Medical Drone

Martin Drouin-Courtois 120's page

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 4 posts (23 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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I was doing ship upgrade by adventure before fly free or die, but I like it the way it is presented, I just added a lot more things on it.

You buy per company reputation with you. The better the reputation the better the discount, the worst it is the worst the price is.
Weapons and armor are sold by manufacturer, you cannot buy a Cryo or laser gun from the same manufacturer. Black market sell is normal but can change reputation.

Roll ini every rounds, cuts on high roll playing faster all the combat and creates random play twice before another.

Limit the aid another to 2 extra help, over that it is a crowd. If you help you cannot use the skill after ex: aid another you help someone but you want to use medicine also.

Kit have a limit of 10 use.

Battery can be recharge on ship except weapon battery because they have higher density.

Infosphere outside the orbit of a planet depends on the level of the computer on the ship. The higher the level the higher the chance to find the information


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Any update on the lenght of the AP ?
It is not fun when you stop the campaign at level 13ish, feels cheated to not have all the class options after unless the GM build an homebrew after. Yet the cost is the same as the pathfinder AP.