Cleric of Pharasma

Mannux's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


BobTheArchmage wrote:
Is it suppose to have a large printable map PDF? I can't speak for every AP, but the ones I have bought (EC, AoE, AV, QftFF, OoA, BL, SF, SKT, WoW, and TotT) have only ever included the adventure pdf and the interactive maps pdf documents.

What do people do who want to play on a physical table top with full size maps? I have been able to find the maps for things like the Beginner Box.

Am I stupid? Where are the large size printable maps for Wardens of Wildwood? All I see is the interactive maps pdf document.

Thanks in advance.

Lia Wynn wrote:
You could just use any old cloth. Cleave gags are nice and simple.

What's a "cleave gag?"

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
This is a little more involved, but might I suggest working with your GM to invent a dawnsilver adhesive strip consumable you can slap on a caster's mouth when you use your Tamper ability? Feels like it'd be very in-character for an Inventor to discover the many wonderful uses of duct tape! :P

I love this idea. Are there no similar/existing items you can use to gag players/humanoids in PF2E?

Gortle wrote:

Wand with Silence (4) in it. Should be available from level 9

Silencing Ammunition though the save is now low

Maybe Silencing Shot? I like the wand idea. Can anybody use a wand? Even if they don't have access to the magic school?

I'm in a situation where it might come down to me (Level 8 Android Inventor) and my construct companion vs the three casters in my party in a PVP battle.

I'm looking for items or runes that I could build (I have magic crafting) to silence or gag the casters in my group.

This is all sanctioned and in good fun.

Any suggestions?

"Frequency once per hour

Trigger You attempt a skill check requiring three actions or fewer.

You stimulate your nanites, forcing your body to temporarily increase its efficiency. You gain a +2 status bonus to the triggering skill check. In addition, your circuitry glows, lighting a 10-foot emanation with dim light for 1 round."

My question is, do Androids get to use Nanite Surge before or after the D20 skill check? In other words, if the Crafting check is 17 and I roll a 15, can I use nanite surge after I see the 15 to pass that check?