
Marius Vaca's page

19 posts. Alias of Guthwulf.


Male Varisian Wizard 1

The celestial dog begins to fade and then with a sparkle of light vanishes completely from this plane. As this happens, Marius straightens himself up from out of the shadows. "I see smoke coming from some of those buildings, quickly we must put out those fires or face losing part of the town again."

Male Varisian Wizard 1

The celestial labrador takes another bite at the goblin in front of it.

Dog Melee attack 1d20 + 4 = 24

Seeing if it confirmed a critical hit 1d20 + 4 = 7

Not a confirmed critcal but damage is 1d4 + 3 = 7

As for Marius, he continues to hide from his position and looks for a ranged weapon somewhere.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

After quite a long time of chanting, a celestial dog materializes 25 feet away from Marius towards the action. Marius commands the dog to attack and growl at the goblins as he rushes forward casting another acid splash.

Dog charges the nearest goblin, hopefully one being flanked by either of the two fighters and smites evil as it does.

Dog melee attack 1d20 + 8 [(attack 4)+ (charge 2) + (flanking 2)] = 20

Dog damage 1d4 + 4 [(attack 3) + (smite evil 1)] = 7

Marius acid orb attack surges forth on the nearest goblin to him.
Touch attack 1d20 + 2 = 5

I am sure that is a miss.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius begins casting a summon monster 1 (celestial dog) while hiding out of sight of the goblins as best he can.

The dog will arrive at the beginning of Marius' next turn.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius only holding a staff begins to move up towards the goblins as stealthily as possible.

Hide check 1d20 + 2 = 20

Move Silently check 1d20 + 2 = 20

Wow! Burned all my good rolls already.

And seems to be doing a fairly good job of it!

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius with his staff in one hand he raises his other hand as a splash of acid is hurled toward the goblin singing.

Ranged Touch attack for Acid Splash 1d20 + 2 = 18

Damage = 1d3 = 3

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius carrying his staff with him rushes forward 30 ft, and begins to chant and motion with his hands strangely.

Spellcraft check DC 16 to identify the spell as Grease.

Suddenly a 10ft by 10ft area in the center of the 4 goblins becomes covered in grease. DC 15 Ref for 2 of the goblins to remain standing.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius looking at his staff and now realizing what he had just done says, "I was not completely unarmed. My staff does not look like much, but I assure you, it can knock the wind out of something on occasion."

Marius makes a spot check to see if he sees anything burning.
1d20 + 1 = 17

If that is enough to notice the fire's smoke Marius will say, "The town is a blaze, we must fetch water swiftly before most of the town is engulfed like the last time!"

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius curses his luck for not having his crossbow with him. Then with uncharactistic bravery, he moves around the table so the goblin is between him and that other fellow that came close to hitting the goblin. Marius will try to aid him in his attack against the goblin.

Making an aid check to give Rince a +2 to his next attack. d20 - 1 = 14 That should be successful!

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius thinking instinctively for once, throws the knife at the nearest goblin on the table.

d20 + 2 = 4

Missing wildly, Marius picks up his staff laying near his books.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Listen check d20 + 1 = 13

Marius hearing the goblins chanting and screeching, their sounds soon begin to become drowned out by the even more audacious singings of that bard from earlier. Marius quickly looks around for the goblins again.

Spot check d20 + 1 = 19

Noticing one goblin scurring across the table Marius reaches for a nearby cutting knife for the venison.

Making an active spot check and picking up a weapon.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

My name is not repeat!

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Listen Check d20 + 1 =15

Spot Check d20 + 1 = 10

Since I cannot see the goblins but can hear them, I try to marshal any children I see nearby away from the terrible sounds.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Girst please add your character info into your avatar profile please

Marius d20 + 2 = 21
Onagella d20 + 1 = 21
Vaclav d20 + 2 = 18
Tzoltan d20 + 3 = 15
Girst d20 + 2 = 13
Rince d20 = 3

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius' face turns bright red, more from embarrassment than from anger and slumps away finding some water to wash the stains off his hat. After recomposing himself, he heads in the direction of the food. His stomach starting to rumble from eating nothing this day. He eyes some of the delicious food, deciding on the venison and lobster stew and heads back over to his books. All the while keeping an eye towards the sky, he has a surprise for the next bird that he sees.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

As Marius continues to read he hears the loud laughter of children playing and admiring the release of the butterflies. Marius stretches his back hearing a few pops as he stands and gives a hearty yawn. He muses over to wear a few children are watching the last of the butterflies fly off into the countryside and Marius begins chanting a little. Suddenly a puff of smoke expands around him and the shapes of 4 white doves form from the smoke. The kids noticing watch and giggle as the birds fly around Marius entertaining the small group of children. It is not until a real bird's droppings hit Marius on his hat that he loses his concentration, muttering a slight curse, as the children erupt in a howl of laughter.

Cast Prestidigitation

Male Varisian Wizard 1

My humbliest of apoligies for keeping everyone waiting.

Marius strolls through the crowd with his staff in one hand and pile of books in his other. He has just come from The Curious Goblin where he had "borrowed" a few books. Marius and Chask Haladan have an arrangement in which Marius will create beautiful maps to go with some of the books from Chask's collection in exchange for allowing Marius to read and return his books. Marius has often attempted to purchase some of Chask's more rare books, but of course Chask couldn't possibly part with his most beloved lore.

Marius lets out a sigh of regret and continues on toward the celebrations.

He finds a cozy spot were he can see the mayor and other dignitaries and opens up one of his new books, "Preserving an Empire" written in Thassilonian of course. This causes Marius to chuckle to himself at the irony of it all.

His concentration is broken by the nearby hooting and hollaring of what could only be a bard. The shrill notes on his pipe causing Marius' ears to wince. Marius has always found bards to be quite too vocal and believing they always have heard of a story to deal with any situation. Nonsense he thinks to himself, "only a studious individual will uncover the truths of the past, not one man's interpretation". Marius quickly falls back into soaking up the material from his books.

Before he knows it, an hour has passed already and he looks up again when the sounds of a few magical prestidigitations shower the sky with sparks and smoke. Looking around he notices many strangers new to Sandpoint and wonders if he might have more work to do later in the day for all of these travelers.

Marius was born in the Hinterlands outside of Sandpoint. When he was a bit older his parents decided to move into Sandpoint were Brodert Quink first met Marius. Bordert realized the potential the young boy had in the arcane arts and with the permission of his parents begin to tutor the boy teaching him languages such as Thassilonian and Draconic. Brodert would tell Marius of all his studies of ancient Thassilonian ruins, Marius eventually became quite good at drawing maps of the area as if he had a hidden talent at it. Brodert however became more and more obsessed with the Old Light within town. Marius found his studies with Brodert becoming less and less useful as his old mentor was fixated on the ruined tower. He did however expand on his talent for map making and has become the town cartographer.

Within the arcane arts, Marius has found himself drawn to things other worldly. He has a knack for summoning things to help him when he needs something. When he had finally come of age a ritual was performed in which a magnificant tattoo was etched of a wild beasts coming from his heart. Ever since then he has found an even deeper connection to this arcane of art of his.

This is Guthwulf's wizard name and profile

Sorry I have not posted this sooner. Anyways I rolled 3d4x10=100gp for my starting gold.

I have not yet finished hashing out this character but his two most notable traits are he is a Bookworm. Always wanting to research something before he acts on it. And secondly, he is a bit of a daydreamer, which means sometimes he is not paying attention at the critical moments, but he can come up with some interesting ways of getting out of a bad situation as well.

Male Varisian Wizard 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
(+2 Dex)
Hp 6 (1d4+2)
Fort +2, Ref +2 (+0 when flat-footed), Will +3
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee Staff -1(1d6/x2) or
Melee Dagger -1 (1d4/19-20) or
Ranged Dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; Grp -1
Feats: Spell Focus(Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Varisian Tattoo(Conjuration)
Skills: (24 Ranks)
Concentration +6 (4 ranks + 2)
Knowledge(Arcana) +7 (4 ranks + 3)
Knowledge(Geography) +7 (4 ranks + 3)
Knowledge(Local) +5 (2 ranks + 3)
Knowledge(Planes) +5 (2 ranks + 3)
Profession(Cartographer) +7 (4 ranks + 3)
Spellcraft +7 (4 ranks + 3)
Languages: Common, Varisian, Draconic, Celestial, and Thassilonian
SQ: Summon Familiar
Spell-like Abilities: 2/day Acid Splash
Possessions:(Starting Gold 100 gp)
