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![]() I just received an email advising me that this order has been processed and finalized for shipping. However, it's missing an item which I had included in the original order. The missing item is 1x Qin Game Master's Screen. I see no mention of it in the email about the order shipping, or in My Account page. Will it be shipping later, or has it been overlooked? Thank you in advance for your response. ![]()
![]() I am trying to collect rumours/factoids/facts about this because I am dying to see it. :P Last I heard, the Sorcerer, Druid, and Barbarian were confirmed, the Bard was semi-confirmed, and there was some speculation going on in another (now defunct) thread about the rest of the races and classes in there. so, from that thread:
see wrote:
I've heard a pretty good argument for a shaman class showing up. Also, the Shifter has been confirmed from what I have heard. Has anyone else heard or read something else? What about races? ![]()
![]() I want to place an order for a printed book from the Paizo store, but am wary due to problems I've encountered shipping stuff to my country. I am wondering if anyone here has ordered stuff from Paizo into Mexico, who could share their experience with me. Also, if the people from paizo have had any feedback from customers in Mexico, or if there have been any problems, I'd appreciate that as well in order to better inform my decision. Thank you in advance. Cheers,
![]() Name: Nelvia Concept: “Intrigue and Wilderness Untamed” Alignment: LN Capital: Port Nelvia (pop. 30,000 mixed dwarf/human) Notable Settlements: Arkon Keep (pop. 5,500, 100% human), Rohm Keep (pop. 3,700, 100% human), Bellyrion (pop. 17,200 mixed dwarf/human), Satarva (pop. 12,000 mixed dwarf/human), Firehome Gate (pop 2,000 100% dwarf) Ruler: Jaon, Lord Arkon, High Protector of Nelvia Government: Provisional military council of five City-States. Description: The southern country of Nelvia is located in a fertile plain reclaimed from the primeval Mazarzhon Jungle. It comprises the five city-states of Arkon, Rohm, Bellyrion, Satarva, and the Port City of Nelvia. Surrounded to the north, east and west by vast, lush rainforest, Nelvia’s main source of wealth is overseas trade. The main commodities are hardwood timber, ores and metal goods traded with the Dwarves of the Emberglow clan, who inhabit the Firehome Mountains to the north. The five city-states have been historically autonomous, connected by historical and commercial ties rather than by a cohesive political system.
DM Secrets: The Druidic Order of Mazarzhon seeks to protect the rainforest from the devastating magical winter, and vocally support the surrender of Arkon and Rohm to the authority of the Frostmagier. Although their efforts focus on creating magical wildlife sanctuaries, they have recently demanded severe logging quotas. Rumours abound that they have begun employing violence to enforce their views, which seem to be influenced by the Zurosthan. Jaon, Lord of Arkon, has declared himself High Protector of Nelvia and extended his holdings into Bellyrion and Satarva, leaving naught but the cities under their lords’ control. Jaon hopes to rule all of Nelvia by making the other city-states completely dependent on his military power. Earmor, Lord of Port Nelvia, realizes that he does not have the military resources to stem Jaon’s political ambitions. He thus maintains a network of spies that provide him information and complete key tasks intended to undermine the Lord Arkon’s plans for power. Earmor directs these agents through his secret advisor, Mauron of Nelvia, a swashbuckler wanted for stealing an ancient relic from Arkon Keep. Wizards and sorcerers are viewed with suspicion in Nelvia because people associate their abilities with the Frostmagier. The Conclave of the Whale, a group of traders interested in starting a whaling operation, is actually a network that provides shelter and support to spellcasters. Some members of the Conclave seek magical power to defeat the Frostmagier on their own. Operating only through wizard and sorcerer agents, the Frostmagier’s true nature remains a mystery. Many humans believe the Frostmagier to be a powerful evil creature or a group of evil spellcasters. However, the dwarves claim that its power is much greater, akin to that of the Gods… ![]()
![]() Paper-Folding Instructions of Master Mo: This small, square book has a cover made of layers of folded paper. The first person to read it gains a permanent +8 competence bonus to Sleight of Hand checks. The book can only grant this bonus once.
Once the sheets are used up, the book crumbles to dust.