About Martin Na'GullisMartin Na'Gullis
----------------------------Defenses---------------------------- Armor Class: 25 Touch: 14 Flat-Footed: 23
Armor Breakdown:
MW Mithril Agil Breastplate +6 AC, 6 Max Dex, 0 Armor Check, 12.5# MW Mithril Tower Shield +5AC, 6 Max Dex 3 Armor Check 22.5# Dexterity +4 AC = +15 Armor Class (+10 base) = +25 AC ----------------------------Offense---------------------------- Speed: 20' (30 but BP reduces it to 20')
Boar Spear: +4 Hit|1d6+2|20x2|P|*Brace| If brace and hit gain +2 AC vs creature| Glassteel Scimitar: +8 Hit|1d6+2|18-20=x2|S|Melee| Garrotte: +4 Hit|1d6+2|20=x2|S|*Grapple Check to maintain Choke|Melee| Umbrite Kurki: +8 Hit|1d6+2|S|*+3 Stealth when drawn|Melee| True Crystalline Diamond Stake: +8 Hit|1d4+2|20=x2|*Ignore armor/deflection bonus|Melee| MW Composite Longbow: +8 Hit||B/P|Ranged: 110'| Blunt Arrow: x40 1d8+2|20=x3|B Whistling Arrow x20 1d8+2|20=x3|P Everburning Torch (Club): +4 Hit|1d4+2|20=x2|B|Melee| Skills:
Armor Check Penalty: -3 With Tower Shield All Class skills. Favored class Fighter. took skill points for 2/3 fighter levels 2L @4 ranks Fighter,1L @3 ranks Fighter 10 per L rogue Sum|Skill Name|-------------------------|Abil|Rank|Other| +12 Stealth--------------------------------|+4--|+2--|+3 Umbrite Kukri| +9 Acrobatics|----------------------------|+4--|+2--|+0--| +9 Disable Device|-----------------------|+4--|+2--|+0--| +8 Climb-----------------------==---------|+2--|+3--|+0--| +8 Ride----------------------==-----------|+4--|+2--|+2 Getaway Driver| +8 Swim-----------------------------------|+2--|+3--|+0--| +7 Profession: Teamster/Wagon Driver----|+1--|+1--|+2 Getaway Driver| +6 Appraise--------------------------------|+1--|+2--|+0--| +6 Perception------------------------------|+1--|+2--|+0--| +6 Knowledge: Dungeonering----------|+1--|+2--|+0--| +5 Craft: Armorsmith--------------------|+1--|+1--|+2 Travelers Any-tool| +5 Craft: Blacksmith---------------------|+1--|+1--|+2 Travelers Any-tool| +5 Craft: Bowyer-------------------------|+1--|+1--|+2 Travelers Any-tool| +5 Craft: Glassblowing------------------|+1--|+1--|+2 Travelers Any-tool| +5 Craft: Wagonwright-------------------|+1--|+1--|+2 Travelers Any-tool| +5 Craft: Weaponsmith-------------------|+1--|+1--|+2 Travelers Any-tool| +5 Knowledge: Engineering-------------|+1--|+1--|+0--| +1 Handle Animal-------------------------|-1--|+0--|+2 Getaway Driver| +1 Heal-------------------------------------|+1--|+0--|+0--| -1 Bluff-------------------------------------|-1--|+0--|+0--| -1 Intimidate-------------------------------|-1--|+0--|+0--| -1 Use Magic Device---------------------|-1--|+0--|+0--| Drawbacks: Family Ties - IF I reconnect with them - until then I have Doubt, Daydreamer Traits: Get the Cargo Through,Rich Parents, Sacred Touch, Absolute Loyalty Feats: Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes,, Paired Opportunist, Shield Focus, Saving Shield, Exotic Weapon: Aldori Dueling Sword Class Abilities and such:
Sacred Touch: Stabilize a dying creature by touching it. Doubt: -4 to any skill or ability check I fail for 1 hour. Absolute Loyality: 1 time ability to immediately cast Atonement upon myself as a SLA upon performing an act or being subject to an effect that spell affects. This is ONLY in the Server of my Liege, My goddess. Saving Shield IF ally next to me attacked. Immediate action to grant ally +2 AC bonus from my shield. Rogue Talent: Getaway Driver In a wagon or on horseback-2dc Drive/Ride Checks +10'Speed +5' acceleration/round Tower Shield Training: -3 Armor Check +2 Max Dexterity with Tower Shield Deployed My Dock with a creative name I am working on still:
This is where im going to edit in the dock info. both the other stories will also be edited down below under my tale. Stat Breakdown:
STR 10 +4 DEX 10 +6 +2Human +1@4th CON 10 +2 INT 10 +2 WIS 10 +2 CHA 09 -1 Appearance
Over his left shoulder hangs a quiver that is closed, it is made of the molted hide of a serpent-folk. On his hip is a glass-steel scimitar whos hilt and guard are etched in gold and shaped like a sunburst. Leaning against the wall next to him is a tower shield made out of Mithril, it too is shaped and carved in the matter the Azlanti style. In the center of the shield is a sconce within that sconce is ever burning torch set to burn the color of golden red almost same shade as the sun as it crests across the desert sands. His Tale:
I was born in Qadira, my father is important so you need to know about. I was the youngest son of over 100 other sons. I just turned 20 about six months ago. I have no idea me sisters I have all of were sent after there weaned were sent east to be rasied in the harems of the Padishah Emperor. I wish I knew any of them, but that not my father's ways. My father traded horse, silk, hash, will he was a player upon the golden. As youngest son is given no responsibilities expected nothing of me was basically raised by my mother Janet was her name. I spent a lot of my spare time, while not just spare time it to stay busy when I was in study, with my father's guardsman working with the Smith learning their arts. Father did not approve, said no set of mine in the labor force that's why we have all this, Gold. As punishment, he sent me with the caravans under the he thought was watchful eye my brother Samuel. Samuel was no idiot, soon as we left started teach me how to drive a wagon, Repair a wagon, even how to blow glass and gave me my Any-Tool. When I turned 15, my father sent me to prove myself worthy of staying alive, I kid you not. All the way down by boat to Eleder I was sent with one of dads.. prized mares. I was to trade a cold-iron gem encrusted tower shield to a guard there for use of his stallion for stud. The ship sank, she tripped as I was leading her across the coral to land from the wreck, the priests and druid were ashore and drained of all healing powers, she fell into the water and none of us knew how to swim so she she was lost, as she had broken her legs in the falls. Needless to say I havnt returned to father to admit defeat. Being who and what he is, he may very well just kill me out of hand. I need to find at least as valuable of a racing horse as that foal would have been back to him, At the least. I dont know the first thing about horses other than how to ride them or drive a team of them. Animals can bairly handle being around me, im too colorful perhaps.. too shiny. Well, we eventually found an old lighthouse and got it working to signal SOS. A pirate came, but was feeling generous, after we had bribed him rather well. Thankfully he could not read or just did not care about our journals and logs, for in the crate with them was hidden our treasures. We finally made it to Eleder, and set forth to find these ruins. We had six choices of teams we could ally ourselves with. I thought the Society was the best choice. My companions ALL thought the Aspis Corporation had the best offer. They did not understand, once you sign onboard, you can never leave the corporation, not fully. I had naturally heard of them back in Qadira. Because of what we did, the new trade routes and such we created. We have been granted golden status down in the jungle, I bear my badge tattooed upon the left side of my neck, as do we all. Refusal was not an option if we did not want our throats slit. I have three friends in two here who the number of times we have already saved each others lives is uncountable. The gnomish bard Gilek Aberwhinge of the ((())) within the Society of Pathfinders. And the half-elven Samurai Ishirou who is a fence for the Aspis Consortium here. The human female Sasha Nevah of the Red Mantis. Some strange companions that I have. I know. But such is your fate when your ship runs aground upon the Smuggler's Shiv. In our travels I was the only one willing to dedicate time to actually crafting anything, so whenever anything broke, I had to learn to fix it. All of my arms and armor were forged within our caravan that we actually cut paths and roads through the jungle with the aid of the aspis corporation. Everything that is magical was either found within the ruins or created from the hides of the some of the beasts that we fought. That Stake I bear was found upon Issilar. It was the only thing that could slay the Shaitan Khalid-Shah, Every other weapon we had, he had disarmed. In my time within the jungle, I have come closer to dyeing then anyone else I have ever heard or read of. I have been burned so much from fireballs that I am a Flame Tested Survivor, I have actually been risen once from the dead by the hand of a halfling and a long lost scroll we found in a cave, I have been knocked down to within a handfull of lifepoints (neg con) more than two score and ten times. That same halfling that brought me back from the dead, he liked to watch us battle in the red.. he claimed that we more efficient in battle the closer we were to meeting Sarenrae. I have even resisted the Ability of a Baykok to devour my soul. Forgive me for being long-winded, but my tale is not a short one. Suffice it to say, I have made it here to Absalom. I got very proud of myself, of my ability to take a beating and defeat whatever was in front of my. I went into the ruins surrounding Absalom, thinking I dont know what. I encountered something, I never did figure out what it was. It touched me and I could not break the grapple for my life. It drained my very essense, I felt myself getting weaker, loosing skills, health and abilities. It seemed to feed upon my very life essense.
“Khalid-Shah, I call the you debt due. Free me from this creature, that I am live. This I Wish.” After I said that the ring started to glow as though the sun was rising. It became bright as daylight. A Lantern Archon appeared in the air above me from both of its hands come two rays of light, that looks suspiciously like the claw attacks of a Dretch. 'You no have this one. Go! Kreggal say Go!' Another sunburst goes off each time it says go, it doubles in size. This little Lantern Archen has been empowered somehow and is shining as brightly as a Star Archon. Whatever that undead creature was, it was destroyed in seconds as I still struggled to free myself. This Kreggal looked at me and smiled, before it faded away... “Mortal, In punishment for binding a portion of my soul to that ring, I wish you forever more Cursed, you can never removed it, nor ring another ring upon that hand ever. No mortal hand will ever restore what was drained from you from this creature you dared Command ME!!! to destroy. Thus Wishes Khalid-Shah, First of the Shaitan.” “And thus I came here, seeking to regain what was lost.. I am trying to find a purpose, I can promise if you allow me to stand by your side, I Will fall first. But if you ever lie to me or betray me, you will die or I will trying.” |