Soon, I'm going to start (as a player) the Kingmaker AP and I'm planning to play a cavalier (it seems the other PCs are going to be : oracle, ranger, and a kind of wizard/sorcerer/something, and maybe one more, still unknown at the moment).
I know my PC will use a scimitar as main weapon (and of course, lance when charging)
Main problem I actually have is.. I have a 10 and a 14 left to use for my abilities and I have to use them for Dexterity and Constitution.
Using the 14 for Constitution would give me a nice Fortitude save and of course more hit points.
On the other hand, using it for Dexterity helps me with Reflex save, Ride checks, initiative and defenses.
Being unable to choose, I thought I would come here and ask for advices.
Thanks by advance.
P.S. : English is a foreign language, I hope there aren't too many mistakes in my text and that you'll forgive those left.