Beltias Kreun

Master Riddle's page

22 posts. Alias of Radavel.

About Master Riddle

Destiny 3 Force Points 8 Dark Side 0
Medium Human Jedi 6
Init +10; Perception +10
Languages Basic
Defenses Reflex 22, Will 19, Fortitude 17
Hit Points 92 (42+5d10); Threshold 17
Spd 6 squares
Melee unarmed attack +8 (1d10+3); lightsaber +9 (2d8+3)
Base Attack +6; Grapple +6
Abilities STR 10 DEX 14 CON 11 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 14
Talents Clear Mind, Deflect, Force Haze
Feats Force Sensitivity, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, Martial Arts III, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Strong in the Force, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsaber), Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber, simple weapons)
Skills (4 trained skills) Acrobatics +10, Initiative +10, Perception +10, Use the Force +15
Possessions lightsaber, set of black and gray robes, credit card containing most of his cash.


[Level 0]

Riddle was brought as an infant into the care of the Jedi Temple because of a very high count of medichlorines discovered in his blood stream during a routine medical examination. His parents, being poor, did not hesitate handing over guardianship of Riddle to the temple, which promised among others to grant his parents and siblings a stipend for the rest of their days, provided they stayed away from the child.

[Level 1]

At six years old, Riddle started his training to be a Jedi. He proved unusually gifted in his use of the force (Feats: Strong in the Force and Skill Focus (Use Force). Hence, his advancement through the ranks proved much faster than most. During this time, he often performed errands and tasks for the Jedi Council that brought him into contact to such Jedi notables as Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. (Talent: Clear Mind)

[Level 2]

At twelve years old, Riddle was scheduled to be among the first to be inducted into the new Padawan ranks to replenish the Jedi fallen in the battles of the Clone Wars. However, Chancellor Palpatine (aka The Emperor) initiated Order 66. Riddle was a remote spire in the Jedi Temple when he saw Anakin Skywalker (seething in Dark Side energy to his sensitive eyes) lead elements of the 501st in killing his fellow students. Not wanting to die senselessly battling a far superior opponent, Riddle escaped the sack of the temple.

Alone and without money, Riddle traded the one item he had left, his lightsaber, in exchange for a trip off planet and to the Rim. He was lucky the ship captain who made the deal with him did not turn him over (the man was a big fan of the Jedi and he did not believe the allegations being leveled against them). At the Rim, Riddle accepted all sorts of odd jobs to make ends meet and to buy passage. It was also at this time that he started tom learn to fight unarmed. (Jedi Bonus Feat: Martial Arts I)

[Level 3]

At eighteen years old, Riddle becomes adept at unarmed fighting. (Feat: Martial Arts II) Using his skills, he hires himself as a bodyguard to the genteel rich. It was at this point that he became aware of the organized resistance against the rule of The Emperor. On one of his jobs, Riddle managed to save the life of one of Jedi Master Rahm Kota’s agents. (Force Haze)

[Level 4]

At twenty-one years old, Riddle joins Rahm Kota’s private war. Much changed by the hardships he had endured since the Massacre at the Jedi Temple years before, Kota fails to recognize Riddle, who simply shrugs when asked about his past.

One of the missions Riddle performs for Rahm Kota was done on Oova IV. (This is where he met Ithaka) Riddle allows himself to be captured and brought to that facility where he was subjected to IT-046 “Ithaka” not too subtle ministrations. Using a computer virus hidden inside a chip in his tooth, Riddle liberates Ithaka from its primary programming and organizes a prison break. (Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse)

[Level 5]

At twenty five years old, Riddle discovers that the Emperor has sent an Inquisitor to track the one who organized the Oova IV prison break. Not wanting to lead the Inquisitor to Rahm Kota’s door steps, Riddle depart to the Rim once more. Rahm Kota, understanding his reasons, gives Riddle a lightsaber. (Deflect) (Riddle is toast if the Inquisitor captures him).

[Level 6]

At thirty years old, Riddle has become very skilled in the use of a lightsaber. (Martial Arts III, Weapon Focus (Light Saber). He now rejoins the fight against the Emperor by teaching common people martial arts.

Master Riddle’s moustache and a goatee makes him appear older than he is. He prefers to wear simple robes of grey and black. He keeps his lightsaber hidden until it is needed.