Raxius Malgorian

Mauricio Quintana's page

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32. 73 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Hi there. This order was shipped out to me on January 30, and I still haven't received it. I have asked at my local post office, but they tell me that, without a tracking number, they can't do anything.

usually stuff I get from you guys takes about two weeks. Can you check at your end what's the status of your order, and/or provide me with a number I can give to the Post Office here so they can look?


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I just received an email advising me that this order has been processed and finalized for shipping. However, it's missing an item which I had included in the original order.

The missing item is 1x Qin Game Master's Screen. I see no mention of it in the email about the order shipping, or in My Account page.

Will it be shipping later, or has it been overlooked?

Thank you in advance for your response.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I am trying to collect rumours/factoids/facts about this because I am dying to see it. :P

Last I heard, the Sorcerer, Druid, and Barbarian were confirmed, the Bard was semi-confirmed, and there was some speculation going on in another (now defunct) thread about the rest of the races and classes in there.

so, from that thread:

see wrote:

(BBDISSTW as the first letters)

Barbarian (Primal)
Bard (Arcane)
Druid (Primal)
Sorcerer (Arcane)

(DGGHS as first letters, OEH as second letters, R as a final letter)


I've heard a pretty good argument for a shaman class showing up. Also, the Shifter has been confirmed from what I have heard. Has anyone else heard or read something else? What about races?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I want to place an order for a printed book from the Paizo store, but am wary due to problems I've encountered shipping stuff to my country.

I am wondering if anyone here has ordered stuff from Paizo into Mexico, who could share their experience with me. Also, if the people from paizo have had any feedback from customers in Mexico, or if there have been any problems, I'd appreciate that as well in order to better inform my decision.

Thank you in advance.


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Name: Nelvia

Concept: “Intrigue and Wilderness Untamed”

Alignment: LN

Capital: Port Nelvia (pop. 30,000 mixed dwarf/human)

Notable Settlements: Arkon Keep (pop. 5,500, 100% human), Rohm Keep (pop. 3,700, 100% human), Bellyrion (pop. 17,200 mixed dwarf/human), Satarva (pop. 12,000 mixed dwarf/human), Firehome Gate (pop 2,000 100% dwarf)

Ruler: Jaon, Lord Arkon, High Protector of Nelvia

Government: Provisional military council of five City-States.

Description: The southern country of Nelvia is located in a fertile plain reclaimed from the primeval Mazarzhon Jungle. It comprises the five city-states of Arkon, Rohm, Bellyrion, Satarva, and the Port City of Nelvia. Surrounded to the north, east and west by vast, lush rainforest, Nelvia’s main source of wealth is overseas trade. The main commodities are hardwood timber, ores and metal goods traded with the Dwarves of the Emberglow clan, who inhabit the Firehome Mountains to the north. The five city-states have been historically autonomous, connected by historical and commercial ties rather than by a cohesive political system.
Currently governed by a military council, Nelvia is at war on two fronts. In the west, the Zurosthan elves seek revenge for the destruction of their ancestral homeland. To the east, armies of giants and kobolds led by the mysterious Frostmagier are held at bay only by an exorbitant tribute from the Eastern Lords of Nelvia. This tribute also grants the country reprieve from a magical winter.

One thousand years ago, humans from distant northern lands settled in the sheltered bay of Nelvia at the mouth of the Mazarzhon river. Their intention to log the rich forests for timber for trade brought them into conflict with the barbaric Zurosthan elves, who opposed the defilement of their homeland. The Nelvians gradually pushed further inland, clearing a small valley and resisting periodic attacks from the elves. Their successful enterprise drew the attention of the Emberglow Dwarves, who began trading ores, weapons and tools with the humans. As trade routes were established through the jungle, the Zurosthan elves became increasingly aggressive. The dwarves allied with the Nelvians and together fought a decade-long war against the Zurosthan. Large swaths of jungle were burned to reduce the elves’ tactical advantage, enlarging the plain at the expense of the Mazarzhon wilderness. The elves were eventually driven out of the forest between the plain and the Firehome mountains, and the entire plain was named “Nelvia.”
The humans then divided the land they had conquered with the help of the dwarves into roughly equal territories amongst the war-heroes Arkon, Rohm, Lyrion and Satarva. The direct descendants of the original settlers retained the Port of Nelvia, as well as control of the main road to the dwarven enclave of Firehome Gate. Over the next seven hundred years, dwarves and men lived peacefully, amassing enormous wealth through seafaring trade with distant kingdoms in the North.
Then the elves returned. Their bodies covered with war-tattoos, the mighty Zurosthan lashed out against Nelvia from the west, using magic and accompanied by powerful allies from the forest. The descendants of Arkon and Rohm successfully resisted the Zurosthan invasion and erected two walls along the edge of the forest to contain the enemy.
Simultaneously a force of giants, led by a mysterious entity known as the Frostmagier, marched upon Nelvia from the East. The leaders of Port Nelvia, Bellyrion and Satarva, unable to respond as effectively as their western cousins, called upon their dwarven allies. However, even together they could not contain the onslaught.
Then the Lord of Arkon Keep joined the battle. Leading his soldiers and the combined human and dwarven force against the Frostmagier’s army, he successfully pushed back the enemy. In retaliation, the Frostmagier called forth powerful magic and changed the tropical weather of Nelvia into an unyielding winter, which wizards and clerics were powerless to reverse.
Having been driven to near-extinction by this enemy in the past, the dwarves urged the Lords of Nelvia to bargain for peace with the Frostmagier. Earmor, Lord of Port Nelvia, grudgingly offered a tribute in return for reprieve from the magical winter. The Frostmagier demanded that all five city-states swear fealty, but Arkon and Rohm refused. Thus Nelvia was granted a three-month summer in exchange for an exorbitant sum, while nine months of winter were visited upon the realm to punish those who would not submit to the Frostmagier.

DM Secrets: The Druidic Order of Mazarzhon seeks to protect the rainforest from the devastating magical winter, and vocally support the surrender of Arkon and Rohm to the authority of the Frostmagier. Although their efforts focus on creating magical wildlife sanctuaries, they have recently demanded severe logging quotas. Rumours abound that they have begun employing violence to enforce their views, which seem to be influenced by the Zurosthan.

Jaon, Lord of Arkon, has declared himself High Protector of Nelvia and extended his holdings into Bellyrion and Satarva, leaving naught but the cities under their lords’ control. Jaon hopes to rule all of Nelvia by making the other city-states completely dependent on his military power.

Earmor, Lord of Port Nelvia, realizes that he does not have the military resources to stem Jaon’s political ambitions. He thus maintains a network of spies that provide him information and complete key tasks intended to undermine the Lord Arkon’s plans for power. Earmor directs these agents through his secret advisor, Mauron of Nelvia, a swashbuckler wanted for stealing an ancient relic from Arkon Keep.

Wizards and sorcerers are viewed with suspicion in Nelvia because people associate their abilities with the Frostmagier. The Conclave of the Whale, a group of traders interested in starting a whaling operation, is actually a network that provides shelter and support to spellcasters. Some members of the Conclave seek magical power to defeat the Frostmagier on their own.

Operating only through wizard and sorcerer agents, the Frostmagier’s true nature remains a mystery. Many humans believe the Frostmagier to be a powerful evil creature or a group of evil spellcasters. However, the dwarves claim that its power is much greater, akin to that of the Gods…

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Paper-Folding Instructions of Master Mo: This small, square book has a cover made of layers of folded paper. The first person to read it gains a permanent +8 competence bonus to Sleight of Hand checks. The book can only grant this bonus once.
Using the instructions in the book, any character can fold one of the loose 25 sheets of paper found in the back into an origami figure (see list). This is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and requires a successful DC 25 Sleight of Hand check. The character must declare which figure he is making before starting. If this check fails, the sheet of paper is wasted and cannot be used anymore. If successful, the origami figure vanishes, producing the corresponding effect (see below), which functions exactly as the spell of the same name. The character that made the figure controls the effect as if he were its caster.

bird major image
dragon phantasmal killer
flower rainbow pattern
lion shadow evocation
unicorn dream

Once the sheets are used up, the book crumbles to dust.
Moderate illusion, CL 10th, Craft Wondrous Item, major image, phantasmal killer, rainbow pattern, dream, shadow evocation. Price: 25,000 gp