Full Name |
Mia Marshal Pierce |
Race |
Razorclaw Shifter |
Classes/Levels |
Ranger 1 |
Gender |
Female |
Size |
Medium (6' 4"- 175 lbs.) |
Age |
17 |
Alignment |
Good |
Strength |
15 |
Dexterity |
16 |
Constitution |
15 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
15 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Mia Marshal Pierce
Mia Marshall Pierce
Female Razorclaw Shifter Ranger
Level 1
From Baldur's Gate
Representing Awakeninfinity
Strength 15 (+2)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 8 (-1)
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 175 lb
Skin: Light
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue Straight
Maximum Hit Points: 32 [includes toughness]
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges / Day: 8 [includes constitution modifier]
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Initiative: 1d20 +5 = + 3 [dexterity] + 2 [quick draw]
Base Strength Attack: 1d20 +2 = + 2 [strength]
Base Dexterity Attack: 1d20 +3 = + 3 [dexterity]
Base Constitution Attack: 1d20 +2 = + 2 [constitution]
Base Intelligence Attack: 1d20 +0 = + 0 [intelligence]
Base Wisdom Attack: 1d20 +2 = + 2 [wisdom]
Base Charisma Attack: 1d20 -1 = -1 [charisma]
Armor Class: 16 = 10 + 3 [dexterity] + 3 [Hide)]
Fortitude Defense: 13 = 10 + 1 [ranger] + 2 [constitution]
Reflex Defense: 14 = 10 + 1 [ranger] + 3 [dexterity]
Will Defense: 12 = 10 + 2 [wisdom]
If your campaign uses the fixed-enhancement bonus system [PH2/Dark Sun], level 1 characters get +0 on attack/damage (0d6 extra damage on a critical hit) and +0 on all defenses. These bonuses do not stack with magic items.
Armor: Hide) (25 lb)
Shield: None
Unarmed Melee: +2 [base strength attack] vs AC; damage 1[W]=1d4+2 [strength bonus]
Scimitar: +4 vs AC [+2 strength attack] [+2 proficiency]; damage 1[W]=1d8+2 [strength bonus] 4 lb (Heavy blade) High crit
Shortbow: +5 vs AC [+3 dexterity attack] [+2 proficiency]; damage 1[W]=1d8+3 [dexterity bonus] range 15/30 2 lb (Bow) Load free, small
Hit and Run +2w [base strength attack] vs AC
Twin Strike +2w [base strength attack] vs AC
Twin Strike +3w [base dexterity attack] vs AC
Two Fanged Strike (melee) +2w [base strength attack] vs AC
Two Fanged Strike (ranged) +3w [base dexterity attack] vs AC
Hunter's Beartrap (melee) +2w [base strength attack] vs dexterity
Hunter's Beartrap (ranged) +3w [base dexterity attack] vs AC
w Weapon-based power. Apply adjustments for proficiency, situation, feats, magic, etc.
Base Saving throw: d20 vs 10
Encumberance 4e
Normal Load:
Heavy Load:
Maximum Drag Load
150 lb.
300 lb.
750 lb.
Encumberance 3.5
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
66 lb. or less
67-133 lb.
134-200 lb.
200 lb.
400 lb.
1000 lb.
Languages: Common; Dwarven; Elven; Chondathan [FRPG];
Rituals Known:
Acrobatics: +11 = 3 [dexterity] + 2 [Razorclaw Shifter] +5 [class training] + 2 [background] -1 [armor]
Arcana: +0 = 0 [intelligence]
Athletics: +6 = 2 [strength] +5 [class training]-1 [armor]
Bluff: -1 = -1 [charisma]
Diplomacy: -1 = -1 [charisma]
Dungeoneering: +2 = 2 [wisdom]
Endurance: +1 = 2 [constitution] -1 [armor]
Heal: +2 = 2 [wisdom]
History: +0 = 0 [intelligence]
Insight: +2 = 2 [wisdom]
Intimidate: -1 = -1 [charisma]
Nature: +7 = 2 [wisdom] +5 [class training]
Perception: +7 = 2 [wisdom] +5 [class training]
Religion: +0 = 0 [intelligence]
Stealth: +9 = 3 [dexterity] + 2 [Razorclaw Shifter] +5 [class training]-1 [armor]
Streetwise: +1 = -1 [charisma] + 2 [Baldur's Gate]
Thievery: +2 = 3 [dexterity] -1 [armor]
Melee Basic Attack: By weapon, damage 1[W]+2 [strength bonus] [standard action]
Ranged Basic Attack: By weapon, damage 1[W]+3 [dexterity bonus] [standard action]
Bull Rush: +2 [base strength attack] vs fortitude [standard action]
Grab: +2 [base strength attack] vs reflex [standard action]
Move grabbed target: +2 [base strength attack] vs fortitude [standard action]
Escape: +11 [acrobatics] vs reflex / +6 [athletics] vs fortitude [move action]
Hunter's Quarry [Ranger][minor action] [see online revision]
Hit and Run [Level 1]
Twin Strike [Level 1]
Other Standard Actions: Administer a potion; Aid another [revised: skill check vs. 10+level/2, success helps +2, failure hurts -1]; Charge [+1 to basic melee attack or bull rush]; Coup de grace; Equip / stow shield; Ready an action; Total defense; Sustain standard action; Some skills during combat (i.e., Acrobatics -- fast escape; Bluff, Heal -- first aid (use second wind DC10, stabilize the dying DC15, grant a saving throw DC15), Intimidate, Thievery depending on circumstances);
Other Move Actions: Crawl; Run [speed 8]; Stand up; Shift; Squeeze; Walk; may include some skills during combat (i.e., Acrobatics, Athletics); half of a Double Move (if taken in place of a standard action)
Other Minor Actions: Draw / sheathe weapon; Drink a potion; Drop prone; Load a crossbow; Open / close a door; Pick up an item; Retrieve / stow an item; Perception -- active (as per revision), Sustain minor action; Some skills during combat (i.e., Insight)
Other Immediate Actions: Readied action
Other Opportunity Actions: Opportunity attack
Other Free Actions: Drop held items; End a grab; Talk
Other Non-Actions: Delay; Endurance checks; Insight to counter Bluff; Knowledge checks; Perception -- passive
Short rest: Healing surges as available
Five minutes: Normal escape from restraints (Acrobatics)
One hour: Forage; Streetwise check
Encounter Powers:
Second Wind
Spend an Action Point [free action, not in surprise round]
Razorclaw Shifting [Razorclaw Shifter][minor action]
Surefooted Stride [Explorer][move action]
Two Fanged Strike [Level 1]
Daily Powers:
Hunter's Beartrap [Level 1]
Razorclaw Shifter
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom (already included)
+2 Acrobatics, +2 Stealth
Razorclaw Shifting (when bloodied; see Monster Manual)
Player characters from Baldur's Gate get to choose one additional language, have streetwise as a class skill option, and get +2 on streetwise checks.
This ranger chose the Running Attack class feature [MP2] instead of Prime Shot.
This ranger chose the two-blade style. This gives the equivalent of the toughness feat [not listed above].
Hunter's Quarry [see online revision] -- bonus damage 1d6 [minor action]
Player's Handbook I rangers get base 6 healing surges but Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms rangers get 7. Perhaps your ranger should get an extra daily surge.
Theme: Explorer [Dragon 399]
Level 1: Surefooted stride lets you move up to your speed despite difficult terrain, +2 to AC and reflex if in difficult terrain, combat advantage against foes in difficult terrain; +5 to all skillchecks to find and keep your way, always know north
Level 5:
Level 10: +1 on fortitude, + on saves vs ongoingpoison damage
Mia Marshall Pierce's Equipment:
31 lb
3 lb
2 lb
5 lb
4 lb
2 lb
1 lb
10 lb
5 lb
2 lb
4 lb
1 lb
70 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Arrows (quiver of 30) x1
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Pouch (belt) x1
Rations (1 day) x10
Rope (50', silk) x1
Sunrods x2
Waterskins x1
Magic items:
Action Point Tally:
Daily Item Powers Per Day: Heroic Tier Milestones: / / /
Death Saving Throw Failures:
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