Metal "The Charm"
F Centaur Brawler (LVL 6)
CG Large Centaur
Init +3; Perception +11
AC 23, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+5 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Nat, +2 Shield, -1 Size, +1 Deflect)
hp 71 (1d10+5)
Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +9 (Cloak of resist +2, Earn Your Freedom, Iron Will)
Base Atk +6; CMB +12, CMD 25
Speed 80 ft.
[dice=Constructed Arm] 1d20 + 13[/dice] [dice=damage] 1d8 + 7 [/dice]
Unarmed Strike (1d8+7/20 x2)
Medium MW Dagger +6 (1d4+3/19-20 x2)
[dice=Unarmed Strike] 1d20+8[dice] [dice=dmg] 1d4+8 [/dice]
[dice=MW dag] 1d20+8[dice] [dice=dmg] 1d4+4 [/dice]
Unarmed strikes apply poison on failed fort. save, DC = 18, DMG = 5
Unarmed strikes have lingering poison, must make another save after initial round or take the damage again (DC=18,DMG=5)
Unarmed strikes apply one of these conditions chosen per long rest: fatigued, shaken, or sickened
CMB for a Dirty trick is 17, can apply 2 conditions if in Kitsune
Statistics final, racial, start, level, item
Str 20, +4, 16,
Dex 16, +2 , 13, +1
Con 20, +2 , 16, -, +2
Int 10, - , 10
Wis 14, +2 , 12
Cha 10, - , 10
Feats: Dirty Fighting, Improved Dirty Trick, Greater Dirty Trick, Improved Unarmed Strike, Kitsune Style, Kitsune Tricks
Earning Your Freedom: Choose one of the three categories of saving throw (WILL); you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws of that type.
Iron Will: provides a +1 trait bonus to Will saving throws.
Dirty Trickster: +1 to Dirty Trick
Perception +11
Climb +9
Craft(Arms) +8
Escape Artist +12
Handle Animal +4
Intim +9
Knowledge(Dung) +6
Knowledge(Loc) +5
Ride +7
Sense Motive +6
Swim +9
[spoiler=Description]Metal is a 7’5, 2400 pound Centaur with a slightly gloomy disposition. On the left side of her body, various metal apparatus replace the arm up to the shoulder, transitioning into a mainly biological form on the right side of her body.