About Menas Red Unchained Monk 4 / Paladin 3 / Champion of Irori 10 LG HP 181 / 181 Speed70 ft Fly 70ft (good) Init 6 AC 31 Fort 24 Ref 21 Will 21 CMB +25/+20/+15/+10 BAB +17/+12/+7/+2
Skill Mastery (Can always take 10): Fly, Planes, Religion, Arcana, Perception, Sense Motive Boons Blessing of the Atoned (Liberty’s Edge)::
You successfully helped the ex-paladin Dornarnus return home and atone for misdeeds he committed under the vile control of a Droskari cleric. You may check one of the boxes preceding this boon before rolling to gain a +2 bonus on a Charisma-based skill check made to influence a good-aligned spellcaster or creature with the good subtype. Alternatively, you may check off the box to use lay on hands as a paladin of your character level. If you have lay on hands as a class feature, the uses of lay on hands granted by this blessing heal 2d6 additional points of damage (or deal 2d6 additional points of damage to an undead creature). Once per scenario, you can use this bonus to influence a paladin or any worshiper of Torag without crossing off one of the check boxes. Remember the Fallen (Liberty’s Edge):
The dwarves will not soon forget the tale of Dornarnus’s noble sacrifice, nor your part in helping to liberate the dwarven captives. Thanks to your reputation among the dwarves, you may check off one of the boxes preceding this boon to gain a +2 bonus on any Knowledge or Diplomacy (gather information) check related to dwarves or their history or a +2 bonus on an attack roll in an underground environment. Once per scenario, while in a Sky Citadel, you can use this bonus without crossing off one of the check boxes Ankilhi’s Gratitude:
You destroyed the cursed helmet, Grimgrin, putting an end to Ankilhi’s greatest foe. Ankilhi’s spirit now watches over you, assisting in subtle ways. There’s a 50% chance that anytime you need to eat and drink but don’t have access to food and water, a fresh bowl of heated rice and small cup of drinking water appears. This is enough to feed one Medium creature. This effect can successfully occur only once per scenario. Fossilblight’s Savior:
artifact known as Fossilblight, you’ve given the Pathfinder Society a chance at opening the Untouchable Opal. While the magical pick is integral to the Society’s plans to open Ranginori’s prison, the Decemvirate can be convinced to allow the weapon’s use in extreme circumstances. At the start of an adventure, you can requisition use of Fossilblight for the remainder of the adventure. If you requisition the use of this powerful artifact, check the box on this boon. Only one character per adventure can use this boon to requisition Fossilblight, and only if the box on her boon is unchecked. Runewarden’s Teachings:
So long as you possess this boon, all of your Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild characters have access to the Runeguard prestige class from Pathfinder Player Companion: Paths of the Righteous as if it appeared on the Additional Resources page. Refer to the Campaign Clarifications page for this prestige class ▫▫▫ Thassilonian Archivist:
Although the goblins thoroughly ransacked the Wrathwarped Halls, a few documents survived their fires and knives. Before you attempt a Knowledge check, you can check a box before this boon to add 1d4 to the result. If the Knowledge check is related to Thassilon, sin magic, fleshwarping, or similar topics (at the GM’s discretion), add 1d8 instead. Spider’s Captor:
Rather than simply kill the treacherous criminal mastermind and Shadow Lodge agent known as the Spider, you brought her in alive to stand trial for her crimes before the lawful authorities of Andoran. In thanks for your contribution to the process of bringing her to justice, you gain an official writ of appreciation from the People’s Council granting you a +5 bonus on any Diplomacy check made to influence a government official within the nation of Andoran. Framed:
Gaedrin besmirched your reputation, but now few doubt your integrity. The frst time each
adventure that you attempt a saving throw against a compulsion spell or effect, you gain a +2 trait bonus on the save. When securing atonement as a spellcasting service or paying Prestige Points to secure a PC’s release from imprisonment, you can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to reduce the Prestige Point cost by 3 (minimum 0). Death Defier:
You have faced death in all its guises and beaten it back to the shadows. Choose one of the following, and cross the other options off your Chronicle sheet. Death by Blood: When you would die as a result of your negative hit point total, you can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to treat your Constitution as 10 points higher than normal for determining when hit point damage would kill you for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can cross this boon off to end one bleed effect currently affecting you Secrets of Serpent Magic:
After being exposed to ancient serpentfolk magic in the Shrine of the Awakener, you have acquired some insight into the archaic creatures’ spellcasting. boon as a swift action before casting a spell or spell-like ability to gain a +5 insight bonus on your caster level check made to overcome spell resistance with that spell. an immediate action before attempting a saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability to gain a +4 insight bonus on that save. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. Sting of Serpent Magic:
You have once again experienced ancient serpentfolk magic in the depths of The Circle of Vissk-Thar and have gained even more archaic knowledge regarding how the serpentfolk practice magic and tolerate magical effects. or spell-like ability to increase you effective caster level for that effect by two. this boon as an immediate action before attempting a saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability. If you succeed at the saving throw, and the spell or spell-like ability has a reduced effect on a successful save, you instead avoid the effect entirely. This functions much like the evasion rogue class feature or stalwart inquisitor class feature (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 41). When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. Sigils of the Spire:
You have learned several level sigils from the Mistress of Thorns, granting you and other Pathfinders easier access to the various levels of the Emerald Spire. This feat earns you additional renown, and any time you gain Prestige Points and Fame from the “Land Rush” Chronicle sheet, you increase the points gained by 1/2 (e.g. 1.5 Prestige Points rather than 1). This increase is retroactive. Temporal Acceleration:
Your exposure to the time-bending properties of Yarrix’s tomb has provided you a limited ability to warp time to your benefit. As a standard action, you can touch a creature (requiring a successful melee touch attack against an unwilling target) to reduce the duration of all spells and spell-like abilities affecting that creature by 3 rounds (no save), or you can reduce the duration of a single spell effect that you touch by 3 rounds. You can use this ability on yourself as a swift action rather than as a standard action. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. Automaton-Aided Convalescence:
You have secured the gratitude of the Steward and its staff, and they are able to repair much of the damage you might sustain over the course of your adventures. You may use this boon while in the River Kingdoms (or at the end of an adventure before receiving a Chronicle sheet or reporting the character as dead) to reduce the Prestige Point cost of any one spellcasting service of the conjuration (healing) subschool by 5 (minimum 0). When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. Boon of Abraxas:
In return for destroying his wayward minion, Abraxas rewarded you with a single wish. Choose one of the wishes below, and cross the other four off your Chronicle sheet. In addition, any atonement spell cast on you requires an additional 1,000 gp in rare incense as a material component (or an additional 3 Prestige Points if you use Prestige Points to purchase the spellcasting service). Wish for Prosperity: You gain 1 Prestige Point and 1 Fame. In addition, when calculating the benefits granted by the unique site on the “Land Rush” Chronicle sheet (Archaeological Dig Site, Booming Settlement, or Training Grounds), you are treated as owning eight more parcels of land. Superdungeon off your Chronicle sheet. When you use this boon, cross this part of the boon off your Chronicle sheet; your cost of atonement is still increased. Wish for Rescue: As an immediate action when you drop below 0 hit points, you may heal yourself for 3d8+10 points of damage. This healing can prevent you from dying or falling unconscious. When you use this boon, cross this part of the boon off your Chronicle sheet; your cost of atonement is still increased. Wish for Wealth: You earn an additional 1,500 gp for completing this adventure. Refuse the Wish: By refusing the wish, you have proven your admirable nobility. You can purchase a parcel of land through this Chronicle sheet’s River Kingdom Notoriety boon for free, and you do not suffer the increased cost of atonement associated with the Boon of Abraxas boon. Alchemical Quicksilver:
You have recovered a small amount of quicksilver from within a philosopher’s stone. The portion you have is insufficient to bring a long-dead corpse back to life, but you can mix it with a potion of cure serious wounds to create a splash weapon that affects a direct target as per breath of life (CL 20th). Mixing the potion and quicksilver takes a full-round action, and once prepared, the splash weapon is stable until used. Alternatively, you may use this boon before using Craft (alchemy) as part of a Day Job check to multiply the gold earned by 10 (maximum 3,000 gp). |