About Marta Odensen
Mystic Worm: Zembahk begin with Spirit d6 (trait maximum d12+2),
Absurr Life Node: +1Vigor & Spirit
_Racial and Journey_
Phobia (major): Bio-Wizardry and Bio-Borgs
One arm
Wanted (Major): Splugorth
Slow (minor)
Bizarre Physiology: −4 penalty to Healing checks. Medical supplies/services cost 4x price.
Can't Speak: no mouth
Instinct Over Intellect: −2 penalty to Smarts rolls, but not linked skills.
Cyber Resistant: no cybernetics of any kind.
D-Bee (Major): The initial reactions typically start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists.
Reject the Material: no clothing or armor, and don't have the opposable digits needed for using complex equipment and weapons. Most have no use for starting gear, and care not for wealth.
Chosen Hindrances
Code of Honor (major)
Quirk: believes they are a human trapped in an alien body
_Racial, Class & Journey_
Arcane Feeders: absorb ambient energy, do not eat or drink.
Thick Skinned: +3 Toughness.
Uncanny Reflexes: −2 to be hit by any attack they are aware of. +2 on Evasion rolls.
Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim or Dark illumination.
AB:(Psionics) +5ISP, detect/conceal arcana*, healing, protection*, smite*, and telekinesis. x, x,
AB:(Miracles)+5PPE arcane protection, bolt, dispel, environmental protection, elemental manipulation. x, x,
Special mind link, activate with no roll or ISP cost as a free action, Range of Spirit × 5. Ignore speech requirements for power activation.
Master of Magic
Major Psionics
Power Points PPE
Cosmic Confluence: Exchange ISP and PPE as needed as a free action. Transformed PP must be used that turn and cannot be stored.
Mystic Senses: Alertness & Danger Sense Edges.
Spiritual Awareness: detect/conceal arcana as an Innate Ability (see
page 68) with the reduced Power
Points cost from the Range (Self) and
Aspect limitations. They can sense
supernatural, evil, ethereal, and energy
beings, and any beings using invisibility
within line of sight with Notice.
Spiritual Channel: Constantly in
contact with spirits, and possibly divine
messengers of his faith, a Mystic can
use the divination power without using
ISP or PPE. Each time he uses it, he
must make a Vigor roll to resist gaining
a level of Fatigue. Each subsequent use
of the power imposes a cumulative −1
penalty on the Vigor check until he
gets a full night’s rest (eight hours). It
is possible for a Mystic to Incapacitate
himself with this ability. Fatigue levels
gained from Spiritual Channel can only
be recovered with eight hours of rest
(relief cannot restore).
CELESTIAL SILVER (+1): For +1 Power
Point, any offensive power replaces its
normal Trapping with the Celestial
Silver Trapping, which counts as
both holy and silver for purposes of
For example, smite can be cast with
Celestial Silver on a weapon and it is a
blessed silver weapon for the Duration—
extremely effective against vampires
and demons.
GIFT OF LIFE (+1): For one Power Point
the Mystic's healing restores Wounds up
to 24 hours old, but she gains a Fatigue
level which can only be restored with
an hour of rest (relief cannot restore).
May be combined with Mass Healing.
SOUL BLAST (+1 to +3): A direct
damage power (such as bolt, blast, or
burst) may be more effective against
targets with natural, body, or power
armor. Each Power Point spent grants
the power AP 5, to a maximum of AP
15. The AP provided by Soul Blast
does not affect vehicles, constructs, or
targets inside vehicles (including robot
vehicles). This modifier is considered an
upgrade of the Armor Piercing Power
Modifier (which cannot be used in
combination with Soul Blast), and stacks
with abilities like the Blaster Edges.
_Chosen and granted in play Edges_
Skills, arcane skills are linked to Spirit.
d6 faith
d6 psionics
Gear: Absurr Life Node: Triples lifespan. Gain a die type in Spirit and Vigor, +4 Toughness. Ignores Gritty Damage. Can't be mind controlled (includes empathy, puppet).
Hero's Journey
Experience and Wisdom: 1d20 ⇒ 18 There are moments when everything comes together and an opportunity presents itself. Your hero knows how to make the most of just such a moment. Gain the Elan Edge, Luck if you already have it, or Great Luck if you have Luck.
Demon Seas: 1d20 ⇒ 2Your hero has an “in” with a Tattoo Master. Choose a single 1-Strain Magic Tattoo.
If your character can't have Magic Tattoos, re-roll this result. No tattoos for worms. Re-rolling.
Re-roll: 1d20 ⇒ 13It’s a complicated story, but somehow you ended up with an Atlantean Symbiote— choose any from page 66 in this book. However, the experience left a lasting impact; roll once on the Bio-Borg Insanity table!: 1d12 ⇒ 8 Phobia (major): Bio-Wizardry and Bio-Borgs. Symbiote-Absurr Life Node. Normally an OP choice but in this case it just gets the worm up to normal survivability.
Ok this is my Slave branch Character. It is currently a mess but is slowly getting organized. I am shooting for support rather than combat monster. I have information gathering and healing covered. Not to good on the Pilot/Tech front.