
Marco.Fallermo's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


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I am going to bump this thread, because I do sincerely believe that this is a discussion that should be had amongst us Game Masters & that Paizo needs to see this.

Dear Paizo:

While I would not be happy to do so, I would even be willing to pay extra just to have a separate PDF with maps that are printable. Please!

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While I no longer GM for DND 5E since a few years back, I think this is such a fantastic thing of Paizo to do! This adventure is amazing and deserves recognition!

It is also perfect for Game masters that don't want to switch systems or have players who don't want to switch. Fantastic work!

Like the question states. I have tried to get these from the PDF for Foundry VTT and it is just not working, or their quality just fall tremendously. I do really not feel like sitting in dungeondraft for another hour, please.

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I too am confused and rather frustrated in this regard.

I currently use Foundry VTT for my virtual games, and I also have IRL games. I own the PDF's and there is just no way for me to get a hold of these maps. Normally you would (at the very least) be able to get a high-res version of a battle map with a seperate PDF containing all the maps, that is not the case here.

I do not understand it and it is so incredibly infuriating not being able to get a hold of it. It'd be one thing I would complain about if I had to purchase maps seperately for adventure paths to be able to print them, but the fact that I am completely (and utterly) unable to get a high res version of ANY of the maps for Attack of the swarm 3, makes me just not want to be bothered anymore.

I know this might sound like an overreaction, but when I buy a pre-written adventure, the last thing I want to have to do is to re-make all battlemaps in dungeondraft (for example.) And since these maps DO EXIST IN HIGH RES in (for example) fantasy grounds, I just do not get it. I do not understand!

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Incredibly excited about this product. I hope that this will aid me create less generic fantasy looking scenarios.

Hello people!

I managed to solve my situation by adding a bunch of other items to my cart, then I was able to access my own cart and remove stuff.

I was also only able to press the checkout button if I was inside This specific tab:

Hello y’all!

I wanted to purchase the Bestiary 3 for Pathfinder 2E today in PDF format. For some reason i (by accident) added a subscription to my cart.

I then pressed the “view cart” to remove this subscription, and I am hit with:

PaizoWebsite wrote:
You’ve reached this page because of an error on The web team has been notified and are working to fix the issue.

I then think I might be able to maybe remove this through the checkout, and I am hit with the same error.

I’ve used different browsers, removed my cookies, used different computers, but the problem persists.

Please help :P <3

I cannot wait!

Joan H. wrote:

Hi Marco,

I just tested your file and was able to download it on my end, so let's work together to see what might be causing that discrepancy. Can you provide a bit more detail as to which browser you're using and what happens when you attempt to download or click on the "Problems downloading this file?" link? For example, does the page refresh, or does nothing happen?

Hello Joan, I am sorry for my late response.

I was suddenly able to download my PDF after waiting for a day, which was fine. I don't exactly know what happened there.

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Rhuarc wrote:
Just want to mention that I have the same problem with ordering pdfs over the online store. Happy to wait, though, and thanks for keeping us updated.

Hello dude!

I managed to fix the whole issue, I needed to remove said item from my cart and add it again. I think there was some website-related issue?


I just purchased the Pathfinder 2E bestiary 2 from you guys (Order 30997339)

I have tried pressing "Do you have issues with the download link" and tried to generate a new link but the issue persists.

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I have spent fifteen minutes of my morning trying to purchase the Advanced players guide PDF from the Paizo web store. I have in the past purchased some products from the Paizo web store, such as Starfinder Core Rulebook PDF, Pathfinder Core Rulebook PD, attack of the swarm part 1 & 2.

I have checked my account balance on my bank which is in order, my billing address is correct, but, when I place an order, I get no e-mail confirmation sent my way and the site just quickly "refreshes" as I press "place order."

Is there some issue going on with the web store or am I doing something wrong here? Please help me!

Sincere regards, your loyal customer Marco.