
Metaphor's page

3 posts. Alias of psionichamster.


Travel Journal, days 23-26In the morning after we salvaged what we could from the Jenivere, Foggerton Brasshammer suggested we reconnoiter the island. Looking at the charts we found, and comparing what we've all heard about this place, it seems there's a lighthouse somewhere on the southeast shore.

There's also talk of cannibal humans running around this place; I hope that's just a horrible rumor, but the way our luck is going, there's no telling. There are definitely some dangerous predators around, though. We met some of them along the way through the jungle.

Foggerton Brasshammer really is a fantastic guide. He seems to pick out the most easily traveled paths without fail. Between him and Meekra, we have been fortunate so far. A couple of large snakes, some flying dinosaur-bird things, and a huge crab bigger than me, this place is just teeming with dangerous fauna.

I would hazard a guess that the flora is probably just as bad, overall.

We really seem to be gelling as a team, at least. Foggerton Brasshammer and Meekra usually take point, going as quietly and stealthily as possible. Simile and I take up the middle, usually near Ginnie Weasley, while Elian Falconsflight brings up the rear. Almost everyone is a good sneak, but only Meekra is nearly as good as me. No-one can compare to Simile, of course, but what do you expect from a cat?

We scouted a good bit of distance from our first base camp, and even camped out in the jungle for a couple nights now. I think we're going to move the basecamp further south along the shore; there's a big clearing on top of a hill, where we found some treasure chests. That'll make for a better spot, I think.

We even managed to find those berry things for Aerys Movato, so everyone is gonna get the things they asked for: Sasha Nevah got her very own dinosaur-bird-thing-pet, Ishirou got a fistful of gemstones, Aerys Movata got her "I don't want to drink anymore" berries, Jask Derindi got the paperwork from the Brine Demon. We just have to find some paperwork from the Nightvoice for Gerik Aberwhinge, and our team will be completely solid.

I have high hopes for the days to come!

Travel Journal, Day 22

Boy, oh boy, was that a bad night. These marginal notations in my spellbook will have to suffice until I can get another full size writing journal. Thank Sivanah for my waterproof travel bag.

At least we woke up, there's that to be thankful for, I guess.

As best as I can piece together, the 10 of us left are the only survivors of the Jenivere's shipwreck.

Foggerton Brasshammer, Elian Falconsflight, Meekra, Ginnie Weasley, Gelik Aberwhinge, Aerys Mavato, Ishirou, Sasha Neva, Jask Derindi, and myself all found ourselves on the beach this morning. Poor Meekra woke up to find some euryterids trying to gnaw on her toe bones.

Luckily, she kept a blade up her sleeve, and was able to stab the one off her while Foggerton Brasshammer and I tried to assist. Blinding Rays don't work on these things, I think they don't really use their eyes to see. Arrows, however, seem to work just fine. Foggerton Brasshammer shot two of them, and no one got really hurt, thank the gods.

Once we checked out everyone, and figured out we were stuck on some little island called Smuggler's Shiv, we started putting together a plan to survive. Everyone is fairly nice, thankfully, and with a bit of logic and flirting, we were able to get everyone to agree we have to stick together. Ishirou, Sasha Neva, Gelik Aberwhinge, and Aerys Mavato all want stuff from the island or nearby shipwrecks. Once we freed Jask Derindi from his manacles, he also promised to help out. Having an honest-to-goodness Cleric will help so very much.

We split up there a bit, with our "home team," consisting of Sasha Neva, Jask Derindi, Gilek Aberwhinge, Aerys Mavato and Ishirou, in charge of getting a shelter, securing the perimeter, and trying to secure some more foodstuffs. The "away team," consisting of Elian Falconsflight, Foggerton Brasshammer, Ginnie Weasley, Meekra, and myself, suited up and went off to salvage what we could from the Jenivere.

On board, we found another, bigger euryteridid, which we stabbed to death super fast. We also found the bodies of Alton Devers and Rambar Terillo. The first mate had been stabbed with a rapier and also stung by those sea scorpion things, while the cook appeared to have been bitten by a big poisonous snake. Saddened, we still thanked them both for helping us out, and took everything we could carry.

That amounted to canvas sheets, fishing nets, bullseye lanterns, 12 flasks of oil, some shovels, a block & tackle, some 150' of rope (Foggerton Brasshammer was super happy about the rope), keys (including the key to the manacles we took off Jask Derindi), several sea charts and maps, some pricey brandy (Foggerton Brasshammer claimed that), a bottle with a tiny carved Jenivere inside, and a coffer with 350 gp in it. There were even Alton Dever's masterwork armor and shortsword.

We also found the emergency supply kit, with potions of Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Remove Disease, Water Breathing,andWater Walking, and Jask Derindi's gear. I made sure we gave back Jask Derindi's stuff (minus the potions, because we were likely to need them soon), as soon as he asked for it.

We piled the whole bunch into the broken lifeboat and dragged it back to camp. The home team had done good in our absence, with food cooked, a fire made, shelters prepared, and everyone in fairly good spirits. I hope we can keep up this camaraderie, since sad and angry humans are often the most dangerous kind of animal.

Travel Journal, Day 21:

Our ship, the Merchant Vessel Jenivere is proving to be a fun and most interesting place to be. There are lots more passengers than I though would be on board, and even another gnome, Gilek. I think he's some kind of bard or storyteller guy, and he talks even more than I do.

So far, I have managed to not lose any money (after the expense of passage & food on board, of course) to my fellow travelers, but haven't turned a profit, either. A pity I had to leave my old tools and supplies back in Mediogalti, but that red-headed human was just to fascinating to pass up.

Mostly so I won't forget who they are, or what stories I've told each of them, I will list my companions' names and stories here.

Captain Alivandus Kovack seems a solid, no-nonsense sort of fellow. He gave me the usual "don't touch anything, don't steal anything, etc..." lecture all captains seem to give gnomes, but other than that, he's kept to himself mostly.

First Mate Alton Devers is much nicer, especially for a human. He laughs at our jokes and seems quite interested in swapping tales, so long as all the shipboard chores get done. He hasn't so much as raised his voice in anger, yet the crew jumps at his simplest order.

Cook Rhambar Terillo serves some decent soup. I could hope someday, somehow he'd make something other than soup, but at least I can make it taste good.

Aerys Mavato, another half-elf wanderer it seems, keeps to herself. I heard some of the crew talking about her picking a fight, but I haven't seen anything like that. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen her out of her little area down below.

Gelik Aberwhinge is a fellow gnome, and a good conversationalist, if a bit self-centered. I suppose when one is a well-known performer from Absalom, it's natural to talk about onself. He does seem to go on and on and on, though. It's nice to talk in gnomish again, at least. Simile's a good enough listener, but he can't add much to the exchange beyond "Meow."

Ieana is a nice enough Varisian scholar. She keeps to herself mostly, and doesn't seem interested in dice, cards, or anything fun. Silly archaeologists.

Ishirou sure does love that sword he's carrying. He calls it a "katana" on the few times I've heard him actually talk. He definitely seems like the type to get in trouble, and probably cut his way out of it. I think I'm gonna try to stick close to him or the dwarf.

Sasha Neva is the gorgeous, sulky, eyes-too-sad-to-be-happy reason I'm on this boat. When I saw her pass the shop on Ilizmagorti, joking, smiling, and flirting, I knew I had to get to know her better. Humans are so very strange...she obviously doesn't mean what she says, but if you pretend right back, she seems to be having the best time ever. Fascinating.

Jask Derindi is a dreadlocked Mwangi fellow, who the captain has kept locked up for the entire trip. I guess he's being shuttled somewhere for some kind of personal vengeance / justice thing. I don't agree with that, but it's Captain Kocack's ship. Doesn't seem right, though.

Meekra is a full-on Elf. I haven't seen too many of them kicking around the islands, even less that want to go adventuring. She's sharp witted and quick with her knife, and she deals with traps & locks SO much better than me. Maybe I can get her to spring Jask sometime.

Ginnie Weasley is a funny, cute little halfling. She keeps a spellbook close to hand, but she doesn't have any spells in there; instead, she's taking notes on all the weird things humans do. I think we'll get along nicely, especially since she seems to appreciate my insights from time to time. Simile likes her frog, too, but I have to make sure he doesn't lick it like Ginnie. She goes into a trance every morning afterward for an hour.

Elian Falconsflight, another half-elf traveler keeps summoning instruments and strumming along. I think he's trying to compose some huge epic song thing and sell it. At least, that's what I'd be doing if I could just make instruments show up out of nothing. I asked him how he did that, but the spell just doesn't work right when I try. He says its cantrip magic, but I don't have it in my book; maybe it's Necromancy or Enchantment....

Foggerton Brasshammer is the toughest, strongest Dwarf I have ever traveled with. He's got all these weapons and stuff, and he's always stroking his beard and looking all thoughtful out into the distance. His ale is super tasty, but way way too strong for me. If there's a fight, I'm definitely hiding behind him.

Well, they just told me we're going to have a fancy dress-up dinner tonight. I hope Gelik, Elian, and me get a chance to put on a's been too long since I got to do lights and sound for a production.