About Max Wisniewski
Max Wiśniewski
Next Gen Biologist-Geek
Character Points: 24 (18/6 recommended)
Skill Points: 18
Story Points: 12
Awareness: 3
Coordination: 4
Ingenuity: 5
Presence: 2
Resolve: 3
Strength: 2
Attractive (Minor) 1 - +2 to rolls involving looks.
Biochemical Genius (Major) 2 - Can create biological/chemical ‘gadgets’ using jiggery-pokery rules, using Science instead of Technology skill.
Keen Senses: Sight (Minor): +2 bonus on awareness rolls using sight.
Photographic Memory (Major) 2
Insatiable Curiousity (Minor-Negative) -1
Athletics -
Convince 1
Craft -
Fighting -
Knowledge 3
Marksman 1
Medicine 3 (Surgery +2)
Science 3 (Biology +2; Chemistry +2)
Subterfuge -
Survival -
Technology 3
Transport 2
Max appears somewhat ‘punkish’ in appearance, in the 2040s it’s very much a style back in, with it’s own tailored approach. Electric blue hair (usually), with matching fingernails and eyes. Extensive ‘switchable’ tattoos (you can run a device over them to make the fade away temporarily, so you can rebel while still being able to go to work), and few light enhancements (RFID chip, haptic implants for VR).
While not athletic, she definitely fits into the ‘cute’ bracket, and while she often wears glasses (smart glasses actually, not that anything exists in 2016 to link them to), she hasn’t needed them since undergoing surgery on her eyes years ago (and taking the opportunity to have them coloured an outstanding shade of blue at the same time).
NB: While she has access to some bits of tech that are advanced, most of it is pretty useless in the modern setting - with no compatible network/hardware it’s pretty much just flavour)
Background: Born in the year 2020, Max spent much of her youth travelling Europe with her parents, who jumped on the growing ‘biotech’ industry. Designer enhancements, prosthetics and various smart-drugs, her parents got involved with it all.
As a result Max was both spoiled and lonely, never stopping in one city for more than a year or two, as her parents shifted between various sites and corporations. Max struggled to make friends, and occupied herself with the various scientific/research papers and her parents personal lab equipment (they were genius’, but not necessarily good parents), and eventually moved towards her parents work herself, as she left for University.
And then the Doctor happened...