Rogeif Yharloc

Marlon 'Brother' Bear's page

55 posts. Alias of Alex Mack.

Full Name

Marlon 'Brother' Bear




Battle Priest 1
















Temple Guard

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Marlon 'Brother' Bear


Marlon was born as the son of a merchant from Korsova almost 40 years ago. From an early age onward he would travel the untamed wilds of Varisia with his parents.
Times were dangerous for travelers then, even more so than they are today. And one night during a Goblin raid Marlon’s parents were killed. Marlon who had just turned 10 managed to escape into the woods but had to watch his parents caravan being burned out. The wilds were no good place for a young boy on his lonesome but fortunately a caravan of traveling Halfling entertainers found the young lad and took him along. Seeing that he was all on his own and had no better place to go, staying with the cheerful smallfolk seemed as good a place as any. Of course his new family tried to teach him tricks and songs, but it appeared Marlon had little talent. Whenever they gave a show they stuck the broad youth into a bear costume and let him be the bear that was too dumb to dance, which is how he received his last name.
On his travels he met a young priestess of Shelyn Kora with whom he fell madly in love. She however saw a gift for the divine in the young man and so the two with very differing motives set out to travel together.
After having spent many years on the road with his Halfling family Marlon reluctantly settled back down in Korsova and began to train as a priest. His adventuring days came to an end as he was assigned as the bodyguard of Father Zestoran an older priest and instructed cadets on the training grounds.
His youthful lust for Kora having passed shortly after she moved away from Korvosa he found a lovely and caring wife with whom has three children. Whenever his Halfling family came to town he would gladly host them and share tales of old times but has only rarely left Korvosa for the last 20 years. But now father Zestoran has passed away, his kids have moved out and his wife has divorced. Leaving Marlon with little to care about in Korvosa but leaving him with a hunger to explore just a bit more of the world. This he has joined the pathfinders.


Marlon is tall man, broad of shoulder and especially of waist. His face is round and friendly but few would consider him comely. The fact that only a few thin hairs adorn his pate does not make him any more attractive. He tends to prefer the simple robes of a monk to better hide his sizable belly and bushy black body hair wish indicates his varisian heritage. But now that he is setting out for adventure he has again suited up his finely made breastplate which so prominently displays the symbol of Sheylin on his chest.


Marlon is a simple man and a happy man. He does not need much in life. He has his three lovable children and his good natured wife, a home and important responsibilities in the church. Due to his diligence and loyalty he is a very valued member of Shelyn’s small clergy in Korvosa which serves as a landing station for all the traveling priests throughout Varisia.
But now that he is nearing his fortieth name day things are changing. For better or for worse he cannot say yet. But he knows he is excited, as excited as he has been for many years. And the curiosity and wanderlust that once drove him to travel all across the country seems to not have completely died down just yet.


Marlon ‚Brother‘ Bear
NG Battle Priest of Shelyn 1
Init: +2; Perception +7
AC: 19 (FF: 17, T 12); HP: 10; CMB: +4; CMD: 16
Wil: +4 Ref: +2 Fort: +3
Glaive +5 1d10+6 (20/x3)
Warhammer +4 1d8+4 (20/x3)
Dagger +4 1d4+4 (19-20/x2)

Adopted(Helpful): Whenever you aid another grant a +4 bonus
Seeker: Perception becomes a Class Skill +1 Bonus
Fate’s Favored: Whenever you receive a Luck Bonus gain a an additional +1 bonus
Defender of the Society: +1 bonus to AC if wearing medium or heavy Armor

Class Abilities:
Weapon Focus (Glaive)
Bonus Feat (Bodyguard)
Blessings 3* a day (Luck&Good)

Extra Traits
Combat Reflexes
Weapon Focus (Glaive)

Prepared Spells:

Divine Favor
Divine Favor

Skills (3 per level +1 from favored class bonus):
Perception +7 (1 Rank)
Sense Motive +6 (1 Rank)
Swim +8 (1 Rank)

4 Mirror Armor 45 GP
Glaive 8 GP
Warhammer 10 GP
Large Shield 7 GP
Traveling Clothes
Holy Symbol
Sleeping Bag
Rations x4
69 GP