Bayne Hollows's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


House of planes went great for me. They loved it. Molly seemed to be one of their favorite NPC's. They also talked to Wilifred who gave them the clue about the weird architecture of the hotel, Reginald who guessed cult or serial killer. They talked to Jermin about the hotel, and a few others, but they didn't talk to them enough to really get their clues in a way that connected to the hotel.

They are going to the hotel out of uniform and the investigator is checking in ALONE to act as "bait" I guess? Ralso wasn't at the tipsy tengu in the first session so she doesn't know he's Edgewatch, so Ralso is probably gonna put him in a death room by himself :|.

I play with an older group, so usually they like the hard consequences and no dm hand-holding. So I'm having a hard time justifying pulling the breaks here in the players favor. I'm sure its not gonna be fun for him dying in 1-2 rounds depending on the room I put him in though. I know i can put him in the safe room anyway, or have the traps disarmed for that room for a while but its more of a question of should I? would you?

*edit* I just remembered the hotel doesn't prey on locals, so as long as he tells the truth when the clerk asks, this is probably not an issue.

Icosiel wrote:
Hoff isn't just the patron of the Hell room, he's also the owner of the House of the Planes. He loves the secret society aspect of the place and how needlessly stylish and byzantine it all is. Perhaps he told Pharasma not to tell anyone where he is, but instead told her to give them clues and lead them to other rooms. Hoff is a showman and an appreciator of theater, as is evidenced by his club. He wouldn't give an audience to just anyone.

Oh I do like that. thank you for the idea! Will definitely go that route.

Running the House of Planes in a few weeks. Seems pretty easy to just talk to Jermin, learn about the hotel and leave. They are there to figure out what happened to the workers anyway, and I think my players are gonna focus on that. Don't need to really talk to anyone else.

The book says Pharasma knows where Jermin is, which makes sense because he is the Patron of Hell. So I'm hoping the chose not to ask her and explore a bit before finding him. What was everyone else's experience in the The House of Planes?

Hey All,

Just had session 1 for this AP and enjoying it. Been using the resources here, so thanks for all that!

One of my players learned about Esker's Camp and really wants to help the homeless. Did anyone do anything with that quest hook, and if so, how did you go about possible resolutions?

I also only bought and looked through book 1 so far, so I don't know if Esker herself is used later in the AP or not. Am I free to do whatever with Esker's story without messing something up later in the AP?