
Menpehtire Rahotep's page

53 posts. Organized Play character for Nathanael Love.

Full Name

Menpehtire Rahotep


Human HP 13/18


Paladin (Tempered Champion, Divine Guide) 2











Strength 18
Dexterity 11
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 15

About Menpehtire Rahotep

Hit Points 18

AC19 (+7 Banded Mail, +2 Heavy Wooden Shield) Touch10, Flat Footed19
Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +5
Resistances Fire 3, Cold 3

Khopesh +6 (1d8+4/19-20, trip)

MWK Darkwood Composite Longbow +3 (1d8/X3)

SkillsDiplomacy +7 (2 ranks, 2 CHA, CS), Knowledge (Religion) +4 (1 ranks, CS), Sense Motive +4 (1 ranks, CS), Survival +5 (2 ranks, CS)

Fortitude+3, Reflex+0, Will+3

Feats: Exotic Weapon: Khopesh, Weapon Focus Khopesh
Traits X, Unscathed

Divine Grace (Su) Add CHA to all saving throws.

Smite Evil (Su) 1/day, +2 (CHA) to attack, +4 (2/Paladin level) to damage, +2 (CHA) Deflection to AC

Lay on Hands (Su) heal 1d6/2 levels by touch, 3/day (1/2 level + CHA)

Favored Class Bonuses 1 Fire Resistance, 1 Cold Resistance

Gold & Equipment
1186 gold, 4 PP

Darkwood Composite Longbow +3 STR (730g - 2PP) (1.5 lbs)
Arrows (20) 1 gold, 3 lbs
Arrows, blunt (20) 2 gold, 3 lbs

Banded Mail (AC 7, -6 Armor Check, 35 lbs) 250 gold

Heavy Wooden Shield (AC +2, -2 Armor Check, 10 lbs) 7 gold

MWK Cold Iron Khopesh 340 gold 8 lbs.

MWK Alchemical Silver Khopesh 410 gold 8 lbs. -1 damage


PFS 2-16: Faithless & Forgotten Part 2: Lost Colony of Taldor (1 XP, 2 PP/Fame, 510 gold), Archeological Expert and Imperium Initiate boons

Mummy's Mask Part 1: The Half-Dead City (3 XP, 4 PP/Fame, 1,536 gold), Echoes of the Dead Boon


Archaeological Expert: The Pathfinder Society has a strong tradition of archaeological exploration,
and you have proven yourself a capable excavator and historian. You gain a +1 bonus on Appraise and
Knowledge (history) checks to identify the cultural significance of art and objects. If you would fulfill
the primary success conditions of an adventure but fail its secondary success conditions, you can
cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet and attempt an Appraise, Knowledge (history), or Profession
(archaeologist) check (DC = 10 plus twice your character level). If you succeed, you make a small but
significant archaeological discovery that allows you—and only you—to earn the Prestige Point reward anyway. You cannot take 10 on this check.

Imperium Initiate: Your study of Jistkan ruins and golems has taught you a few tricks for handling the
supernatural soldiers of ancient Garund. You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet before casting
a spell to make it especially effective against constructs and divs. Those creatures take a –2 penalty on
all saving throws made against the spell for 1 round. Alternatively, you can cross this boon off your
Chronicle sheet as a free action to treat the hardness and damage reduction of all constructs and divs as
5 lower against your attacks for 1 round.

Echoes of the Dead: Your chilling experiences in the House of Pentheru have hardened your resolve
and strengthened your fortitude against the effects of haunts and the troubling visions they bring. When
you fail a Fortitude or Will saving throw against a haunt, you can use this boon to gain a +2 competence
bonus on the save retroactively. If the bonus is enough to turn the failure into a success, the save succeeds.