Elf Sorceress

Matrissa the Enchantress's page

Goblin Squad Member. 192 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Just wanted to jump in and say "OMG, thank you for creating this guide!"

I'm starting up a new campaign for the first time in a *long* time (based on the Shattered Star AP) and several of the players are either new to RPG's or mainly familiar with 3.5E or 5.0E, so was quite happy to stumble across this link while looking for something else entirely. I'm sure it will really help almost all of my players - heck, it helped me understand some things about a few classes I'd never really considered before.

(It also encouraged me to get the Unchained PDF which introduced me to the Background Skills and Skill Unlock options which I'm totally going to use!)