Martin Scrull's page

1 post. Alias of Monkeygod.


Blight Human


Legendary Rogue 5(Poisoner, Guild Agent)/Master Thief 2






Lawful Evil


Common, Halfling, Necronomus, Rama, River Cant, Thieve's Cant.


Poisoner, Villain

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 18

About Martin Scrull

Basic Info:
Initiative+3, Senses Perception+11

AC 17(+3 Dex, +4 armor), Touch 13, Flat-Footed 14

HP 33

Fort+4, Ref+8, Will+5

Speed 30ft

Melee +1 sword cane+11 (1d6+4/18-20x2)

Ranged +10 hand crossbow (1d4/19-20x2)

Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +3d6.

Base Attack+4 CMB+5, CMD 18

Avoidance: Poison Resistance.

Feats Criminal Reputation, Deft Hands, Improved Steal, Persuasion, Poison Focus, Quick Steal(b) Shadow Striker(b), Weapon Finesse(b).

Instincts: Celerity, Instinctive Awareness.

Rogue Talents: Black Market Connections(b), Bomber, Finesse Rogue(b), Finesse Training, Gossip Collector(b), Quick Scrounge(b).

Traits: Guild Child: You were raised as part of a guild and have a benefactor looking out for you. Roll an extra friendship (see below) to have as a mentor, guide, or family friend. Choose a Profession or Craft skill and consider it a class skill; if you already have those as class skills, gain a +2 bonus to one of your choosing.

Hollow Hills Born: You were raised or spent some considerable time in the hallowed and holy places of the Hollow and Broken Hills. You make all Knowledge (local) checks for the Hollow and Broken Hills or Lore (Hollow and Broken Hills) checks at +4 and always consider Knowledge (local) as a class skill.

Kissed by Angels: Some people are born lucky, and you’re one of them. Cats sit in your lap, children stop crying and laugh when you enter a room, and frosty discussions thaw when you talk. You make all checks for Bluff, Diplomacy, and Perform, as well as any other such check your GM deems appropriate, as though your Charisma was 2 higher than it actually is. Some petty people find such lucky folk annoying, and become jealous of them, of course.

Alternate Racial Traits: City Knowledge: Blighted humans gain a +4 bonus on Lore* checks related to one city district and a +2 bonus on Lore checks related to one other city district. Lore checks related to either of these two city districts can be made untrained (Broken Hills and Booktown).

Citysoul: Blighted humans are instinctively connected to the city, and they subconsciously move to its irregular beat. Within the Blight, they gain a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks, as well as on Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. In addition, once per day, they can become lost in thought in a trance-like state for 1 minute to subconsciously plumb their knowledge of the city. At the end of the trance, they may make Diplomacy check as though they had spent 1d4 hours gathering information. This trait replaces the bonus feat trait.

Know Your Own: Blighted humans gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks versus others of the same racial subtype.

Mapmind: The minds of blighted humans intuitively understand the ever-changing layout of the city, as though they have a mental model that is somehow always kept up to date. They gain a +4 racial bonus on Knowledge (local), Knowledge (geography), and Lore* checks in relation
to knowing the urban geography of the Blight, the fastest method to get from one location to another, and for finding specific locations within the city. In addition, they can spend a full-round action to know which district they are in, even if they cannot see their surroundings. This trait replaces skilled.

Social Ties: Some human societies run on complex webs of favors and loyalties that canny members can intuitively exploit with relative ease. These humans gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks, and on any skill checks to recruit members and teams for an organization. They also add a +1 racial bonus to their Leadership scores (if they gain the Leadership feat).

Skills Acrobatics+12, Climb+12, Bluff+13(+1, +2 deception/pass secret messages), Diplomacy+21(+1, +2 vs Blighted Humans), Disable Device+17, Disguise+13, Intimidate+18, Knowledge(Local)+11(+4 on Broken Hills), Knowledge(Local Toiltown)+7, Perception+11, Sense Motive+12(+2 vs Blighted Humans), Stealth+12.

Background Skills: Appraise+7 Craft(Alchemy)+15, Craft(Tattooing)+9, Linguistics7, +Knowledge(Geography)+6, Lore(Booktown)+11, Lore(Broken Hills)+19, Sleight of Hand+14

Class Features:

Case the Joint (Ex): A master thief gains the quick scrounge rogue talent, and for each class level she reduces the duration required to search an area by one round (or by one step, if already requiring a full-round action or less). Alternatively, if she spends the time normally required to search an area, she can search a number of creatures or 5-foot-squares equal to her class level as part of the same action. All creatures or areas to be searched must be within 10 feet of the master thief, though this range increases to 20 feet at 5th level and to 30 feet at 10th level.

Critical Sneak (Ex): At 3rd level, when a rogue deals sneak attack damage that is also a critical hit, she deals an amount of additional damage equal to the number of sneak attack damage dice dealt. At 11th level, this additional damage increases to twice the rogue’s number of sneak attack damage dice dealt. This additional damage is multiplied by the critical hit.

Combat Prowess: At 5th level, a rogue gains a +1 bonus on her attack rolls. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 5th (to a maximum of +4 at 17th level.)

Eye for Treasure (Ex): At 2nd level, a master thief can use the skill unlocks for Appraise as though she had 5 more ranks in that skill than she actually possesses.

Honor Among Thieves (Ex): A guild agent must remain a member in good standing of a thieves’ guild (he starts at rank 1 with her guild when using the organizational influence system on pages 109–117). If the guild agent leaves his guild, he loses all of the abilities granted by this archetype and does not gain their replacements. If he joins a new guild, the guild agent regains his abilities, though depending on how he joins the guild, he may regain his abilities all at once or gradually over time. Even if the guild in question operates in multiple locations, the guild agent chooses a settlement as a base of operations for his own activities.

Guild Connections (Ex): At 2nd level, a guild agent gains the black market connections rogue talent.

Furthermore, he can ask his guild for tips about the local scene, granting him a bonus equal to half his rogue level on Knowledge (local) checks and Diplomacy checks to gather information, as long as the information in question pertains to the guild agent’s base of operations.

At 4th level, the guild agent also gains the gossip collector vigilante social talent, and his base of operations counts as his area of renown for the purpose of determining the effects of gossip collector.

Master poisoner (Ex): At 4th level, a poisoner can use Craft
(alchemy) to change the type of a poison. This requires 1 hour of work with an alchemist’s lab and a Craft (alchemy) check with a DC equal to the poison’s DC. If successful the poison’s type changes to contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury. If the check fails, the poison is ruined.

Poison user: The rogue must take the poisoner skill specialty
as her first skill specialty. This ability modifies her 1st level skill

Powerful Sneak (Ex): At 5th level, when a rogue deals sneak attack damage she treats all 1s on the sneak attack damage dice as 2s.

Skill Specialties:

Poisoner: Grants a bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks and on checks to recognize poisons or identify potions. The rogue is trained in the use of poison, and cannot accidentally poison herself when applying poison to a weapon.

Smooth-talk: Grants a bonus on Diplomacy checks and on Bluff checks made to deceive someone or pass secret messages. When using Diplomacy to shift a creature’s attitude, the rogue can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. If the rogue fails a Bluff check made to deceive someone, any further checks made to deceive them (assuming that this is even possible) have the penalty reduced by 5.

Smash and Grab (Ex): A master thief gains Quick Steal as a bonus feat. If she uses a standard action to attempt a steal combat maneuver, she adds her class level as a bonus on her combat maneuver check.

Telling Blow (Ex): At 3rd level, a rogue can choose to take a –2 penalty to her AC against a specific opponent and gain a bonus on the damage roll from her next successful attack against that opponent made before the start of her next turn. The bonus damage is an amount equal to the rogue’s number of sneak attack damage dice. A rogue must choose to use this ability before making an attack roll and the penalty lasts until the start of the rogue’s next turn. Initially a rogue can use this ability once per round, this increases to twice per round at 8th level and three times per round at 15th level. These uses reset at the start of the rogue’s turn. The penalty to the rogue’s AC against a specific
creature does not stack with itself.

This bonus damage does not apply to splash weapon damage or effects that do not deal hit point damage. The rogue only adds this bonus damage to ranged attacks if her target is within her sneak attack range (normally 30 feet). This bonus damage is not precision damage and is multiplied on a critical hit. While using this ability, if an attack made by the rogue deals sneak attack damage, she deals the sneak attack damage instead of this bonus damage.

Thieves’ Cant (Ex): A master thief adds her class level as a bonus on Bluff checks made to communicate a hidden message and on Sense Motive checks made to intercept a hidden message. A Bluff check to send a hidden message automatically succeeds if the recipient also has levels in this prestige class.

+1 Studded Leather, +1 sword cane, mstwk hand crossbow, All Tools Vest, Tools Thieves’ Extenders, Wrist Sheath, spring loaded x2, Scabbard false-bottomed, Pommel hollow, Thieves’ Ring, Kit Spy’s, Kit Rogue’s, Kit Infiltration, Thieves’ tools concealable, boot blades x2, dagger x5, incendiary bolts(20), Traveler's Anytool, Endless Bandolier, Daredevil Boots.