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On page 48 it makes some recemmendations about scaling up the adventure. Under the 4-5 level characters section it mentions 'give Jajirlok' one or two levels of barbarian. Who is this in that part of the adventure path? Did I miss someone with that name and I'm insane, or is it just merely a error. I'm thinking maybe they are meaning Drevoraz or Chief Lorpth. Can anyone shed some light on this issue? Thanks in advance,
I'm gearing up for my Savage Tide campaign that runs every other Friday and plays this coming Friday 03/02/07. The party just killed some Savage Pirates and is going to enter the caves and meet Ripclaw very soon. The group is all at least 4th level. I noticed that Ripclaw is only a medium sized creature, yet from the stats in the monster manual he should be a large creature. Is there some reason he is not, other than perhaps an accidental error? In the Scaling the Adventure for 4th-5th level PCs in says advance Ripclaw by 2-4 hit dice. I plan to increase him by 2 since the group is all 4th level and the adventure is really designed for 3rd level PCs. Since he is going to have 6 HD with and advance he gets another feat, and improved natural attack just seems way too nasty for him. Can anyone shed some light on the reason why he appeared in the module as a medium creature with weaker stats but at the same CR? Also any idea on feats is cool too. Thanks in advance. :-)
I was just wondering how other fellow DMs out there handle this situation. The guidelines in the DMG call for a player that either loses a character from death or decides to retire his existing one should start one level lower than his prior character and if he wants to take any amount of his old gear that’s subtracted off his starting wealth for his new PC. I was just wondering if others pretty much run things this way or are more lenient on these rules. I’m trying to decide how I want to handle this aspect of the game for my current and future campaigns.
In my AoE campaign I have 6 players. They will all be 13th level by the time they reach Mak'ar. I'd like to make that fight a little more challenging for them, but giving Mak'ar another person in the room to help protect him. I was thinking about moving 1 of the Knights of Kyuss from room 12 to be there with him. What I've noticed about these adventure paths is that if you run with more that 4 players, single caster opponents seem to get smoked way to easy. I think this is because there are 2 more people targeting just that one creature it's more than the casters can handle to put up a good fight. Any ideas or suggestions, I don't want to increase Mak'ar he's pretty powerful with spells and his current spell level. Thanks,
I was just curious as to what point buy amount other DMs out there used for running Dungeon adventures. I just started the Savage Tide and opted for the player to use 36 since they complained abit that they felt 32 was too weak. Looking the first STAP "There is no honor" I see that alot of the named or boss style encounters are built with about 25 point buy give or take a few points. The players were wanting 40 points to make character, I was just wondering if other DMs had used that amount of point buy and how things went for them. Thanks in Advance :-)
Does Nezzarin know what lurks in room 4. Hall of Corruption? If so maybe he would retreat back there if hurt pretty bad to get next t o a wormswarm and heal up. This might be real interesting as the PCs pursue him thinking he's hurt badly and going to retreat or warn others, and they will liekly pursue. This would lead them right into another nasty fight with the corrupted. I know he is the guardian of the exterior, but does he know what's inside you think or does he just sit there and watch waiting for Kyuss to return with a one-track mind? Would having him flee be to mean as a DM, what do you guys think I'm just looking for idea here as to how I might let things unfold. ~Thanks,
I have a question about how this ability should work involving multipe sources. For example if there are two beetle's withing 120 ft of a character should he have to make 2 seperate saving throws and each one with a +2 DC since there is another beetle in range? I've always wondered about stuff like fear aura effects from multipe monsters(usually undead types)if a character is in range of more than 1 of these creatures fear effects does he have to make multipe saves for each one? Or since they are all the same effect type should he only be subject to 1 such save a round? Often when a save is made on some effects a character can't be effected by that effect for 24 hrs, how does that work though with several monsters with the same effect would the character have to make a save the next round against another monster with that same effect? Maybe this is spelled out somwhere in a core book or a errata but I haven't seen it and was wondering officially how such should work as well as how others run such similar effects. Here is the Maddening Chitter effects write up, if I shouldn't have posted it I apologize and will delete that portion if informed or if a messageboard moderator needs to take care of that I understand. Thanks,
I'm currently running the Age of Worms with a party of 6 players. They’re getting ready to start the “The Spire of Long Shadows” portion and they all are just a little bit over 12th level. There a little behind on xp since I ran the first 2 portions of the adventure path without increasing the CR like I have been on the past 4 adventure path sections, making it the CR adjustments as if they were one level higher. My question is since there is 12th level, and this next part is balanced for 4 people of 13th level do you think I need to make any adjustments, I feel they should be able to overcome the challenges. However, if I did increase some things when they hit 13th level as they will half way through or so to make it more challenging there is not a side-bar a the end with advice for good adjustments. I was hoping that Jesse Decker might comment on this with some advice or anyone else ideas are welcomes too. Half of the party is very well equipped two character betting large amounts on the arena games and coming victorious on all there matches, and the other character has the sword and ring found in Isicoiol’s Tomb as well as some decent armor. A 12th level character should have 88,000 gp on average according to the DMG pg. 135 on character wealth. With the betting two members are over 150,000 worth of gear and the character with the two sword and ring from Icisiol’s Tomb is at least over 125,000. The other 3 characters are around the 88,000 gp mark and more balanced in that regard. I’m not a fan of changing monsters to sunder break equipment but I’m open to other ideas to ensure this part of the adventure path is challenging to the players. Thanks,