Aldern Foxglove

Mathias Litchfield's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I have a Player who is considering taking the leadership feat, and for his cohort he wants to take in a goblin, I read that there are penalties for conflicting alignments and he is a Chaotic Good character, do all Goblins have to be Evil? or is he going to just have to suffer the penalty to his leadership score?

Im Dming a game soon and one of my players wishes to play an oracle, she wants to play one based off the prophet Cassandra that i guess was cursed so that nobody believed her prophecies, how do you guys think I should go about statting her custom curse out? Which is basically just nobody believes her.

A player in my group wants to play a character that no one believes as her oracle curse, what do I do for that? any help at all?

Hello again, a while ago i posted previews to the viallains that would be used in a long campaign i have planned for my players, they have gone through some major changes.

First up, Narciso the Countless got somewhat of a Rewrite, hes now a Dhampir (still a Summoner) who want to be a noble and held in high status, but can never truly escape his monstous roots, Hsi eidelon is now a Monstrous version of a Vampire, teh representation of what he really is inside. Eventually he will begin to use aspect to steal from his Eidelon showing his utter selfishness. (I know it makes him a bad summoner, but it works character wise.

Taf't the Never was is still a full Orc that will become an assasin, but now hes starting as a Skirmisher Ranger instead of Rogue. T make him more of a threat if hes capable of hunting the PCs everywhere they go. He will probably have some sort of Wild Boar as his companion. He will still appear as an enforcer to help Supplant any oppressors in Narciso takeover.

Dallen the Martyr is unchanged, your positive feedback of him kept him pretty much the same, He will still be a very tragic villain whose purpouse is to revive the bad guy should he fall

Garland is completely gone, I couldnt really work him in as that interesting of a Character, plus I already had a Sad Villain so he got scrapped. In his place is an Advanced Serpentfolk that The main villain has as his pupil, he is the strongest of the four villains and the Big bads right hand man, he idolizes main villain for his mastery over the arcane and will do anything to serve him. Not knowing that his only purpouse is to be sacrificed in a time of need to refual his master spell slots if hes not winning

Those are the reworks, any thoughts?

Im building a Ranger for a campaign im running soon, he will be the standard party buddy. The thing is I cant really build him in a way i feel good with, so I was hoping you guys could maybe help me out making him. Hes going to be level 1, 25 point buy, using character traits and I know I want him Human. Hes odd in the fact that his backstory involves him leaving his old home as they were pro Undead, I was thinking of multiclassing later into Undead sorcerer but that feels like its only adding complications. What do you chaps think?

I saw someone already has an issue with the Arcane pool as well so Im not going to say anything more on that subject. But I have a real issue with the Armor ability the Magus gets, the one where eventually hes running around in full plate with no problems. I think thats a bit too much, if it was only light armor with a reduced penalty on medium at most I would be fine with it but Spells and Armor with ZERO penalties, I just dont like that at all.

Hello Fellow Pathfinders, Im currently preparing a 1-60(yes i said it) game for 6 players. I've spent a few months working out the specifics of the story and characters and ive finally finished the villain concepts for it.
There are the four minions and then the Dark Lord type character, they all have a unique ability that i will stat out later but i just wanted some feedback on the concepts.

First is Narciso the Countless, a half-elf summoner obssessed with being of Noble Heritage, He's a fake aristocrat who spends the time in fancy garments and acting cultured while his eidolon resembles the balrog and he tends to gather more ugly brutish minions. His unique ability is to sacrifice his own health to open up gates to let in more creatures to bolster his forces.

Second is Taft' the Never Was, an Orcish assasin who balances one hit kill techniques with more Barbaric fighting tactics, he hunts the PCs after they've become a threat to the Main villain. His unique ability is to become fully or partially etheral.

Third is Dallen the Martyr, a human Healing Hand Monk, saved from death by the main villain he fights to repay the life debt owed by him, he seeks to one day sacrifice himself for a worthy soul or cause. His Unique Ability is that his head is now a black skull that makes him almost unkillable, only through final sacrifice or shattering the skull can he be killed.

Forth is Garland the Cursed(FF1 referance), Human Cavalier, once a great human leader he died defeating the main villain long ago, but when the main villain rose up again his first move was to hit the morale of the free peoples first, raising the dead leader from the grave and making a living suit of armor, bound to serve him till death. His unique ability is that he cannot be slain unless faced in a one on one knights duel.

And the Main Villain is Mannimarco the Worm that Walks(Oblivion Referance) He is a Human wizard whose goal is constant self-improvement, he first became a worm to eliminate aging, now he seeks all forms of further increases to his power untill he finally becomes the universe itself. He has no unique ability, being built with the 48 point buy was good enough for me.

What do you guys think of them? and sorry this message is as long as a Frost Worm.

Im a Dm and I was looking through the Core Rulebook when I decided to change the races that I allow my players to select, I started by eliminating the Half Races, Half Orc/Elf, no one plays them and I never liked the mix race thing, to compensate I replaced Half-Orc with Full Orc due to players generally preffering to just go Full anyway, I added Aasimar and Tiefling to the list since they're always interesting and not to powerful to run in a game, that leaves me at 8 races for my players, but I was thinking of making it an even Ten, my first choices are Replace Half-Elf with Tengu for a more exotic flair and then maybe a Home-Brew Dragon Born style Race, Any Suggestions?