Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
Yes. That is what I was getting at. - Jackie ![]()
Male Human Grognard/Epic, Husband/10
![]() Vattnisse wrote:
Just post your answers in the Jackie's On Line Interview thread. ![]()
Male Human Grognard/Epic, Husband/10
![]() Totally non game related question. Spoiler: My wife has a favor to ask. Hello. My name is Jackie Scarborough. My husband, Russell, has been playing online D & D games with you for quite some time. I am currently working on my Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. One of my classes this semester is Advanced Multiculturalism. One assignment/project that I have to complete within the next few weeks is an Immersion Project. For this assignment I have to collect information (in various ways) on a culture that I have not been exposed to in any great quantity. I have chosen to investigate the culture of D & D.
If you wouldn’t mind helping her please click here. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() Hello. My name is Jackie Scarborough. My husband, Russell, has been playing online D & D games with you for quite some time. I am currently working on my Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. One of my classes this semester is Advanced Multiculturalism. One assignment/project that I have to complete within the next few weeks is an Immersion Project. For this assignment I have to collect information (in various ways) on a culture that I have not been exposed to in any great quantity. I have chosen to investigate the culture of D & D.
Answer one, none, some, or all of the following questions. Any help you can give her is greatly appreciated. My wife and I wish to thank you for taking the time to check this out. ManPig 1. In your experience what is the typical composition (e.g. gender, age, race, etc.) of the players? 2. A common D & D stereotype that I have heard is that those who play D & D are under achievers. For example, still live with parents, don’t have a job, or just don’t want to “grow up.” 3. What role does religion play in the D & D culture? 4. What thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and/or values are most important in the D & D culture? 5. Is their another culture that the D & D culture seems to have difficulty with? What is the nature of this difficulty? 6. Are there ways that the D & D culture are discriminated against? What ways? 7. Have you personally been discriminated and/or stereotyped due to your involvement in the D & D culture? If you have been please explain. 8. What strengths does the D & D culture have? 9. What weaknesses does the D & D culture have? 10. How are disagreements or conflicts resolved in the D & D culture? 11. Many in the “Christian” culture believe that D & D is “of the devil” and “sinful.” How would respond to this? 12. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: NOTE: If you don’t mind please share with me an email address that I could contact you at if I need clarification on any of your answers/comments. THANK-YOU SO MUCH. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() Well, I did not make the same pledge as the OP, but I’m going to support Paizo as much as I can. To that end I had a discussion with the owner of my FLGS. I’m committed to buying Paizo’s great products. I told him that I would gladly buy my Paizo products from him. In the near future one of two things will happen: (1) either Paizo will be contacted by the owner of Hawgs Head comics in Fort Smith, AR regarding becoming a distributor of your fine products or (2) I will become a multiple subscriber. :D ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() Thanks for the help. My primary browser (Juno) apparently doesn’t support this option. Every time I hit the “subscribe” button I would get a page full of the weirdest text you have ever seen. It was line after line of some kind of descriptive code. On a hunch I switched over to Mozilla Firefox and, lo and behold, it worked! Again, your help is greatly appreciated. ![]()
Male Human Grognard/Epic, Husband/10
![]() OK, here is the situation. I had partial success today. I was able to get to the Paizo web site; however, I could not log in or down load anything. I think I will be able to continue to play. I will get all new post e-mailed to me and will keep up with the game that way. I should still be able to post once per day. EDIT: This is not going as easily as I hoped it would. ![]()
Male Human Grognard/Epic, Husband/10
![]() Wow. I go away for a week and the whole (gaming) world changes. I like what I’ve read about the new Pathfinder RPG. This is great news! Now for the bad news; my work has blocked the Paizo Website. Since about 90% of my posts were from work, I won’t be able to post nearly as much as I used to. Because of that sad news I must announce my retirement from the game. I will lurk as much as I can. I had a great time playing! Thank you, ManPig. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() Disenchanter, I too do not like what I’ve seen on the Paizo message boards the last few days. I’ve always valued these boards because of the free exchange of ideas and opinions that are expressed. If a person’s opinion is “WotC is a piece of %^&” that opinion is just as relevant as Barely Coherent’s essay on the hostility of the 4e message boards. That being said, I hope you will continue to support Paizo; at least in the short term. Keep in mind that they are still producing 3.5 products and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. After Paizo makes their decision on which way to go you can decide whether or not you want to continue supporting them. That’s when I will make my decision. At any rate, I hope you will continue to contribute to the boards. I do not always agree with your statements but a person can disagree with another’s opinion and still respect and value that person’s commentary. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() pres man wrote:
Now that's old school! :) ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() What amazes me is the persistency of the “Obama is a Muslim” rumor. He is a self-professing Christian who attends a Christian church. The evidence of these two facts is indisputable as far as I’m concerned. It’s like someone started circulating an e-mail that says, “Hey, did you here that the sun rises in the west?” Observable evidence doesn’t support the hypothetical. Therefore, why would anyone believe the hypothetical? And yet every day this week I have talked with someone who believed that Mr. Obama is a Muslim. I won’t be supporting Mr. Obama. It’s got nothing to do with his religious beliefs; he and I just happen to be on different sides when it comes to politics. Whatever differences we may have now will one day be erased, as we stand shoulder-to-shoulder singing praises to Christ in Heaven. ![]()
Male Human Grognard/Epic, Husband/10
![]() DitheringFool wrote:
Run Zoomackulas! Run! ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() Hmm… I have a rough character idea in mind. Guardsman Gevtodt Bereskan, Korvosan Guard, South Shore Garrison would be a fighter with Harrowed and Big Game Hunter Feats and either the Widowed or Missing Son/Daughter Trait. His father is a renowned (and often quoted) captain of the Korvosan Guard. How does that sound Lilith? Uh, you are DMing this PbP, aren’t you? Just kidding :) If you do decide to run a game, please keep me in mind. ![]()
Male Human Grognard/Epic, Husband/10
![]() Arctaris wrote: Hey Joventus, just wanted to let you know that Shamus' hostility and irritation at Rend are just RPing. Nothing personal about it, I like Rend as a character and I hope you don't take it the wrong way. If its too much I'll tone it down. The role playing in this game is great. I very much enjoy seeing the personality of ya'lls characters come out. Thank you Arctaris for taking the initiative on the "better safe than sorry" route. A game is only fun if everybody is having a good time. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Thank you! ![]()
Male Human Grognard/Epic, Husband/10
![]() The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Yeah, sorry, I'm a little slow today. Let's see... There's a bug with a speech impediment, a rogue gigolo, aaaaand... I got nothin'. A runaway slave who has spent the last couple of decades catching runaway slaves and now spends every waking hour wondering who is going to kill him first; his owner, his new “friends”, the Dust Runners, the Templars, or who knows who or what else.