Marc Chin's page
698 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
I'm instituting a radical plot shift for my Greyhawk game in order to introduce horror rules and new abberations to my game:
The largest cult of Tharizdun, in a secret temple complex far beneath the city of Molag on the edge of the weakening Empire of Iuz, has successfully punched a small hole in their god's eternal prison by calling down a comet upon their very temple, culminating a complex ceremony that took decades to complete. They funnelled the energy of the impact, loss of life and destruction of an entire city onto a single point in Tharizdun's prison, opening up a pinprick of a hole - just enough for the dread God's insanity and chaos to become immediately obvious with every other diety in the multiverse.
How would you run this?
- How would local flora/fauna be affected? Abberations will appear and multiply due to the spreading corruption, etc.
- How would local populations be affected? Will former hostilities cease as races band together to survive and/or migrate to safety?
- How would local monsters be affected? Abberations and Dire variants will spread ahead of the actual taint of the Starfall - how quickly?
- How would politics be affected? What will Iuz do...the Horned Society has been blasted to ash and sand, surrounding nations have a new, common threat...
Let me know how you would run this and what pace you would take in how far and fast the madness spreads.
Let me see those great minds at work!
I've fallen out of the Paizo Community over the past year, but I hope to stay on the gaming wagon as my kids go through their teens. :-P
Long ago I was following a thread that reviewed the Call of Cthulu system and I was inspired to accomodate horror rules into my game; can someone recommend the best d20 sourcebook for me?
To me, all outsiders (demons, devils, celestials, etc.) and abberrations should invoke a strong visceral reaction in mortals...something that is grossly underrepresented in current rules systems. A simple fear radius is giving them short thrift!
IMHO, higher level outsiders should rival Dragons in power, at least on their own planes; they should inspire overwhelming horror and fear for more than just their mortal safety!
Thanks for any input!
Can someone direct me to the sourcebook, if any, of a viable Jester core or prestige class?
One of my players is considering this as a backup character or a direction to take his Rogue and he swears that he's seen this class in a book somewhere.
My group of 11 players are running ECL 15 characters of mixed monsters (Minotaur, Illithid, 1/2Ogre) & humans; they are currently about to complete "The Porphyry House Horror" and I need to plan ahead for the future.
Does anyone have recommendations for adventures that would be a smooth follow-up to this one?
I'm not subscribed to Dungeon any more ($$ reason) but am willing to buy back-issues.
I was honored to have noted illustrator and SCA bigwig Randy Asplund in my home yesterday:
He has done work for WoTC, Dragon Mag. and Steve Jackson Games, among other game community clients.
He gave a group of SCA friends a class on medieval illumination and period paint making, as well as a presentation of some pictures that will be going into a book that he's currently writing on medieval manuscripts and bookmaking. The featured piece he was commissioned to do is 100% period accurate, from the materials used to the techniques. The book he made is for a private collector of miniature books; it will eventually wind up at a rare books library at the Univ. of Michigan.
We were floored with the technique and detail. I just HAD to tell people about it!
Sorry I can't post pics - he wouldn't let me keep any for copyright reasons, since his book is not yet published. They are jaw-dropping in detail; six months to construct a 3" tall book, using only medieval materials and methods...awe-inspiring work.
Hey, Lilith - you out here?
I figured that I'd start a new thread on topics to stimulate growth of the Stat Block Bank, as opposed to pushing the original thread into what, six pages?
For those who don't know, the NPC Stat Block Bank is a DM resource I dreamed up here...
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/dnd/general/archives/aDMsWishAnOnlineN PCStatBlockBank
...and Lilith wonderfully made real here:
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/dnd/general/archives/aDMsWishAnOnlineN PCStatBlockBank
Lilith, I had an idea for encouraging stat block submissions:
A ratings system.
If possible, can you build a rating system for submissions, ranking stat blocks by public interest?
I'm not thinking about a "rate the hotties" contest here - we all could use stat blocks for certain NPCs at certain times - but more a system to recognize creative practical NPCs and provide some feedback as to what a DM would consider useful vs. "neat, but where would I ever use this?" A very common, low CR block that gets used often might get more hits than some multi-templated CR45 Prestige Class NPC built for the Arena...
I'd like to see submitters populate an apocryphal city in whatever campaign world they use with the NPCs that they use day in and day out. The very purpose of this resource is to share the DM grunt work - post those "typical city guard platoon" stat blocks!
I'm going to be adding a few of my own, soon,
Taken from another thread:
Archade wrote:
Hey, would it be useful to create a list of stat blocks somewhere as a resource?
That would be a great idea - an online NPC repository! I ran across one of these for 2nd Ed. a couple of years back, but it was populated by a bunch of uber-characters that were mostly generated by youngsters out to immortalize their indestructible Godlings.
If there was ever an online stat block repository for varying level NPCs, I would use it constantly!
Imagine - an online database of NPC statblocks, possibly categorized by CR, class, race, etc...all for use whenever you need instant encounters or NPC parties...
Administrative vetting of submissions would rock also, but that's just wishful thinking...
Does anyone know of a resource like this, or has the resources to build a web site like this, with a 'form' to submit your own NPC stat blocks?
As an almost-40 DM with a busy life in between sessions, I've been relying on published material ever since the big change to d20 rules; it would be great to return to original material, using this kind of resources to populate the game.
I'm about to run my group against Vhalantru in SCAP and would like to fine-tune the unique performance of a Beholder before game time. I have some questions and issues to work out and I'd like some opinions:
- Using eye rays is a free action: Only one per round, two, or all?
- The anti-magic cone can be turned on or off per round; "Once each round, during its turn, the Beholder decides whether the antimagic cone is active or not" ...meaning that it must decide on the beginning of each round either 'on/off', or can it start out with it on, turn it off then use eyes, or start with it off, use its eyes then turn it on?
- Can the Beholder rotate itself in three dimensions to bring all eyes to bear on the party; i.e., turn itself upside-down and fire all ten eyes on a party below it?
I have the "Lords of Madness" book and plan to refer to it later tonight - feel free to direct me to it.
Thanks for all comments,
I've got a problem that I've never had to face in 25 yrs of DMing...
Two of my players have started dating and have begun to leave the session early, every week...specifically, if we start PLAYING (after the initial greets, snacking and BSing is over and dice start falling) at 8:00 pm and end at midnight, they usually leave at 9:45 pm, give or take 15 minutes - which is just under halfway through the night's session.
At this rate, they are playing their generated characters LESS than 50% of the time, leaving me to NPC them or have other players run them...
Can I get some opinions from the DMs out there as to how they would handle this?
- Ask them to commit to the game better or leave?
- Run the characters without complaint?
- Assign other players to run them each week?
I'm curious as to how this should go; I'd like to resolve this before it becomes more than an annoyance for the other players.
This thread is a continuation of a campaign originally chronicled *here…* and continued *here…*
This new thread marks the passing of the Evil party and the beginning of the new, Good party, which will be chronicled here…
A burgeoning force of Evil has been splintered and scattered, not by powerful Celestials or warriors of the Light, but other competing powers of Darkness… So it goes in the back-biting, vicious netherworlds that lie under the fetid ruin of what was the Great Kingdom of Aerdy…
Over thirty leagues to the west, within the borders of Nyrond – other powers have been sensing the events that have begun to transpire in the east…powers of Good… The movements and actions of the Ebon Triad - Skaven, Triel, Tarkilar… their allies, the Alleybashers, and their master, Lord Orbius Vhalantru, have attracted the gaze of certain Celestials, who investigate…their alarm is heeded by the high priests of Heironeus, who call on one of their few Saints and his friends to action against a threat that grows in the Darkness… They will seek out the source of the Dark Conspiracy and, once it is secured or destroyed, bring the perpetrators to Justice…
The party now consists of:
- Magnus (Human Saint Paladin6, LG): Protector of the weak and pious servant of Heironeus
- Triavis (Human Favored Soul9, LG): A “non-trained” priest, touched by the hand of Heironeus himself
- Bruce (Human Monk9, LG): A disciplined martial artist who serves Heironeus
- Lewen (Elf Fighter4/Wizard3/Bladesinger2, NG): A professional associate of Magnus
- Timmy (Human Wizard9, NG): A professional associate of Magnus
- Vyka (Human Wizard9, NG): A professional associate of Magnus
- Renard (Human Rogue7/Tomb Raider of Oliddamara2, CG): Professional holy scout of Oliddamara, sent to assist Magnus
- Shonuf (Human Rogue9, CG): Professional partner of Renard
- Grue (Human Fighter9, CG): Professional partner of Renard
- Mordekai (Human Druid9, NG): Representative of the Druid circle of the Vesve Forest
- Vi (Elf Druid9, NG): Representative of the Druid circle of the Celene Forest
The first synopsis will follow shortly...
Any of you NPC tweakers out there care to buff up this assassin strike to handle 14 characters of average 9th level?
I was thinking of doubling the assassin's numbers by duplicating each of the three NPCs, but I'm sure there are some of you out there who can do much better than that.
That session will run in about two weeks - after the party and it's new 'Sign of the Smoking Eye' winner takes on a pissed off Kaurophon (who threw an unconscious party member into the plasma to also gain the sign!)...
Let me know!
Kudos and congrats to Erik, I think!
I just noticed that Erik's board handle looked different; it now reads:
'Erik Mona (Editor-in-Chief, Dragon & Dungeon)' instead of:
'Erik Mona (Editor-in-Chief, Dungeon Magazine)'
I hope this is actually a promotion, as opposed to say, "take over until we hire someone. Your salary remains the same."
- M
This thread is a continuation of the 'Adventure Path Evil Variant 2004-2005' thread that chronicles the A.P. campaign first begun in September of 2003 and first chronicled following the December 17th session; the journal of weekly synopses that summarize that week's session in narrative form has continued unbroken since then, with breaks only for missed sessions.
The cumulative 2004-2005 synopsis ended with the December 8th session, to allow me to print, collate, bind and distribute thirteen hard copies at eighty-three pages each to my players as Holiday gifts during the December 15th session (the first anniversary of the Synopsis record).
I would like to congratulate the following group of RPG'ers for their dedication to the game and the good times and company we've all enjoyed, as well as the opportunity to now share this fun with the RPG community:
(copied from the 2004-2005 Synopsis cover and annotated with player-to-character listings)
The Collected Chronicles of the
‘Wednesday Night Game Group’
“Evil Campaign of Wickedness and Debauchery”
(in alphabetical order)
Chris Barfield: Raulanie (Werepanther Sor), Topaz (Tiefling Ftr)
Rob Barfield: Sizul (1/2Dragon Ftr)
Denise Boheler: Zuthara (Elf Ftr), Kei (Halfling Mast.Thrower), 'No' (Barghest)
Scott Campbell: Henry (Human Rog), Irrattouos (Human Acolyte of the Skin)
Denise Chin: Charaine (Human Wiz/Wild Mage)
Charlie Edmond: Omni (Human Samurai), Boric (Werebear)
Kelly Leonard: Indarin (1/2Elf Priest-Vecna)
Sean Lewis: Todok (Durzagon Priest-Erythnul), Syx (Drow Sor), Will (Hill Dwf Wiz)
Rob Lowe: Rahl (1/2Ogre Bar), Woodrow (Elf Arcane Archer)
Jason Mansfield: Savarius (1/2Dragon Bar), Busta (Human Monk)
Sean Kelly: Alicinaira (Drow Sor), Sharnistival (1/2Fiend Rng)
Gus Siu: 'Green' (Troll Bar)
Guest Starring:
Lisa Dammert: Diera (Drow Rog)
Patrick Dammert: Leo (Drow Ftr)
Leslie Chin: (Ran Diera for two sessions, following Pat & Lisa's guest play for one session)
Casey Schilb: Phil (Lizard Man Sor, for two sessions)
...featuring your Dungeon Master:
Marc Chin
Enjoy another hundred or so posts of weekly game synopses; when I reach the end, you, the reader, will be caught up on our campaign up to last week's session!
Having a long history of giving in to my players' wishes and running Evil campaigns in my exclusive-for-the-past-25-years world of Greyhawk (yes, 25 continuous years of playing the same campaign setting...), I was forced to modify the Adventure Path series for my rather large group of players (ranging from 8-13 people) who prefer exotic races and predominantly Chaotic, non-Good alignments.
Set the campaign in one of the older, more Evil-inclined Cities in Greyhawk (Rauxes), tweak the plot, boost the CRs of the encounters...and this old-timer was finally making the jump to the 3rd Edition rules!
What originally started out as an email update for those who missed the last game session evolved into a chronicle of the adventures of the group, in narrative format; I'll be posting it by individual game session, starting from September 2004 to the current session that I run tonight! We're barely into the fourth module in the series and we've run for over a year!
What a way to break in a new rules system - we've got a huge group of 20-30-somethings, playing the full spectrum of classes (some played several, following their grisly death...) and a DM running the 3.0 (then 3.5) rules for the first time, incorporating alternate, adult-oriented variant rules (taken from an ancient document originally created for 1st Ed. rules, updated for 2nd Ed. then for 3rd Ed.), multiple NC-17 rated character side plots, modified module storylines to make the Adventure Path palatable for Evil characters...needless to say, it's been fun, or I wouldn't have 13 full-time players with more being turned away regularly...
The title of each week's synopsis incorporates ACTUAL PLAYER OR CHARACTER DIALOGUE FROM THAT WEEK'S SESSION! This is important to know later on, trust me.
The first few synopses are relatively dull recounts of character activities, but they get better with time; you can see where practice improves my writing!
The first episode to follow...
Tallahassee, FL
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