Paladin of Iomedae

Mary Dontingham's page

241 posts. Organized Play character for Moondragon Starshadow.

Full Name

Marie Dontingham




Paladin (Divine Hunter)/2 (HP 18/18 | AC:20 | T:13 | FF:17 | CMB: 4 | CMD:17 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+5 | Init:+5 | Perc: +5 | Speed 20)








Lawful Good








Adventurer (PFS #116247-1)

Homepage URL ng

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 9
Charisma 16

About Mary Dontingham


Mary Dontingham was born to the parents of Jason and Marge Dontingham near the Castle Urion in Numeria. Her father Jason was a successful traveling merchant selling wares to crusaders traveling and stopping at Castle Urion.

Unfortunately, one thief stole quite a lot of the family’s money and ran off. Luckily, her father saw it happening and chased the thief, but he was a bit out of shape while the young thief was still young and fit. Still, knowing that his family needed that money very badly, continued to press on. The thief ran into Echo Woods and Jason Dontingham lost his bearings when he entered the woods. He wandered around and encountered a local witch, who killed him in a rather gross manner and put his head on a stake.

After a few days, a wandering crusader found the head of Jason Dotingham and returned it to Castle Urion. Marge Dontingham knew her family was broke and would have to remarry another man, but that would be difficult with a child. So, she was sent to the church that her father worshiped, the church of Abadar (the merchant god) at the age of 7.

Mary was old enough to understand why she was sent away: so her mother could remarry. The local church was taking care of her, but they wanted her to be passive and follow the laws of the land. Mary wasn’t passive, she was angry and often acted on her anger. After realizing that they couldn’t control the girl, the clergy started looking for a way to dispose of her while honoring their commitment to keep the girl within the church. By luck, the local church of Iomede had openings to train more paladins. Thinking the physical activity would be good for Mary, they sent her away to train as a paladin.

While not the only female paladin, she was only one of a few and unfortunately one of the shorter ones. The paladin trainers tried to get her to get used to melee combat, but after a while conceded that her lack of strength probably had her best suited for a ranged weapon, and gave the girl a training bow.

Over time, she mastered the training bow, short bow, and finally a long bow. Still, one thing remained: the conversion of Mary from worshiping Abadar to worshiping Iomede as the other paladins in training. Mary, however, was resistant to this because it was like spitting on the grave of her father. No matter how hard they pushed, Mary continued to honor Abadar first. This was most disturbing to the paladins.

One night, they discussed what was to be done with Mary. They were quite worried that Mary’s insistence to worship Abadar, not the worst thing obviously, but it could influence other recruits. So like the clergy of Abadar before them, the paladins of Iomede began to plot how to get rid of Mary. Before long, the headmaster thought of Mary joining the Pathfinder society in Absalom as a member of the Silver Crusade. Not only would that get Mary out of their training center, but perhaps the Silver Crusade would move Mary closer to Iomede.

Mary jumped at the chance to leave the paladin training center, and quickly left for Absalom along a boat. When she arrived in Absalom she reported to the Pathfinder lodge for duty.

Mary Dontingham
Female human paladin (level 2) - Divine Hunter archetype
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Favored Class paladin (+2 skill points)
Deities: Abadar
Init +5; Perception +5

AC 20 (7 armor/3 dex), touch 13, flat-footed 17
hp 18/18 (d10 + 1 Con); Nonlethal Damage 0
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5;

Speed 20 ft. (30 ft. base)
Ranged: Masterwork Darkwood Composite Longbow (Strength Rated +2) @ +4/+4 Rapid Fire (1d8+2; 20/x3) 110' range
Melee: Heavy Flail +4 (1d10 + 3; 19-20/x2; trip & disarm)

Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 9 (-1), Wis 9 (-1), Cha 16(+3)
Base Atk +2; CMB +4 CMD 17
Feats: Precise Shot (archetype bonus), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Trait: Eyes and Ears of the City; Reactionary

Trained Skills: 2 Diplomacy (+8), 2 Sense Motive (+4), 2 Perception (+5)

Untrained Skills: Acrobatics (-1), Appraise (-1), Bluff (+3), Climb (-2), Disguise (+3), Escape Artist (-1), Heal (-1), Intimidate (+3), Perform (+3), Ride (-1), Stealth (-1), Survival (-1), Swim (-2).

Languages Common

Carrying Capacity 58/116/176; Load 84 lb (Weapons & Armor Load 42lbs)

Armor: +1 Breastplate (+7 Armor/3 Dex Max, 30lbs, 20' Move)
Other Gear: Arrows (60: -3), Wooden Holy Symbol, Crowbar, Backpack, Rope - hemp (50'), Grappling Hook, Bullseye Lantern, 3 Pints Oil, 3 Common Rations, Cold Weather Outfit.

Gold, Fame, PP & Items Purchased:

Gold on hand: 113
Fame: 6
PP: 4
Items purchased w/gold: 80 Arrows, Bullseye Lantern, Cold Weather Outfit, +1 Breastplate
Items purchased w/PP: Masterwork Darkwood Composite Longbow (Strength Rated +2) - 2PP
Estimated Character Wealth: 1,995gp




First Steps, part I: In Service to Lore
Game Master StephNyan
Completed: March 17, 2014
Gold Started: 0gp Gold Earned: 417gp Day Job: 0gp Items Sold: 37gp Spent: 10gp Gold on Hand: 444gp
PP Started: 0 PP Earned: 2 PP Spent: 2 PP Remaining: 0
Fame Started: 0 Fame Ended: 2

The Dalsine Affair: Scenario 2-21
Game Master StephNyan
Completed: May 17, 2014
Gold Started: 444gp Gold Earned: 501gp Day Job: 0gp Items Sold: 0gp Spent: 1gp Gold on Hand: 944gp
PP Started: 0 PP Earned: 2 PP Spent: 0 PP Remaining: 2
Fame Started: 2 Fame Ended: 4

The Frostfur Captives: Scenario 3-01
Game Master GM Lithrac
Completed: June 14, 2014
Gold Started: 944 Gold Earned: 502gp Day Job: 0gp Items Sold: 25gp
Spent: 1358 Gold on Hand: 113gp
PP Started: 2 Earned: 2PP Spent: 0 Final PP: 4
Fame Started: 4 Fame Ended: 6