
Marika Ungstern's page

10 posts. Alias of spinningdice.

Full Name

Marika Ungsturn











About Marika Ungstern

Marika Ungsturn
Human (Reikland) Hunter 1


WS: 37
BS: 27
S: 30
T: 30
I: 35
Ag: 40
Dex: 35
Int: 25
WP: 38
Fel: 30

Wounds: 15
Fate/Fortune: 3/3
Resilience/Resolve: 3/3
Movement: 4


Coolheaded: +5 starting WP (factored)
Doomed: Should character die in fashion matching Dooming, next character gains XP = 1/2 current xp.
Hardy: +TB to Wounds
Mimic: Can reproduce and replicate accents and dialets accurately, if exposed to them for at least a day. Requires an Initiative test to duplicate, but once past can always mimic the accent and pass for local. (Tests: Entertain (acting) tests involving accents).
Rover: When using Stealth in rural environments bystanders do not get passive perception tests to spot you, only if they are specifically looking (Tests: Stealth Tests in rural environments)
Strider (woodlands): Ignore movement penalties when crossing over or through specified terrain. (Tests: Athletics tests to traverse woodland terrain).
Suave: +5 starting Fel (factored)
Trapper: May take Perception tests to spot traps automatically withouth having to tell GM of intentions - GM may prefer to take some of these tests on your behalf in private. (Tests: Perception Tests to spot traps, Set Trap).

Basic Skills
Art (Dex): 35
Athletics (Ag): 40
Bribery (Fel): 30
Charm (Fel): 33 (30)
Charm Animal (WP): 43 (38)
Climb (S): 35 (30)
Consume Alcohol (T): 30
Cool (WP): 41 (38)
Dodge (Ag): 40
Drive (Ag): 40
Endurance (T): 35 (30)
Entertain (Fel): 30
Gamble (Int): 25
Gossip (Fel): 35 (30)
Haggle (Fel): 35 (30)
Intimidate (S): 30
Intuition (I): 35
Leadership (Fel): 30
Melee (WS): 37
- Basic: 42
Navigation (I): 35
Outdoor Survival (Int): 30 (25)
Perception (I): 40 (35)
Ride (Ag): 40
Row (S): 30
Stealth (Ag): 40

Advanced Skills
Evaluate (Int): 28
Lore (Int)
- Beasts: 30
Ranged (BS)
- Sling: 32
Set Trap (Dex): 40


Sling bag
Rations (1 day)
Selection of Animal Traps
Hand Weapon (axe)
Sling with 10 stone bullets
Sturdy Boots
Spare Cloak


Eyes: Grey
Hair: Auburn
Height: 5'4"
Marika keeps bundled up, thick clothes largely concealing her shape, when she does expose her arms they are criss-crossed with scars from days spent numb to pain wandering through deep forest and ignoring the scratching of the undergrowth.


Motivation: Protect the weak
Marika has never declared this is a motivation, but watching her people killed slowly solidified into an unconscious decision. Never again. She won't do anything stupid, but she's not going to stand idly by if she can save someone.
Otherwise Marika is somewhat dour and moody when left to her own devices or when her guard is down, but she usually masks around other people to put them at ease.