Mesa Silvertail's page
121 posts. Alias of DarkRabbit.

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa had been to the memorial and the mood was particularly dour after such an event.
Still what annoyed her the most was that she had yet to put together a proper ballad of the group she had been conscripted to and their adventures. There were quite a few heroic deeds , and more insults to direct at rocky, and finding the proper theme for them had been rather difficult.
As such as she set up , she had a plan of what to play, it was an older tune from a place she had visited called Dunwall.
Honestly she didn't recall when she had been there, though she did recall they had an issue with rats.
That led to another issue.
She needed to figure out what was going on with her memory and why the Kotodama had been so odd when she felt that presence.
In any event she knew the team Ruby group was going to carry on with whatever it was they were going to do.
Mesa was going to skip that.
Perhaps some time in the future they may cross paths again, but for now, she and Boo were going to head their own way.
Well after this celebration.
" And here we go.. Mesa muttered starting the faint strains of her shamisen before switching to a drum beat as another musician played fiddle.
"Oooooh honor for all....."

Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
DM Blayde MacRonan wrote: Rohan Scythe wrote: I would like to make a personal request, but thats up to the DM. I would like to continue on without wound thresholds. But its your game so I am down with whatever you decide. As the wound threshold optional rule is actually a highlight of my attempt to deliver a more cinematic experience with regard to this campaign, my first impulse is to say no.
However, I'm going to see what the players currently active in the original game (those characters not being NPC'd by me) think and have them vote on the issue. Rohan has already given his vote of no.
That leaves Kyt, Liesel-Marie, Mesa, and Nyym to give their votes. I will get a hold of Mesa's player to see if they wish to participate in this (Mesa is still active up until the end of the ceremony in this chapter).
In the event of tie (which could happen if Mesa decides to abstain), then I, as DM, will cast the deciding vote (and we already know how that will turn out if it does indeed come to that).
Honestly i didn't have any issues with it, and it's not the first time that optional rule has been used. It adds a lot more depth to the game than just. Oh you have this number to reduce before you are down. Truth be told there were a number of instances where it was more helpful to us as the opponents got weakened. i say keep it , adds a interesting dimension.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"Already tried looking them over. These things are being stubborn. I might be able to figure out fully what they do later, but i'd need a bit of time... and some rather pricey regents to be honest." Mesa pointed out, gesturing to the objects that resisted the identification.
" About the only thing I can make use of out of this collection is the gem. And maybe the leather armor if we figure out what it is. And even that might still be better used by some one who gets close enough to get hit by things." Mesa considered tapping her chin. "And by only thing that I can use I did not include the gold and gems in that statement because I cannot think of a situation where I would not need some gold and gems."
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"Oh that better not be a Kumo..." Mesa grumbled glad she had time to rest, still there had to be something she could do quickly though one thing came to mind.
While it wouldn't help rocky directly, it would allow everyone else to lay the smacketh down on this spider.
"...Body's aching all the time..." Mesa singsonged as she drew out her shamisen.
Reveal Weakness. When you activate this school power as a standard action, you select a foe within 30 feet. That creature takes a penalty to its AC and on saving throws equal to 1/2 your caster level (minimum –1) for 1 round.
I've also prepped to start playing next round.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
if i nap for 2 i can burn through my heal spells to get every one up more then nap for two more to get them back again.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
i can use the alchemy gear but then again so can every one else, the only thing that stands out in this pile is the vial of singers solution which i might down immediately just so i can be useful a bit longer. if i'm recalling the effects of it right.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"Maybe the letter refers to an anvil or a type of mineral?" Mesa shrugged." I don't know much about metal working."
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"Not sure i'll be much help, I'm pretty well spent." Mesa muttered leaning on her drums, the ACID dripping tendrils every one had fading as the music died off. Before long even Boo's flame claws faded as well."I'll help where I can, but don't expect any decent spell slinging or help carrying anything too heavy, I'm a bard after all." Mesa huffed, looking to her she looked like she had when she was forced to join the party a Min-kai woman in a simple garb with some leather armor. Any hint of the tails or ears was long gone along with the music.
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
And you have my shamasen.... wait... am i the only one offering something.... well then you can't have it cause it's mine.....
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
This had gone on far longer than Mesa liked and she was currently scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of her spells.
She really needed a nap and a cookie..... several in fact..... of both of those.
"Despite all that bedazzleing dudes still pretty much walking darkness... so i'm gonna shoot a magic missle at the darkness."
While still working the beat to the music Mesa made a quick gesture at the Raggedy man.
" Out of the doorway the bullets rip, to the sound of the beat."
Magic Missle
MM: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 3) + 2 = 7
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa narrowed her eyes this could go better.
"Great, you're up. Here." Mesa drops a wand into Aodhán's lap. " That's a magic stick, it can hit once, it can hit twice..... and it offers healing. Little busy at the moment so if you could be so kind as to poke yourself with it if you can. other wise give it to my flaming tentacled chicken over there and he might be able to use it.[b/]
A pair of vulpine ears pop up out of the black hair atop Mesa's head the ears matching her long tresses, likely having always been there just not noticeable with her hair.
[b] " What fool is daring to play a fiddle in my drum solo?" Mesa growls her ears flattening back to her head as she bares her fanged teeth." i have a bad feeling about this......."
Move action to drop the wand of cure light as i'm already next to Aodhán. other wise still playing i've got one first level spell left for next round.
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa narrowed her eyes as she played, Boo returning to her side as she moved upright behind Aodhán still maintaining the music that gave the mutation. A quick glance to the fallen man allowed her to gauge she had time for one other thing before she needed to help him.
Her gaze lifted to the Raggedy Man as she considered before smirking.
" One golden glance of what should be..."
glitter dust will save 17
A bright explosion of sparkling light seems to burst from close behind the Raggedy man painting the area around him with craft store herpes....., glitter, I mean glitter.

Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa let out a small sigh. This was getting insane. She needed to calm herself a little, take stock, find the center.....
Nertz to that!
” OH YOU DID NOT JUST HIT MY CHICKEN!!!!” Mesa shouted at the double baring fangs as the air around her flashed with fire and light. When it cleared her black haired seemed to flow around her along with four black vulpine tails.
alter self
The orc drums were before her and a beat was quickly started that echoed along with the acoustics of the cave. Music.
Wyrd music, tentacle x2 1d4 damage each + acid ( all natural attacks deal 1d6 energy damage) Tentacles count as secondary attacks. All players + Boo can choose to have this effect.
From under the large chickens feathers, a pair of black tendrils emerge dripping with acid,raising up into the air like cobra's ready to strike out at the doppelganger.
The effect was mirrored by Mesa as tendrils rise from under her hair swaying over her head as if daring any one to approach as she lays into the drums, the hum of the Kotodama adding more to the song as she goes.

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa blinked letting the music fade as it was no longer nessisary to fight back the fear. There was that niggling voice in the back of her mind. Honestly it was a little confusing, she'd been with this lot all day, and since she didn't remember anything before hand, she certainly didn't recall running away being all she ever did.
After all she wasn't a chicken.... Boo was a chicken.
“Broken relic of something or another, give me sight beyond sight.” Mesa muttered.
Mesa's eyes start glowing as do Boo's as the spell is shared.
Detect Evil
Looking over the battlefield she and boo spot their invisible target.
“Boo... I call upon the power of the Colonel himself.” Mesa chanted “One shaft of light that shows the way!”
Boo's talons ignite with flame.
Touch attack as Boo goes after invisible guy,now lit up eviliy : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Damage+smite : 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
" Toasty!!"
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
And the bard played on.
Unless of course the fear effect is gone, then i can change up what i play other wise i got nothing.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
For lack of anything better to do after this particularly long day, with out being able to recharge spells. Mesa simply continues to counter the fear.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
This was getting tiring. Much as she could still hear the kotodama, the music was fading the longer she played. This had been a long day already.
Still she was far from out. Continuing the song she added a bit to it.
"I want it all and I want it now."
Recharge innate magic,
The magic flares around the bard and she grinned feeling rather refreshed with the kotodama resuming it's playing.

Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Mesa blinked. The haunting chant echoing in the cavern, the noise sounding as if it was coming from a tomb as the thing spoke and chanted, the words distorting the worlds perceptions of everything around her. Her eyes glanced to the others watching some shake off the discordant melody and others succumb to it.
A questionable cluck in her ear from the large chicken on her shoulder gave her pause.
Boo Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
The annoyed clucking did little to drown out the wail of the Kotodama of the area and she closed her eyes with a small shudder.
Her face split open with a fanged gin as her green eyes flared.
"So the little ghoulie thinks it can sing does it?" Mesa's smirk didn't falter as she drew out her shamisen."Sad."
Mesa begins to play
Counter song: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
As in accompaniment to his owners Boo also joins in and starts to whistle.
Fascinate DC 17, two dupes in front of who ever's having the most issue with them. as I doubt the creepy one will be affected. Bardic counter song can be used by any one as their save if they rolled lower, or you can re-roll for the will save.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa had remained moderately silent during most of the exchange. In truth it was a fine balance of not caring, annoyance, and cluelessness.
Despite her fate being tied to this group some how it seemed, she didn't care for some of them, she didn't know some of the others, but she still liked enough of them to give her assistance for the time being, so when they moved forward she did as well.
Of course at this point both she and Boo were totally expecting an attack.
One of these days she'd be happily disappointed.

Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa had remained silent in this regard for several reasons. The first of which was that she couldn't quite fault the brutes logic in his rebuttal, though she still didn't trust him when his first action was to attack.
The second was that she didn't have much to go on with what they were even doing here. She had assumed they were going to stop the spring from being poisoned, yet every one was standing around talking and taking challenges and junk. Really she wasn't sure what dreams they were talking about or any of that, she had spent most of her time playing in a bar and had missed out on what was probably a rather long and drawn out back story that would have taken two years to do despite at best only taking a week maybe a month or two to happen.
The third was she was trying to teach Boo to whistle as she wrote the epic ballad of the battle. Both of those were coming along quite well.
All of that was pushed to the wayside as Rocky decided to poke the bear as it were.
“Kuso.... Rocky I've known you less than a day and you've tried to get me and every one else killed at least three times!!! “ Mesa growled. “ I mean I can understand the lack of air messing with you this time, but does that lump of silicon in your head need a a couple of large chunks of ice to cool it down so your thought processes run faster than your mouth? I mean come on I'M THE BARD, and my mouths gotten me in less trouble than yours has.”
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
I'm not much to add to this as i'm lost..... everything's hectic and i'm having a right proper freak out so i'm not paying as much attention as i like here.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"Not to play a devil's advocate here, but this looks to me more like he's looking for a easy way to kill two party members and weaken the rest." Mesa frowned.
"Let's face it attacking right off the bat has not given me a very good reason to trust this is all on the up and up. Not to dismiss what honor you have over there, rocky 2 the bigger rocking, but I don't know you and i don't see any reason you might abide by your word."
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"Oh no. Not again." Mesa cursed in almost a deadpan tone as she flung herself to the ground to avoid the spinning blade of pointy pain and possible death.
Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
"Rocky is this one of yours? there's a lot of tossing the first stone crap going on here!"
Mesa cursed, pretty much nonstop, under her breath thinking of how the day had started out so nice. Sing some songs, get paid, sleep. Now there was fire and orcs and people throwing spinning rocks of death... Ah well at least she had chicken.
Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Boo clucked happily barely having even noticed the thrown rock blade.
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa wasn't quite paying attention at the moment. Given the situation seemed to have given them enough time to pause to recover, the bard had plopped down in the nearest chair and pulled out a quill and parchment to begin furiously writing.
Boo looked a little annoyed as she was using a chicken feather to write with though he was more interested in the bit of corn that was on the ground.
The dark haired woman scribbled on the parchment furiously filling the page with line after line. Clearly she wasn't paying much attention and simply nodded to Nyym, probably not really hearing him.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
So yeah my issues. First i lost the char sheet i made online, then a hurricane, right after the hurricane my main pc died. then a few weeks later my gaming pc died.
This is my third pc in a month... i am not happy about this.
And i still don't have a char sheet.
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Mesa rushed through the clouds of smoke barely noticing the nonsense aside from a cough or two.
Her double however gasp suddenly clutched it's neck and died as the time expired on the mirror image and there was no point in wasting a spell on something not flashy and or dramatic.
Pushing through the cloud Mesa caught sight of a familiar white figure rushing towards her with an exaggeratedly fast pace that seemed slow.
Also the kotadama was calling in some sort uplifting and oddly heartfelt score.
Before she could consider what it was however Mesa was tackled by a chicken.

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa raised an eyebrow as Aodhán approached her. She maintained the beat though she was starting to wonder why every one wanted to try and talk with her when she was banging on the drums and could barely hear anything.
It was also of note that he was talking to one of her duplicates but Mesa let that slide.
She frowned as he spoke.
What child?
Mesa wracked her brain for a few moments trying to even think of a kid that might be more important than helping to stop an attack by orcs that would enslave or kill all of the children in the city if they could.
What was the cost of one compared to all of them?
Also what fame? She wasn't going to get famous from this, that was the point of a bard in battles to make everyone ELSE famous.
Seriously what was he on about?
The words did make her think a moment.
She did recall Ruby, though Mesa couldn't put a face to the name she did recall who she was supposed to be.
There were also other things to consider.
First and foremost was that she was getting really tired. This had been a long battle and she had been playing for nearly all of it.
The second this was her playing was having negligible effects on those here. Most of them seemed skilled enough to deal with the orcs on their own.
And the third most important thing, battles like this were a copper a dozen in bardic song. Smaller more personal conflicts, like a rescue of a young girl from an assassin though... Stuff like that would be heard of by a number of people, but the details? The details were left to those who could properly spin a tale.
That last bit was almost enough to make Mesa drool. A new song that she could play with and spin however she liked.
Rocky would get a low billing of course, maybe a mention as another guy who was there unless he did something interesting or stupidly heroic, which was often the same thing.
Either way her course was clear.
The drum beat stopped as Mesa slung the drum over her shoulder with a grin.
”I'm so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight. And I would especially like to welcome all the representatives of the Guard community that have chosen to join us here in the main gate at this time. I certainly hope you all enjoyed the show. And remember, people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there're still some things that makes us all the same. You. Me. Them. Everybody. Everybody.” Mesa grinned. “We all hate dealing arse hats. Out of the doorway the bullets rip. To the sound of the beat.”
With the last words the spell, and a rude gesture, the spell was cast and Mesa turned to haul tail back towards the smoking city. She had no idea what she was doing or where she was going really, but that seemed rather exciting and interesting.
Magic Missile at Kelseph 2d4+1
magic Missile: 2d4 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 1 = 9
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Maintains song
Char sheet was deleted need to rewrite it so this may take a while
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa takes note of the yelling Rohan has to do in order to be heard over the din of battle and the drums.
" Rocky they have a Guard Sergeant, a Captain, and the militia head here.Plus a couple members of the council. They are not leaderless." Mesa snapped. "As for the others, i've got no fox in that hunt, but i figure you do."

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
” Well a good start would be to keep all this pre-dirt nap fertilizer away from me so I can keep this beat going.” Mesa suggested still going at the drums with a vengeance. ” Beyond that, head of the snake and all that. In any case better do it quick because I cannot keep this up forever.”[ /B]
Letting the music wash over the Guards to add to their courage as well as any of the other defenders who wished Mesa blinked feeling the swirl of the kotodama speak to her and a smile crossed her features, displaying fangs once more.
[b]”To avoid complications, she never kept the same address....” Mesa sang out.
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Suddenly there were three Mesas standing there all playing their own drums cranking the volume up even higher.
Mirror image. Mirror image also duplicates the sound . While the effect is not increased, by the stars is she rocking a drum solo right now.

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa glared at Rohan.
” Where do we go? I'd say bed, bed sounds good. That was freaking nuts! Mesa snapped.
Mesa grumbled blinking as she took note of the drums. She paused taking the drums up as she looked over the instrument curiously.
The shouting from the leader of the reinforcements drew her attention. It was a rather inspiring speech, all things considered.
Granted the effect of the woman falling was far more detrimental to the morale of the guard than the speech had been.
Disarray, chaos, the one death had brought this. The Guards might rally on their own, but how many would be lost before that happened and it might not even happen, the orcs could roll over them.
She glanced back noting Nyym had come to a conclusion and was shouting for every one to go to the long house.
Save one person and let the Guard be over run. Sure they were important but flagging moral repair was one of the bards specialties, running to the rescue was not.
” Do what you need to do, I can do more here...... by the stars that sounded like so much heroic nonsense, I hope this crap isn't catching.”
Mesa growled lightly setting up the new drums and rolling up her sleeves. She didn't have much left, but all these guys would need is a push.
Using cloak, inspired rage. +1 melee +1 damage +2 will -1 AC +1hp per hit die. Those under the effect will not be fatigued at the end.
Mesa started to lay into the pair of drums her cloak billowing up behind her in a unseen wind as the Kotadama raged around her.
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
” Wha? GAAAH! The bard is not a proper replacement for your ax! She is not a melee weapon and certainly not a ranged one!” Mesa flailed before realizing she was being carried away from the fight not towards it. ” Oh well.... now I feel silly.... thanks...”
Some how she managed to keep playing as she settled in behind the barricade. She didn't see Nyym just yet so she kept up the playing a bit longer hoping he would land before the wings gave out.
She didn't have much longer for that however her fingers were weary and the kotodama of the place was barely there. Still she could give the dark elf a few more moments to get here.
Her tails faded out of sight as she sat there partially hunched over the Shamisen playing a slower pace than usual as she let the effects fall off those around her who were already there.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa swore in what might have been a language or it might have just been a series of angry growls, it was hard to tell as she was trying to do so though the back of a large barbarian that had fallen back on her.
So much for the ole one two on the troll. Her tails continued the music, though there wasn't much time left before the song was going to end. The kotodama in the area was getting thin with the surge of orcs downing out the proper rhythm in the world.
Still she had other things to worry about.
“It's time to fly my pretties” Mesa shouted. “Fall back, fighting withdraw! Captain stop feeding the lizard and cover the healer. I'll stabilize her and we fall back behind the barricades to regroup.”
Grumbling and wishing she had a bit more power behind her Mesa lowered the barbarian down and muttered to herself.
” Don't stop me now...”
cure light
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
There you go.
"Okay Liesel-Marie i need you to make sure this troll doesn't get back up while i poor in the hooch. Then we light that on fire and fwoosh, no more troll"

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
” Of course it would rain when I'm trying to start a fire that's just how it works isn't it?It's like when you wash your wagon....”
Mesa continued to play knowing she didn't have much longer to go before she was spent. Sure she had a way for some emergency magic, but that stuff tastes nasty, she let the spell fan out again to see if Nyym might take it up again, but that would be his choice.
Growling as the troll started to heal from the rain Mesa brought the flute dagger from her lips with a small curse, looking down at the dagger a wide grin crossed her features as her tails continued the chime the rhythm, the music mostly drum beats now.
The blade of the dagger was hollow with holes positioned in such a way that the blade itself or the mechanical pumps could be used to adjust the tone of the flute.
Of course this was no way to treat an expensive musical instrument, but trying times and all.
Mesa jabbed the dagger into the trolls chest in such a way to try an puncture a lung with it. She dug into her pouch for the second unmade minkai cocktail. If setting the troll on fire from the outside wouldn't work, a lung full of booze would make a nice corpse bomb.....
dunno what to roll for a prone target in this case

Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
” I am getting reaaaaal tired of the corpse bride you know......” Mesa grumbled mostly to herself. She took a moment to collect herself, mostly because that was all she had. Injured orcs abounded, there was a loud thud from the other side of the wall, no giants, the troll was down, no one had seen Nyym in a bit and the drunk was getting torn up.
Things were a little messed up.
Her playing was starting to strain as well, she wouldn't be able to keep up the playing for too much longer, they either had to finish this soon or get the heck out of here. She didn't exactly know where the new comers came from, but she was more than willing to help them help the group.
Mesa's song continued but expanded to cover the new comer and the sudden healer, wings sprouting from their backs as well even as Nyym opted to cancel his connection to her.
“ Okay, divine..... guy? Take care of the drunka..... the Sergeant over there. NYYM REMEMBER THE PLAN!” Mesa shouted hoping the drow recalled that he needed to come to her if he got hurt.
For the moment however she had another task. Stepping to the north of the barbarian next to the fallen troll the bard upended a bottle of moonshine she had taken from the bar a good bit back that she had yet to turn into a Min Kai cocktail, over the fallen creature. After all Trolls didn't stay down long unless they were ash.
Playing is still a free action move was getting into position and action was wasting good hooch.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Dc was 15 the second shield breaker also failed with just a 12

Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
“Okay I am waaaay too close to this nonsense.” Mesa grumbled to herself as the troll roared up towards her position, thankfully the Barbarian was the intended target.
The Tien-min woman's eyes shifted around her as she continued to add her music to the ridiculously loud din of battle, some how not only making the tune heard, but bringing the crash of weapons and yelling into the blend of music. Still perhaps it might be time to fine something other than wings with all these new targets entering the field, though her companions seemed to be enjoying the mobility a might bit to much to stop just yet. Still she could add to this insanity before seeking cover again.
Stepping over the monk as she was trying to get up Mesa let loose with magic, the crackling of shards of the words adding to the chaotic mix of her song.
"I am the one, the only one, I am the god of kingdom come"
The words crystallized in the air before her bursting out into a cone of jagged air ripping into the two orcs to the north and north east of the captain and to the troll before Liesel-Marie.
Cone of shards
2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
Reflex DC 15
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
“OH COME ON!” Mesa shouted from behind the second barricade. “Wings and tentacles are in no way enough to make the Kami come down and yell at me again!”
Mesa huffed in annoyance.
“Those were totally legit spells and neither dark nor profane and... and.... and you're not here for me are you?” Mesa muttered.”Forget I said anything.”
Making the last Dash over to the fallen elf despite the new comer being there. She was maintaining the tempo of her own music as she moved closer. While she didn't trust the new figure who simply showed up in a beam of light, she absolutely adored the fancy entrance.
Reaching the fallen elf her eyes darting between the orcs and the newcomer she had arrived next to she used one of the wands charges for a cure light.
Cure light: 1d8 ⇒ 3
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"Kuso." Mesa cursed biting down on the reed of her flute as she moved, darting over the barricade continuing to play as she ran, her tails whipped behind her still striking a beat against anything they could reach or simply on the bamboo spikes at the end of each to make sound. She could make it to the next barricade, but not to the monk
She hadn't given herself wings, opting for the tails instead, but she could change that as need be, right now staying low and avoiding being noticed by the orcs was parmont as she made her way towards the monk, though she couldn't make it there until the next round.

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa frowned as the music seemed to continue on despite her attempts to counter it. Certainly the drummer's song was not reaching his fellows, but by the same token Mesa couldn't bolster her own team and outnumbered as they were, they needed the boost. Mesa frowned looking up and scanning the battlefield through the splits in the barricade she was hiding behind, looking for the other bard.
It was time to up the ante a little and make things even more confusing for the orcs. This was going to cause some questions at the end of the battle, but they had to live through it first and she wanted all the power she could get.
"It's a kinda magic"
Alter self , Spell like ability that can be done while music is playing.
The 'leather' looking adventuring gear Mesa wore shifted and changed, her black hair spilling loose and falling wild over her shoulders and face obscuring her like a hood. Her outfit changed back to a Kimono like dress, though the sleeves were bound tight to her arms to not hinder her movement at all. Her Shamisen lay across her lap still though her hands left it to pull the dagger from the wooden wall. The back of her Kimono lifted revealing three jet black fur tails, each with the tip wrapped in some sort of tape and bamboo decoration giving them tapered stick like tips.
The tails continued the drum beat as it had before. Mesa grinned showing teeth far too sharp to be human as she lifted the flute sword to her lips,one tail moving to pluck at the Shamisen strings with the bamboo tip, changing the tone and tempo of the song for a new effect.
Standard action change bardic performance
Perform: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
+10 skill +2 dagger, tails are just flavor
The counter song stopped though another effect took it's place as the weird music filled the air.
From the backs of all her allies sprouted thick black wings that fanned out wide at the crescendo of the music showering the field with raven feathers.
All allies gain flight at their base movement speed[ no bonuses, no running] until Mesa stops playing or changes it up. You must remain in sight of and able to hear her performance to keep the effects, so don't fly too high Icarus.
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
The DM did see that the first time i posted this the Performance was 20, not 11

Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
” GAAAAAH, HOT HOT HOT ...” Mesa yelped bouncing away from the fire.
Her attention quickly snapped to the orcs at the gate trying to pinpoint the one who threw the bomb.” I need to mug that guy....”
At least her attention was focused on the one with the bomb, until she heard the drum beat. Her amber eyes narrowed as she turned her attention to the wall and where the sound was coming from.
” Awww frak no..... Get out of here with that weak Kuso. You learn how to play drums by echoing all the blows to your head you must have taken as a little piggy?!”Mesa yelled.
Mesa growled ducking behind cover and flipping her Shamisen over to expose the back of it with a light thump of her fingers. Her blade was drawn out and stabbed into the wooden barricade next to her as she cricked her neck before she screamed out again before starting on a drum beat of her own. “ Let me show you how this is done scrub!”
Performance: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Mesa blinked as the Orcs coming through the gate now seemed to be burning.
" Huh. i guess after the flaming boulder the orcs decided to fight fire..... with fire."
In the distance there was suddenly a scream that sounded like 'YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' which was largely ignored.
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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"That exit strategy better include you as well idiot. We've already lost to many to this crap and there's no sense losing another because you wanna be a dumb arse hero type." Mesa snorted looking up as she heard the cheers. " Sounds like wave two's getting ready to rush us. While i would love to think they are just gonna rush us again like cannon fodder, it would be stupid to assume who ever's commanding them would just toss more in to watch them die. Everyone keep an eye out for anything unusual this time. If it's just more orcs good, but surprise is over and they're gonna send start sending in siege breakers in the next few waves if they have any brains between them."
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
The music dies off as Mesa whistles a little.
"Well that was the start of it. I say wait on the logs until a bigger force comes through, or the giant." Mesa commented. " What i wouldn't give for a few gallons of oil or grease to coat the path with. Guess that might make it too fun."
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Everyone remember you buffs +2 to AC and an extra attack at a d8
Mesa continued to play, her eyes darting over the battlefield taking note of any changes taking place to react to them as need be.

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Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa considers a moment before smirking slightly and gripping her pipe a bit tighter in her teeth.
" Time to make this weird." Mesa began to play.
The first thing every one in the party, and the Guard, noticed was the thickening of their skin. It wasn't like the scales or plate that had come about before when she played, this time it simply seemed their flesh had gotten thicker, and a bit more rubbery, though the coloration of it had turned pitch black.
+2 to AC
The second effect however would likely be enough to give the orcs pause. Sprouting from the backs and shoulders of the entire group, and the Guard, were what looked like hundreds of writhing squirming tendrils of the same black material that covered their skin. The crown of black tentacles wiggled and squirmed along the top of the group seemingly eager to go after the orcs and in Nymm's case,Bax.
Tentacle Mass (Ex): The player grows a thick mass of tentacles that can be used as a primary natural weapon. The tentacles deal 1d8 points of damage if the player is Medium. Basicly 1 extra attack at a d8 damage.
Though it all Mesa grinned like a mad woman.

Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
Mesa accepted the wand looking it over curiously. ” Yeah this will help.” Mesa darted down to the guard handing two of the tanglefoot bags to him. Alright when something comes through the gate use these and try to stick it up. Preferably in the path of the giant rock, you're gonna need to get out of the way so Liesel-Marie is going to be waiting on your signal to roll the rock down the hill. Don't use them both at once unless you have to. I kinda wanna force feed one to the giant out there and see what happens.”
Mesa ran back up the hill to the others by the rock. [b] Okay Liesel-Marie wait for his signal to use the rock..speaking of rocks... Get behind some cover and hide Rocky you're not the bait.” Mesa hisses at Rohan. ” Okay well I hope he finds what he's looking for and it will help because I don't think we have the time to spare any one to look for him right now.” Mesa curses as the drums stop setting the extra tanglefoot bag and the cocktail nearby on the ground for ease of use as she readies her Shamisen clenching her teeth on her pipe.
” Here we go....
Female Void K Weird Musician 4 Gender:F Age:19 Str:8 Dex:14 Con:13 Int:12 Wis:14 Cha:20
"Keep a few potions for yourself if you need them, specially if you only have two. I meant if we have any in the party bag. I've got healing spells, but only enough power for a couple." Mesa explained, taking a puff of her pipe as she considered. "Smoke sticks would be useful. We can set one off right at the gate so that the orcs outside can't see what's going on inside.Then the second one when the first goes out. Maybe they will think there's a larger force here than there is and hesitate , that will buy us more time for the larger force to get here.