
Master of Past and Present's page

No posts. Alias of Shicil.

Sunday, 23 Rova, 4707 AR

For five years, the faithful of Sandpoint have attended church in temporary structures erected after fire destroyed the previous temple, and while their new religious leader was helpful, kind, and wise, church wasn't the same. Now, the new cathedral is finally done. All that remains is for the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site's blessings from the gods and it will be as if the Sandpoint Fire had never occured.

The people of Sandpoint and travelers from afar have all gathered in the town square early in the morning for the festival's welcoming speech, and stands and stalls boasting breakfast foods, pastries, and festival games have already sprung up around the square to entertain travelers and locals alike while last minute preparations are hurried along to get festivities under way.

After over a week at sea, days and days of nothing but the salt air and the spray of water around the swift water skimmer common among the elves of the Mordant Spire, you have finally reached Sandpoint just days before a foreign festival in celebration of the equinox and the goddess Desna. After leaving your Spire Guard behind to watch the skimmer, you wound your way through the throngs of sweating human sailors and dockworkers and into town to begin your research...

A family caravan heading from Magnimar to Sandpoint in preparation for the Swallowtail Festival provided you with a comfortable ride up the Lost Coast Road to your new home, arriving in Sandpoint just a couple of days before the festival. However, it seems that with the town on the eve of celebration none of your Deverin cousins of Sandpoint will have time to meet with you until things are less hectic, once the festival is finally underway. Until then, you're on your own...

Shenir & Liselotte:
As followers of Desna, you are at home on the open road as much if not moreso than in any house or church, and the company of other travelers is never far off. The two of you met up on the road to Sandpoint, sharing a mutual reverence for the Song of the Spheres and interest in the great cathedral supposedly being built in Sandpoint, to be consecrated during the Swallowtail Festival. You are greeted on the road into town by a humble sign that reads "Welcome to Sandpoint! Please stop to see yourself as we see you!" with a well-polished mirror hanging from it. Other travelers are already filtering into town as well, just days before the festival and the consecration of the cathedral.

At this point, I want you all to briefly describe what you would have done in the 2-3 days before the Swallowtail Festival and then join in the festivities. You don't actually have to do anything if you don't like, but at least be in the square for the welcoming speech (however you decide to end up there.)

Alright, doing the thing.

Grand Lodge

I'd like my Adventure Path subscription to be cancelled, please.

Grand Lodge

The card that was listed as payment method for this order had no money when the order went through, but retrying the payment method doesn't seem to be working for me. Something similar happened to my order last month as well, I think.

Not meaning to be impatient if I just needed to wait for it to go through, just want to make sure there wasn't a problem again. =)

Thanks in advance!

Grand Lodge

I'm having two problems here. I had a payment method declined issue that I thought I resolved by just removing invalid payment methods from my account. The cards switched to pending but the AP subscription still says declined, and won't let me try the payment method again. Anything that can be done about this?

Thanks very much in advance!

Grand Lodge

So, I just finished running my first session and already very nearly had a death to the very first trap in the book! I figured I'd kick off the obituary thread in preparation. I know most people haven't even started it yet, but you never know how they'll go.

The Gory Details: (optional)

Out of character discussion goes here!


Grand Lodge

Okay, so I'm pretty new to the world of Golarion and DMing in general and I've been wondering...

What real world accents do people associate with Pathfinder's different cultures and ethnicities? What does a Varisian sound like, an Ulfen, and all the others? Do Snowcaster Elves speak differently from those in Kyonin? What do you think, forums? 8V

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Name: Artisans of Avarice
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Role: Entrepreneurs
Accepted Roles: Anyone with a skill, talent, or drive to part the people with their coin (of their own free will, of course).
Voice Chat: Contact Shicil on Skype for further information.

With respect to those who have come before, I have seen very little in the vein of Chartered Companies out purely for profit on their own behalf. With that in mind, I would like to bring the Artisans of Avarice to the world of Pathfinder Online. We are a mercantile group, though we do not specialize in a specific craft. Instead, our art is greed, our product the needs of our customers (whatever those might be).

From personal guards to crafted goods of the highest quality, as well as more subtle services that will always be discussed with great discretion, we endeavor to create services YOU will want.

As a business, we must of course obey the laws of the realm, and will endeavor to do so with all of our business practices, yet in our quest to help you realize your own greed, the Artisans of Avarice will also strive to blur the boundaries between "good" and "evil" while serving our customers equally.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Okay, so, some of these are pretty obvious.

Fighter focused characters could totally be knights, mercenaries, etc.

Same goes for Barbarians for the most part, other than the more barbaric personality.

Rangers as trackers, hunters...

Rogues as thieves or spies or assassins.

What other kinds of "professions", roleplay-wise, would certain classes do well at? Or even multiclasses? Maybe a wizard/rogue hybrid playing a saboteur/sapper type character. Sneak behind enemy lines, start blowing stuff up.

Any other ideas? (this is all obviously on the roleplaying side of things)

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I was wondering what people would think of, say, race specific Chartered Companies or settlements that only allow specific PC races. I mean, it's bound to happen.