sold off to this drow witch. I’ve got to find a way out. I’ve got to find Ha-Ming . . .