About Marial "Mouse" RedfistUnnamed Hero
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Korvosa's all I remember. I must have come from somewhere else before - or at least, I don't think I came from here. Don't know anyone else here, or at least no one's claimed me. But it doesn't matter. I'm here now. All I remember is waking up soaking wet and confused on the Jeggare's banks, nothin' but the name Marial in my head, they say I was ten years old or so. Some man woke me up - I nearly punched his lights out before he convinced me he was there to help. Took me to Lamm. Lamm said he'd have a room for me, food for my belly, and all I'd have to do is some light work for him. Some easy work, when he needed me, he said. It was easy enough work, no doubt - go to this place, punch this rich guy, bring me this much stuff back. Or go to that place, punch that druggie, bring back that much he owes me. Got the name Redfist for how effective I was with just a punch. But...it was wearing after a while. I got tired of being his thug, especially when the targets got...less obviously deserving of my attention. He sent me after one of the other Lambs because the kid had kept back a coin to buy a doll and he found out. Another time he sent me to knock over an old woman, just because her son owed him for his Shiver and Lamm wanted to send a message. It just...wasn't right, you know? I hated it, every second. So I spoke up, told Lamm where he could stick his almost-babies and little old ladies. Said I wasn't doing that kind of job anymore, and he could find someone else. Should have known better - after all, he'd sent me after other Lambs that hadn't been up to snuff. My turn came. One of his up-and-comers, a kid named Teron, hell of a fighter when you put a knife in his hand. I'd sparred against him before, many a time. We'd been friends before that day. He called me Mouse - said it was because I was small, but I could put fear into anyone. We were even intimate, once - first time for me. But all he saw that day was his spot in Gaedren's little Lambs, his chance to rise high - he didn't remember that dirty little bedroll we'd shared, when I thought it was the whole world. Nor the cheap tin ring he'd put on my finger when he promised to take care of me forever. I still got the scars. Face, arms, throat, even one right here on my chest, where he tried his damndest to stab me through the heart. I won, of course - wouldn't be telling the story if I hadn't. Or, at least, I knocked him down and got away. Left his ring on his chest and a bruise from my fist on his cheek. Don't know if there's any winning in a spot like that. Kept the Redfist - guess others follow their given names with a family name, but I don't have a family name to use. Kept the Mouse - I'm still a tiny thing puttin' fear into people. Still in Korvosa - don't have much place else to go. Plus, Lamm's here. Why would I go anywhere else, when that conniving bastard still draws breath? Someone's gotta end him; I just hope I get to be a part of it. In the meantime - well, all I want's a place to belong. Someplace someone wants me there, you know? Thought I had it with Teron, but I guess it wasn't to be. I'm makin' a living now escorting coaches, showin' people around, bein' muscle for those folks as need and deserve the help. Doesn't give me hardly two coppers to rub together, but I just...I want to do somethin' worthwhile, somethin' to make folks' lives better instead of worse, for a change. Clean a little of the red off my fists. Even learnin' to read, a little better at least. Had one of Gaedren's lackeys teach me my basic letters before, but I found a book that told about some of the places to go 'round the city, and I'm usin' it now to teach me some words I didn't know as well before. I picked up a slate and chalk too, to get some practice with writing. They stay in my backpack along with everything else, in case I need a quick getaway. And there's something else, too - saved months for it. It's one of those little floaty stones - i-awn, I think? - with a spell to make it look like floatin' flames. Don't keep you warm at night, but a light that don't burn out or make you hold it...it's a nice thing. But I keep it stashed unless I'm in one of my safer hidey-holes. Hate for someone else to get their grubby mitts on it. It's not a lot, but it's not nothin'. And who knows...maybe some day things will get better. For now, got more than many in Bridgefront. Works for me.
How'd she get here?:
Marial's mother Elaniara was an elf from the Mierani Forest, her father Hargev Who Kills Twice a Shadde-Quah Shoanti man. Their union was a one-time occurrence, both agreed; they simply met by chance as they roamed, and both wished companionship that evening. Elaniara forgot to consider, however, what the consequences of even a one-time union could be. She conceived that night, and gave birth to a half-elven girl, Marial. The elves of Mierani Forest are an insular community, and the half-human child among them grew too much to bear, especially as the dominance of her human heritage became clear. When Marial was ten years old, Elaniara was strongly encouraged to take Marial from the forest and leave her to her fate, with her father's tribe or without. Elaniara could not bring herself to abandon the child to starvation or attack, and she had no way to reach Hargev Who Kills Twice, as his tribe had long since moved on from the area where they had met. So, with a heavy heart, she left the Mierani Forest with the child, and they boarded a boat to Korvosa, a city that rumor held would provide great opportunities for those willing to seize them. Elaniara never got a chance to find out. A few miles off of Korvosa's shore, their ship was caught in a violent storm and sank, and even the lifeboats foundered and went under. The child Marial managed to find a piece of detritus from the ship to cling to, and held on desperately even as she lost consciousness from the battering of the storm. The other passengers were not so lucky; all were lost, including Elaniara. Days later, weak from starvation and thirst, Marial, still afloat on her piece of wreckage, washed ashore at the mouth of the Jeggare River. The ordeal had taken its toll; she had no memory of the events that brought her to Korvosa, nor anything else but her given name and a fear of water that persists to this day.
Appearance and Personality:
Marial Redfist, who usually goes by the name of Mouse, stands 5'2" high and weighs 120 pounds. She has rich chestnut hair braided close to her head to make it harder to grab hold of in a tussle. She more closely favors her human parentage, although some elf heritage is apparent in her slightly pointed ears, lean build, and bright violet eyes. Having spent little time in polite society, Mouse favors a curt, direct manner of speech and has little in the way of manners, though she has attempted to soften her rough edges recently in order to get more work. She has a good heart, however, and is always ready to stand up for those who need it. She harbors a deep grudge against Gaedren Lamm, who sent her closest friend and lover to kill her when she refused to do his dirty work. She remembers nothing of her life before Korvosa and Gaedren's Little Lambs. She awoke with a fair amount of skill with her fists, though, and retains that skill, having used it to her advantage both during and after her time under Gaedren's leadership. At the moment, she's drifting a bit, working odd jobs and trying to find a place to call her own and a task worth doing after being ousted from the Lambs.
Name Marial "Mouse" Redfist Basics Female Half-elf Brawler 1 Alignment, Size, Type NG Medium humanoid (human, elf) Speed 30 feet Senses:
Initiative +5 (+3 DEX, +2 trait) Perception +7 Special senses: Low-light vision Defenses:
AC 17 (touch 13, flat-footed 14) (+3 dex, +3 armor, +1 shield) HP 12 (1d10+2) Fortitude +4 (+2 class, +2 CON) Reflex +5 (+2 class, +3 DEX) Will +4 (+0 class, +1 WIS, +2 race, +1 trait) (+2 v. divination) Offenses:
Melee attacks Unarmed strike +5 (1d6+4 (B)/x2)
Ranged attacks Sling +4 (1d4+4 (B)/x2) (50 ft.)
Strength: 18 STR +4 Dexterity: 16 DEX +3 Constitution: 14 CON +2 Intelligence: 10 INT +0 Wisdom: 12 WIS +1 Charisma: 8 CHA -1 Base Attack Bonus: +1
Reactionary: +2 to initiative Carefully Hidden: +1 to Will saves, +2 to saves v. divination Fighting for Hire (Quain Martial Artist): +1 to damage on unarmed attacks Tortured (non-mechanical story trait) Unlearned (drawback): cannot make untrained Knowledge checks on any Knowledge except Knowledge (local)
Improved Unarmed Strike (brawler bonus): considered armed when attacking with unarmed attacks; do not provoke AoOs; can deal lethal or nonlethal damage Dirty Fighting: when making combat maneuver against foe you flank, can forego +2 flanking bonus to instead do maneuver without provoking (if you already don't provoke, +2 bonus increases to +4); counts as DEX 13, INT 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Unarmed Strike for qualifying for improved maneuver feats Skills:
(4+2/level; 4 class, 0 INT, 0 race, 2 background) Acrobatics +7 (1 rank, +3 DEX, +3 class skill)
Armor check penalty: -1
Common, Elven Racial Characteristics:
Elven Immunities: immune to sleep, +2 to saves v. enchantment Dual Minded: +2 to Will saves (replaces adaptability) Keen Senses: +2 to Perception Low-light Vision: see twice as far as humans in dim light Elf Blood: count as both elf and human for any effect related to race Fey Thoughts: Sleight of Hand and Diplomacy class skills (replaces multitalented) Favored Class Bonus (elf): +1 to base land speed (takes effect only in multiples of 5) ** Special Abilities:
Proficiencies: proficient with simple weapons, handaxe, short sword, weapons from close fighter weapon group; light armor and shields Brawler's Cunning: count as Intelligence 13 to qualify for combat feats Martial Flexibility: 4/day, can take move action to gain benefit of combat feat not possessed for one minute (must meet feat prerequisites) Martial Training: count as both fighter and monk for qualifying for feats, special effects Unarmed Strike: Improved Unarmed Strike as bonus feat; can make unarmed strikes with hands full; full Strength modifier on all unarmed strikes; unarmed strikes do lethal or nonlethal damage without penalty; unarmed strikes treated as both natural and manufactured weapons for spell effects; unarmed strikes do 1d6 damage Gear/Possessions:
Light load maximum: 116 lb Medium load maximum: 233 lb Heavy load maximum: 350 lb Lift off ground maximum: 700 lb Drag maximum: 1750 lb Current weight carried: 70 lb Money: 32 GP 1 SP 0 CP Rope gauntlets (2 lb x 2) (2 sp x 2)