Aspis Consortium Agent

Meliandri Chastain-Aulamaxa's page

393 posts. Alias of Aest.


CN Female Half-Elf Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | F 3, R 7, W 3 ( +2 vs. Enchantment, +4 vs. Charm/Compulsion+4 vs. Sonic, Language Dependent, and BP effects.) | Init +2 | Per +7 (Low-Light Vision), BP Rounds Used: 11/11

Homepage URL

Meliandri's Google Doc

About Meliandri Chastain-Aulamaxa

Character Sheet:

Meliandri isn't ever going to be an all-star at combat. She's built to be the party's face, and from level two on, she'll have an exceptionally high diplomacy/bluff score. However, other than as a flanking buddy or minor ranged damage (both much later than now), her combat contributions are going to be of the buffing and debuffing variety.

Meliandri Chastain-Aulamaxa
Female Half-Elf Bard 2
CN Medium Humanoid (human, elf)
Initiative +2; Perception +7; low-light vision
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
HP 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +3 ( +2 vs. Charm/Compulsion, +4 vs. Sonic, Language Dependent, and BP effects.)
Speed 30 ft.
Rapier +2 (1d6+1/18-20)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks: Bardic Performance 10 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1)
Spells (Concentration +4)
0th (DC 13): Dancing Lights, Daze, Prestidigitation, Unwitting Ally, Mending
1st (2/day, DC 14): Charm Person, Hideous Laughter, Cure Light Wounds (GM Bonus), Innoncence
Str 12 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 08 Cha 17
BAB +1, CMB +2, CMD 15
{Half-Elf}Skill Focus: (Perform (string)): +3 to Perform checks, +6 if 10+ ranks.
{1st} Noble Scion (Aulamaxa): +2 to Knowledge (nobility). +1 to Perform checks, +3 rounds of Bardic Performance.
Child of Kintargo (campaign): +1 to Knowledge (nobility), start play with a noble’s outfit, signet ring, and one nonmagical item worth no more than 200 gp.
Irrepressible (faith): +Cha to Will vs. charm and compulsion instead of +Wis.
{Reason to Protest} Tagging Along: +2 to Perception and Initiative during the protest itself.
Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) (16 Ranks Total)
Acrobatics: 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Diplomacy: 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS) (+2 vs. Chelish citizens)
Escape Artist: 7 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Knowledge (local): 6 (1 rank, 1 ability, 3 CS, 1 class)
Knowledge (nobility): 9 (2 rank, 1 ability, 3 CS, 1 class, 1 trait, 2 feat)
Knowledge (religion): 7 (2 rank, 1 ability, 3 CS, 1 class)
Perception: 7 (2 rank, -1 ability, 3 CS, 2 race)
Perform (oratory): 8 (1 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS, 1 feat)
Perform (string): 12 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS, 4 feat)
Use Magical Device: 8 (2 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Languages: Common, Elven, Infernal
Equipment (On Person): Rapier (20, 2), MWK Parade Armor (Free, 20), Noble's Outfit (Free, 10), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000, 1) Signet Ring (Free), MWK Backpack (50, 4), Viola (5, 3), Light Crossbow (35, 4), 20 Bolts (2, 2)
Carrying for Group: N/A
Encumbrance: 43.6 (50/100/150)
Finances: 301 GP
Race/Class Features
Favored Class (bard): 1 Skill Point/Level.
Favored Class (swashbuckler): 1 Hit Point/Level.
Sophisticate: +2 to Knowledge (history and local), can use untrained. Replaces Elven Immunities.
Adaptability: Skill Focus as a bonus feat.
Keen Senses: +2 to Perception.
Low-Light Vision: Can see twice as far as humans in low light.
Elf Blood: Count as human and elf for race-related effects.
Multitalented: Two favored classes.
Bardic Knowledge: +1/2 level (min 1) to Knowledge, can make Knowledge checks untrained.
Bardic Performance: Standard action to start, Free action to maintain.
Countersong: Perform (keyboard, percussion, wind, string, or sing) acts in place of ally's saving throws vs. spells, and uses Perform check as saves (with new saves each round). Audible.
Distraction: Perform (act, comedy, dance, or oratory) acts in place of ally's saving throws vs. spells, and uses Perform check as saves (with new saves each round). Visual.
Fascinate: Can cause 1 creature (+1 every three levels) to become fascinated with her. Will save (DC 10+1/2 level+Cha) saves. Potential threats trigger new saves vs. fascination. Enchantment (compulsion), Audible or Visual.
Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus vs. charm/fear effects and +1 competence and attack/damage rolls. Audible or Visual.
Versatile Performance (string): Substitute Perform (string) for Bluff/Diplomacy.
Well-Versed: +4 vs. Sonic, Language Dependent, and BP effects.



GM: Feel free to use any of this as you see fit. I've provided a list of possible NPCs for your use, and you should feel free to have bad things happen to whichever you'd like.

Though born in Logas, Isger to a Chelish noblewoman and her elven consort, Meliandri Chastain-Aulamaxa lives in Kintargo as the ward and foster daughter of Baroness Eldonna Aulamaxa and her husband, Ausio. As the Goblinblood Wars swept across Isger a bit over ten years ago, Meliandri was able to watch both Cheliax’s Hellknights and the Eagle Knights of Andoran march through Logas and off to battle before she was sent away to her her mother, Olauren Aulomaxa’s, family in Kintargo. The baroness took her sister’s eleven-year-old half-breed in willingly, but with the understanding that a letter would come and she’d be free of her. However, as weeks stretched to seasons and seasons to years, Eldonna realized she was likely stuck with the impetuous, gregarious girl, and grudgingly made plans to have her educated at Lady Docur’s School for Girls.

While Meliandri enjoyed studying the viola, acting, politics, and swordplay at Lady Docur’s, many of the other subjects taught there proved tedious. While the working knowledge of high-society Chelish insults she learned from the other girls was useful and gossiping about the noble boys was fun for a while, constant etiquette lessons quickly bored her. Worse, some of Lady Docur’s instructors seemed insistent that she abandon her Isgeri accent and disciplined her stubbornness with humiliation. Though bright, she quickly fell behind in her studies, instead spending classtime at the coffeehouses that dotted Villegre, where she flirted with the commonest of boys and read Hosetter or Jubannich, the Galtan philosopher-revolutionaries. Whenever the opera began a new performance, she’d sneak out of the school after lights-out and attend, usually in the company of any one of several noble boys. One of these would be her plaything for a while, only to be forgotten when she grew bored. Meliandri’s escapades began to be an embarrassment for the Aulamaxas, and they pulled Meliandri from the school in the hopes she’d be easier to control if she lived in their estate.

Since ‘graduating’ from Lady Docur’s, Meliandri has shamelessly continued her play-girl lifestyle, tavern-hopping with various boys, staying out for days on end, and pushing her foster parents’ tolerance to near its limits. Kintargo's not the biggest city, and for a while Meliandri considered a move to Westcrown to sample what that city has to offer, but she thinks she knows Kintargo, and she knows she loves its culture. However, the arrival of one Paracount Thrune and his ridiculous proclamations has proved to be more than a minor inconvenience for Meliandri, who’s grown more and more irritable. Just two days ago, in the wake of Thrune’s proclamation against mint (which included mint-flavored liqueurs, her personal favorite), she had a screaming match with the Aulamaxas, resulting in her moving out to sleep with a friend while the scandals she accidentally let slip blow over. It’s this friend who's told her about an upcoming protest in Aria park. She'll be attending, of course. After all, it's the social event of the season, and could be a chance to make some real change!

Picture (Ready for the Opera)
Height: 5’3”, Weight: 130 lbs, Age: 22

Meliandri is short and curvy for a half-elf, with wide hips and just a touch of fat around her waist from too much good food and drink. She wears her blonde hair cut short, with curls to half-hide her ears. Her eyes are a dark brown, and her skin tone is a mix of pale Chelaxian and darker elven tones. For the protest, she’s dressed in tight-fitting black silk breeches, gloves, and boots, as well as a gold silk blouse. Over her outfit, she’s chosen to wear her parade armor; leather cuirass, pauldron and vambrace on her left arm, and cuisses on her thighs, all embossed with filigree and with the flag of Cheliax quartered with the Auxamala symbol on her pauldron. A big floppy hat with a feather and a flowing black cape complete her style.

Meliandri is a girl who enjoys life and experiencing new things, especially ones that make her feel good. She carries a sense of entitlement that comes of growing up a noblewoman, and is generally far too trusting of others; after all, everyone she knew until recently was a proper lady or gentleman, or had been vetted by her foster parents. Though bubbly and interested in other people, she has a doubly hard time relating to them as a result of her heritage and because of her wealthy, upper-class upbringing. Despite her classical education in proper manners and refinement, she’s only bound by custom and tradition to the extent that they’ll get her what she wants; if there’s no fun to be had in tradition, she’ll just as soon abandon it. She's unconsciously flirty, the better to get the attentions of young noble boys, and she fancies herself a trend-setter rather than a follower.

Meliandri's primary goal is to get back to her fast-paced, play-girl lifestyle. To do that, however, Thrune's going to have to go.

Eldonna Aulamaxa (Foster Mother) - Human female, 54 years old, N. While Eldonna is an excellent politician, she leaves much to be desired as a mother. Much too busy planning balls and brokering deals to pay attention to her children, she instead left their upbringing to others. Ausio Aulamaxa took Pellius under his wing, while Meliandri was entrusted to the household slaves and visiting tutors. Naturally, she feels betrayed by Meliandri’s capricious and hedonistic lifestyle, and berates her daughter for wasting all her effort in raising her the right way.
Pellius Aulamaxa (Foster Brother) - Human male, 22 years old, CE. Whatever the horrific disease that befell him was, it seems to have slowed enough to be manageable. However, much of Pellius’s now-fragile frame is wrapped in fresh bandages daily, and he lives his life entirely within the confines of Aulamaxa Manor’s basement archives in semidarkness. He spends most of his time writing music, most of which he burns unplayed and unheard. His temper is capricious; he flies into fits of impotent rage at the slightest provocation and has killed a half-dozen of the family’s slaves, but he seems to enjoy Meliandri’s visits. (Oracle of the Dark Tapestry, Wasting curse)
Kosti Aulamaxa (Foster Sister) - Human Female, 5 years old, N. Kosti’s only five, but she’s the declared heir to the Aulamaxas’ title. She’s a pretty typical five-year-old; loud, ill-mannered, and prone to liking complete strangers.

Pavo Jhaltero - Human male, 17 years old, NG. While it’s no secret that Meliandri and Pavo are good friends, they managed to keep their love life a secret from their parents for nearly six months before Meliandri accidentally told her father during a fight. Pavo’s a charming, gentlemanly youth, and Meliandri had to make all the first moves.
Lucca Avalanti - Human female, 29 years old, N. Lucca is letting Meliandri share her bed while the situation at the Aulamaxa estate calms down. Despite being older than Meliandri, she was never educated, and is much less subtle in her disappointment with the city’s recent changes. However, it’s been difficult to get away from her work long enough to do something, and the upcoming protest marks the first day she’ll be able to voice her dissent. Lives in Old Kintargo and works as a baker.
”Aunt” Ashana - Halfling female, 33 years old, CG. Though a halfling, Ashana lived in Varisia for nearly fifteen years before being captured and sold into slavery. She’s converted Meliandri from diabolism to Desna (with very solemn promises to keep it a secret while she’s in Cheliax), and Meliandri’s promised to free her in return, though the time isn’t while she’s already in a fight with her foster parents.

Aula Tannesen - Human female, 25 years old. A mid-ranking priest of Asmodeus, Aula and her family have had it out for the Aulamaxas for a long time, and Meliandri seems to be the perfect victim for persecution. Aula has done everything in her power to defame and discredit the half-elf, and may be close to discovering her illicit relationship with Pavo.

Spell Latin:

Debilus Mens=Daze