Abra Lopati

Marculus's page

37 posts. Organized Play character for Huskerforce.


Good day,

I received the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game as a gift, but it seems like I'm missing a large number of cards. It was purchased through Amazon, however. Should I contact Amazon, or will they just redirect me to you folks? Thanks for your help.

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I'm a Christian. Though I stay away from the loaded term "evangelical," since as a libertarian, I don't fall into that political camp. I do hold to much of the theology.


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As a pretty hardcore worldbuilding homebrewer who is nearly obsessive-compulsive in my quest for creativity, (I am even averse to stealing names from other settings) I was wondering what you fellow homebrewers used for your home campaign pantheons. In two of my past campaigns I ran a monotheistic setting. Now I'm crafting another campaign and looking to incorporate deities from an existing setting, mostly to avoid the intense amount of work involved in even fleshing out a single deity.

For you homebrewers out there, do you borrow a pantheon from another setting like Golarion, or do you create your own? I used to exclusively use the Greyhawk deities in my games and I still have a soft spot for them. I think the Pathfinder deities would work, but it just makes me think of Golarion, and like Forgotten Realms, it just reminds me too much of that setting and distracts me from the game.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being too OC about it. In any event, what do you folks use for your home settings? For those who flesh out their own deities, how much work to you put into it?