
Marra "The Phoenix" Warblade's page

281 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.




Inquisitor of Iomedae 6

About Marra "The Phoenix" Warblade

Marra "Phoenix"
Human Female 15-16 years old
Inquisitor 6 (favored)
Lawful Neutral "The Judge"
Deity: Iomedae

Marra is a rather plain lass, short dishwater hair, deep brown eyes, average height for a human around 5'4", weighs around 125 pounds. Her nose is malformed and her left cheek bone is slightly lower than the right from the horrific beating she took at the hands of Gaedren Lamm. Marra is missing the tip of her left pinky finger and she'll never have children barring some celestial intervention.

+2 STR 14
+2 DEX 14
+2 CON 14
+1 INT 12
+2 WIS 15 (+1@L4)
+0 CHR 11



Death @ -14
ooooo ooooo oooo

CMB +6 [+2STR+4BAB]
CMD 19 [DC10+4BAB+2DEX+2STR+1Dodge]
Initiative+4 [+2DEX/+2WIS]

+4ATK MW War Razor 1d4+2 (18-20/x2) Slash
+6ATK Repeating Heavy Crossbow 1d10 (19-20/x2) Pierce
+8ATK Long Sword 1d8+2 (19-20/x2) Slash

Unhappy Childhood: tortured (+1 trait bonus reflexes)
Child of the Streets: +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy, class skill

Class Abilities:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An inquisitor is
proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand
crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, and
the favored weapon of her deity (long sword).
She is also proficient with light armor, medium armor,
and shields (except tower shields).

Justice Inquisition
Deities: Any deity.
Granted Powers: You are a powerful persuader. A honeyed
tongue empowered by divine argumentation sways the
indifferent and adversarial to your side.

Granted Powers:

Judicious Force (Su): If you or an ally within 10 feet makes a critical threat with a melee or ranged attack, as an immediate action you may add +4 to the confirmation roll. This does not stack with the Critical Focus feat. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus.

Chains of Justice (Su): At 6th level, once per day, you can bind an opponent within 60 feet to you with spectral chains (Will negates). When you take damage from an enemy, the bound target takes this damage as well. Whenever the bound target takes damage from you or one of your allies, you take this damage as well. You and the target are not physically bound to each other, and either can end the connection by breaking the line of effect or exceeding the ability’s range. You may dismiss the chains as a standard action.

Spells: An inquisitor casts divine spells drawn from the
inquisitor spell list (see page 42). She can cast any spell
she knows at any time without preparing it ahead of time,
assuming she has not yet used up her allotment of spells
per day for the spell’s level.

Level 0: 6 detect magic, light, guidance, disrupt undead, brand*, stabilize.
Level 1: 4+1 command, cure light wounds, divine favor, true strike
Level 2: 3+1(+1 favored) blistering invective, cure moderate wounds, flames of the faithful, weapon of awe

Judgment (Su): Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can
pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action.
Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor
receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of
judgment made.

Monster Lore (Ex): The inquisitor adds her Wisdom
modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her
Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to
identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.
Orisons: Inquisitors learn a number of orisons, or
0-level spells, as noted on Table 2–4 under “Spells Known.”
These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are
not expended when cast and may be used again. Orisons
prepared using other spell slots, such as those due to
metamagic feats, are expended normally.

Stern Gaze (Ex): Inquisitors are skilled at sensing
deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor
receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive
checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).

Cunning Initiative (Ex): At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds
her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to
her Dexterity modifier.

Detect Alignment (Sp): At will, an inquisitor can use
detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can
only use one of these at any given time.

Track (Ex): At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds half her level
on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Solo Tactics (Ex): At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies
are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the
inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her
allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they
actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning
and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the
teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.

Teamwork Feat: At 3rd level, and every three levels
thereafter, the inquisitor gains a bonus feat in addition
to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus
feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats.
The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected
bonus feat.

Bane (Su)

At 5th level, an inquisitor can imbue one of her weapons with the bane weapon special ability as a swift action. She must select one creature type when she uses this ability (and a subtype if the creature type selected is humanoid or outsider). Once selected, the type can be changed as a swift action. This ability only functions while the inquisitor wields the weapon. If dropped or taken, the weapon resumes granting this ability if it is returned to the inquisitor before the duration expires. This ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the inquisitor’s level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Discern Lies (Sp)

At 5th level, an inquisitor can discern lies, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.

spell lists:

0-Level Inquisitor Spells—acid splash, bleed, brand*,
create water, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead,
guidance, light, read magic, resistance, sift*, stabilize, virtue.

1st-Level Inquisitor Spells—alarm, bane, bless, bless water,
burst bonds*, cause fear, command, comprehend languages, cure
light wounds, curse water, detect chaos/evil/good/law, detect
undead, disguise self, divine favor, doom, expeditious retreat,
hide from undead, inflict light wounds, magic weapon, protection
from chaos/evil/good/law, remove fear, sanctuary, shield of faith,
tireless pursuit*, true strike, wrath*.

2nd-Level Inquisitor Spells—aid, align weapon, bloodhound*, calm emotions, castigate*, confess*, consecrate, corruption resistance*, cure moderate wounds, darkness, death knell, delay poison, desecrate, detect thoughts, enthrall, find traps, flames of the faithful*, follow aura*, ghostbane dirge*, hold person, honeyed tongue*, inflict moderate wounds, invisibility, knock, perceive cues*, remove paralysis, resist energy, restoration (lesser), see invisibility, sacred bond*, shield other, silence, spiritual weapon, tongues, undetectable alignment, weapon of awe*, whispering wind, zone of truth.

[H] Dodge
[1] Skill Focus (intimidate)
[3] Weapon Focus (long sword)
[5] Dazzling Display



[Teamwork] Current:

Swap Places:

You are skilled at changing places with your ally during
a chaotic melee.

Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also
has this feat, you can move into your ally’s square as part
of normal movement. At the same time, your ally moves
into your previous space as an immediate action. Both
you and your ally must be willing and able to move to
take advantage of this feat. Your ally must be the same
size as you to utilize this feat. Your ally does not provoke
an attack of opportunity from this movement, but you
provoke as normal. This movement does not count
against your ally’s movement on his next turn.

1 Additional Teamwork Feat to be determined

Skills 7[6+1int]x6 = 42 [+5favored+6human] = 53
Armor Penalty: -3 [-3armor/-0shield]

Trained only
+ 4 Acrobatics* [2r+2DEX] 2
+ 1 Appraise [0R+1INT]
+ 8 Bluff [3R+3CL+2WIS*] 5
+ 6 Climb[1R+3CL+2STR] 6
+ 2 Craft(Weaponsmith) [1R+1INT] 7
+11 Diplomacy [5R+3CL+1trait+2WIS*] 12
+ 0 Disguise [+0CHA]
+ 2 Escape Artist* [+2DEX]
+ 1 Handle Animal [1R+0CHA] 13
+ 6 Heal[1R+3CL+2WIS] 14
+16 Intimidate [6R+3Cl+2WIS*+2Morale+3Feat] 20 *
+ 7 Knowledge (arcana) [2R+3CL+1INT] +3 Monster Lore 21 *
+ 2 Knowledge (Engineering) [1R+1INT] 22
+ 9 Knowledge (religion) [4R+3CL+1INT] +3 Monster Lore 26 *
+ 9 Knowledge (Dungeon) [4R+3CL+1INT] +3 Monster Lore 30 *
+ 7 Knowledge (Nature) [2R+3CL+1INT] +3 Monster Lore 32 *
+ 8 Knowledge (Planes) [2R+3CL+1INT] +3 Monster Lore 34 *
+ 8 Perception [3R+3CL+2WIS] 37
+ 1 Perform (poetry)[1R+0CHA] 38
+ 6 Profession (Enforcer) [1R+3CL+2wis] 39
+ 2 Ride* [1R+2DEX+3CL] 40
+10 Sense Motive [3R+3CL+2WIS+2 Morale] 43
+ 5 Spellcraft [2R+3CL+1INT] 45
+ 7 Stealth [2R+2DEX+3CL] 47
+ 8 Survival [2R+3Cl+2WIS+1Level] 49
+ 7(+12) Swim* [2R+3Cl+2Str] 51 **

Common, Goblinoid

Combat Gear: 50#
Deep Purple Lacquered MW Breastplate 25# 350gp
Mithral Heavy shield* 5# 1020gp
Calliope's war razor 1# +300gp
Polished Redwood Masterwork Repeating Crossbow w/inlaid mother of pearl 12# +700gp
Boltcase w/20 bolts 5#
Boltcase w/10 cold iron bolts 2#
MW Silvered Longsword +320gp
Bandages of Rapid Recovery

Explorer's Outfit: 8#
Mask, Deep Purple Cowled Cloak, Black boots
Black Leather Pants w/purple lacing
Black Leather Belt
Purple sash
Ring of swimming (blue crystalline)
Aegis of Recovery
Cap of Human Guise

Belt Pouch WT 3#:

Pan flute, common* -
Acts of Iomedae* 1#
Whetstone 1#

Handy Haversack Total WT: 2#:

journal* 1#
vial of ink* -
inkpen* -
Waterskin 4#
5 days rations 5#
2 torches 2#
4 candles*
flint & steel

Adventurer's Sash wt 20#:

3 Bags of Caltrops* 6#
Winter Blanket* 3#
grappling hook* 4#
50' silk rope* 5#

Encumbrance (str 15 for carrying purposes MW Backpack)
Light Load: 0-66
Medium Load: 67-133 (Mx Dex:+3, Check -3 20ft move/runx4)
Heavy Load:134-200 (Mx Dex:+1, Check -6 20ft move/runx3)
Total WT: 90 Medium Load (armor penalties are greater than check penalties for encumbrance, so only movement/max dex is affected.)
Combat Gear 50#
Clothing 8#
Handy Haversack 12#
Adventurer's Sash 20#
Belt Pouch 3#
Total Gear: 103# (83# combat weight if Adventurer's sash is dropped)
Medium Load

Cash 3#


NOTE: 50pp, 50gp + change

Background:Sad tale


A young human girl orphaned at a tender age and left on her own on the mean streets of Korvosa. Marra was 5 when she was orphaned, her mother and father killed by Hellknights in a case of mistaken identity. Marra remembers he name, but not much else of her family, she has a single memory of her mother kissing her goodnight, the candlelight flickering and bringing out the green in her eyes.

Marrala "Marra" was taken in by Lamm within days. Marra was a plain girl, which protected her from Lamm's more lecherous activities, most of the time. She did many petty crimes for him in the early years, as she grew she looked more and more like a boy, she acted like a boy and dressed like one. She was a tough, acting as an enforcer for the other Lost Lambs.

When she was around 13 Marra fell in love with another of Lamm's girls, Calliope, the girl with the green eyes...just like her mother's. Calliope was one of Lamm's favorites, as she was a beautiful girl. When she tried to protect her from Lamm, Marra was beaten nearly to death to teach her a lesson. She escaped with her life, but not her love.

Calliope stood up for herself after Marra left, she was beaten and killed, as she was second one to stand up to him in a few days, she had to be used as an example to prevent the rest of the Lambs from rebelling against him. His fury was unleashed and Calliope suffered greatly. Marra heard her cries of anguish from her hiding place 2 blocks away. Marra was in no shape to help her as she had a broken arm and several broken fingers, she could barely walk much less lift a weapon, and could only see out of one blurry eye, her left eye completely sealed shut. She couldn't even crawl away from there to silence the screams that night...Part of Marra died that night as well.
All Marra has left of Calliope is her War Razor and memories of one fiery night.

It's been 2 years since Calliope's death. During one of the Lamb's raids she appropriated a Falcata, she was fascinated with its design, she stole it when she fled. She's been honing her martial skills in that time, one thought in her Calliope's soul might find peace, when Gaedren Lamm lies in a pool of his own blood...after she slits his throat and takes his manhood with Calliope's war razor. Tried, Convicted, and can only end one of two ways, with his death or hers.

Most of the gear she has came from a dead adventurer she found being chewed on by some rats on the docks, she found the adventurer's spouse and attempted to return the items she found on him, but the spouse was too stricken with grief, and told her to keep the infernal items! She did however keep the gold that she returned. But did not want the dirty little idol (which Marra sold for 100gp She's spent the last few days since pampering herself, room at an inn, hot food, a hot bath every day...she's paid through the end of the week for a private room.) (Everything she got off the adventurer is marked with an asterisk)

Gaedren Lamm died at the hands, or rather mouth of the Jigsaw shark outside his operation. Dorran savagely injured him, Clandru saved him from bleeding, and Marra dropped him in the water...she decided to not torture Lamm, as she wanted to change herself...and as if Calliope told her no...

Another week has passed, she's no longer the pauper, she has decent gear, Iomedae filled her soul, she has become a true tool of Iomedae, an inquisitor sent to root out injustice and deliver judgement.

Quirk: She doesn't write much in the journal, but she does enjoy making little sketches. Usually of eyes and lips...Now that Lamm is dead, Calliope is avenged, she has begun to write poetry. (not very good poetry, but she's working on it.)

Quirk: If she sees injustice, she feels the need to intervene.

Quirk: When Lamm died, so did a lot of the hatred, now she delivers justice with an even hand, no longer driven by anger, she is a messenger of Iomedae.