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1 post. Organized Play character for Daengren.

Sovereign Court

I have a rogue with improved two-weapon fighting that requires a DEX score of 17. My rogue has a 20. If my rogue becomes entangled, it gets a –4 penalty to Dexterity. This drops his core down to a 16. Does he now lose improved two-weapon fighting until the entangled condition is removed?

Sovereign Court

I reported a session this morning and noticed that I am missing two tables of GM credit. Both tables appear to be due to 5-08: The Confirmation.

On 11/4/14, I GMd the scenario under event code 52305 and applied credit to 76076-19

On 11/29/14, I GMd the scenario under event code 53261 and applied it to 76076-20

Could you see why these sessions are not giving me GM credit (they have done so in the past) and why the 2nd event no longer shows up at all? Thanks!

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

On pg 94 of the ACG, it lists 4 dares that are legal for PFS play, but I am confused by the wording. (Bold letting added by me)

ACG pg 94 wrote:
Dares are similar to deeds in that they grant a gunslinger or a swashbuckler extra abilities based on either grit or panache, but unlike deeds, dares become active when a member of these classes runs out of her respective pool, and become inactive until the character regains points of their respective pool. They grant the character a benefit and a new ability to regain or increase the ability to regain either grit or panache.

So when you run out of grit it become active. When does it become inactive? Is it a one time use? Or until you gain some grit?

Sovereign Court

I placed this order over a week ago and it shows "Pending". Are things backed up in shipping?

Sovereign Court

I will be unable to attend PaizoCon this year and I need to see what my refund/credit options are. Thank you!

The Exchange

About when will the schedule be released so that we can start planning our PFS gaming during the convention? Thanks!

Sovereign Court

I have seen this question asked and answered in the regualr Pathfinder Rules forum, but I am looking specifically for a PFS answer.

One of the abilities of a Monk's robe is: "If donned by a character with the Stunning Fist feat, the robe lets her make one additional stunning attack per day."

If a character has chosen the Monk of the Four Winds archetype and Stunning Fist is replaced with Elemental Fist, does the monk gain an extra use of Elemental Fist or is it strictly for Stunning Fist?

I am not swayed one way or another but I am getting opinions both ways from some of my players.

Sovereign Court 3/5

May Pathfinder Tales Chronicles be used for Core campaign characters?

Sovereign Court

Apparently the room rate at the Doubletree is only good through the 25th. If you stay the night of the 25th, the 2 queen room jumps up to $169 a night.

However the DoubleTree website for PaizoCon says "Welcome to the PaizoCon 2015 reservation site!

A block of rooms have been reserved for May 20, 2015 - May 26, 2015. The special room rate will be available until April 30, 2015 or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first."

It seems to indicate that the special room rate is good for the evening of the 26th as well.

Can anyone verify?

Sovereign Court

I guess the shirts are still not available yet. I have a Deluxe Harrow Deck that I would like shipped as well. What can I do to combine the shirt from this order with the order I want to place today for the Harrow Deck and combine/save on shipping?

Sovereign Court 3/5

I was going through my materials today to make sure they were allowed for PFS play according to the Additional Resources page and found a discrepancy between what is on the web page and what is the the downloadable PDF.

On the web page, it lists three spells from "Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds" as allowable, but there is no mention of this source in the downloadable PDF. Which is correct?

Sovereign Court 3/5

We are running Sanctum of the Sages at our convention and we have a couple of players wanting to join in on this scenario but they need level 4 pregens. Can they do so even if they have not played the first two parts? Do the pregens need to be modified at all in order to be playable in Sanctum of the Sages? Thanks in advance!

Sovereign Court

I am not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I would like to cancel my ticket for the PaizoCon Banquet only. I still plan on attending the Con, but I have plans for that evening already. Let me know if you can make a refund of $25 happen. Thanks!

Sovereign Court

It shows it was shipped March 28th, but it has not yet arrived. The tracking info shows it was delivered on April 1. Suggestions?

Sovereign Court

It went from being available today to "unavailable"...problems?

Sovereign Court

Thanks for the heads up! I am sure there are others like me who are aware that the cards exist, but never knew exactly what they were for...

Sovereign Court

Just wanted to see if you had and expected ship date. Is the item on Backorder?

Sovereign Court 3/5

There seems to be a little contradiction in the Blakros Matrimony that I would like some GM advice on. I am running it tonight and need some quick advice.

In the sidebar on page 11 it talks about the penalties on Influence Checks if you wear medium or heavy armor (unless you have a title to go along with it). It seems to indicate that you can wear these armors as long as you take the penalties.

Then on page 12, the first paragraph under "Boat Ride", it sates that the guards ensure "that no armor above light armor is brought unless the PC has an appropriate title". This makes it sound like the guards prohibit the wearing of the heavier armors. I know several of my players do not have titles at all. Do theguards deny the PCs access to the island if they have heavy armor and no title to go with it?

Sovereign Court 3/5

Has anyone heard when the chronicle sheet for this particular section of the Reign of Winter AP will be available?

Sovereign Court 3/5

I have a GM that ran a game again for a different group of players last week. Obviously he does not get to apply a chronicle to a new character but we still want him to be able to get GM credit recorded. When recording the event on the events page what character number does he use if any? I tried leaving his character number blank but then it looked as though he did not get any GM credit at all. Suggestions?

Sovereign Court 3/5

Not having played PFS from the beginning years ago, is there someplace that someone could get a summary of what the previous seasons were all about? I don't want a ton of spoilers, but just a brief summary of what each of the factions and the society as a whole were trying to accomplish each season. Thanks in advance!

Sovereign Court

How awesome is that? Wish I was there!!!

Sovereign Court

When a successful Knowledge Check is made (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, etc...) to try and identify a monster and it is a successful check, should a player have to make an identical Knowledge check later on (perhaps in a different scenario) to identify the same monster? If not, is there some mechanic to keep track that a certain character already knows what a ghoul is because he identified one successfully in a previous scenario?

Sovereign Court

I think this is the right forum for this question. I can't find We Be Goblins Too! in the list of scenarios when I try to create a session in the Events section. I am running it tomorrow and would like to report the session sometime this weekend. Will it be added as a scenario choice in the near future? Thanks in advance!

Sovereign Court

Please cancel this preorder. Thank you!

Sovereign Court

I placed this order last Wednesday and it states that it is still pending. Are things backed up currently or was there something wrong with the order?

Sovereign Court 3/5

Thanks for this update. Let me see if I understand this correctly for the older Pathfinder Tales novels. Once the new chronicle sheets are released for the older tales, we shred the old chronicle sheets and start using the new sheets? What if we already used a boon on an old chronicle sheet?

Sovereign Court 3/5

I have several of the Pathfinder Tales novels, including the accompanying Chronicle Sheets. I get the gist of how they are going to be revamped in season 5, but my question is:

If I already have the earlier chronicle sheets in my possession, are they grandfathered in? Or will I need to tear them up in season 5 and go with the new program? Thanks in advance!

Sovereign Court 3/5

If I plan on playing a character with just some friends of mine (not sure if they are running a Pathfinder Society Campaign or just a regular Pathfinder campaign), should I still register that character just like I do for my regular PFS character?