Full Name |
Tatriana Figliosa |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Adept 5 |
Gender |
F |
Size |
what do you mean by that? |
Age |
the nerve! <slap!> |
Special Abilities |
spellcasting |
Alignment |
NG |
Deity |
Desna & Erastil |
Location |
Chelish side of Chel/Andora border |
Languages |
Common (Taldan), Halfling, Varisian |
Occupation |
midwife, apothecary, underground conductor |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
10 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
14 |
Wisdom |
16 |
Charisma |
12 |
About Mama Tatty
BELLFLOWER NETWORK PATRON: Tatriana ‘ Mama Tatty’ Figliosa
XP 800
Human adept 5
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 11, touch 10, flat-footed 11 (bracers of armor +1)
hp 22 (5d6+5)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +9
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4 P)
Ranged thrown dagger +2 (1d4)
Spells Prepared (CL 5th, Concentration +8)
2nd – aid, invisibility
1st – cure light wounds x2, sleep (Will DC 14)
0 – guidance, mending, stabilize
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 13 (not adjusted for whatever age she might be, she's a tough old bird, and equally resistant to getting wiser as she gets older...)
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Deceitful, Iron Will, Improved Familiar (celestial owl)
Skills Bluff (CC) 5 (+8), Craft (alchemy) 5 (+10), Disguise (CC) 5 (+8), Handle Animal 1 (+5), Heal 2 (+8), Knowledge (geography) 3 (+8), Knowledge (local) 5 (+10), Knowledge (nature) 1 (+6), Knowledge (religion) 1 (+6), Spellcraft 1 (+6), Survival 1 (+7)
Languages Common (Taldan), Halfling, Varisian
Combat Gear dagger, wand of cure light wounds (CL 1, 25 charges, 375 gp), tanglefoot bag, bracers of armor +1, lady’s favor (5 tokens, see below); Other gear scent cloak, healer’s kit, sunrods (3), witch’s cauldron (see below), 10 colored scarves (suitable for use as impromptu bandages, bindings or gags)
(2400 gp)
Rosy-cheeked and always out of breath, ‘Mama Tatty’ is a round-faced woman, who bustles along with a sense of impatience. Quite the beauty, twenty years ago, Tatriana Figliosa (Fee-lee-OHSA) has lived on the border between Cheliax and Andoran all her life. She’s raised her family there, and lost them to tragedy, a widow before her time. A lesser person would have melted across the border, but when her son died smuggling slaves across the border, and her husband days later, in a drunken assault on the Hellknight patrol responsible for the death of their son, she publically renounced them for their fool’s quest, and earned the ire of some of her neighbors, for so turning on her family.
She had never had much interest in the plight of the slaves. Certainly she had no intention of ever owning one, and the whole affair was distasteful to her, but she felt that so long as she avoided the practice, that this was ‘good enough.’ She encouraged her son to not ‘rock the boat’ and oppose the will of the government with his dangerous game. His death, and the death of her husband, she used as an excuse to more strongly reinforce her views, publically, while she quietly took up her son’s ‘fool’s errand,’ starting with the three Halfling slaves he had hidden in the long-forgotten root cellar beneath their barn.
It has been five years, and Mama Tatty is still known around town as the bitter old woman who may well have turned in her own family for smuggling slaves to freedom (a rumor that she has spread herself), while others quietly know her to be the strongest link in the local ‘underground railroad.’ She still works as an apothecary and the best midwife in the county, her family farmland having mostly been sold off, acre by acre, to sympathetic neighbors who know her true disposition, and are inclined to ignore anything ‘suspicious’ going on at the Figliosa farm after dark.
Even she sometimes has difficulty finding the line between her public and private personae, and those closest to her in the network have privately observed that as much as she honors the work of her son by continuing it, a deeper part of her resents the slaves she smuggles to freedom, for escaping to the life that was stolen from her family.
While she never goes out ‘in the field,’ either to farm, or to practice the Bellflower trade, she has grown quite skilled at smuggling Halflings (and other slaves, on occasion) to her property, and from there, past the border patrols into Andoran. She makes extensive use of her barn owl familiar, whom she never communicates with in the sight of others, keeping her connection to the ‘varmint’ that lives in her barn a closely guarded secret in the local community. Many slaves who have benefitted from her operation are aware of the creature’s uncanny intellect, as it guides them by night, using a specially wrapped sunrod to signal to the watching slaves when it is safe to make the dash to the next safe spot. Tatriana has recently begun to notice strange activity on the part of her familiar, as it has recently begun speaking to her in the voice of her deceased son. One part of her wishes to believe that her son’s spirit has returned in this form to continue his mission, and relieve her burden, while another part of her suspects that she is either descending into madness, or, and this idea angers her greatly, is being manipulated by the Andoran ‘avoral,’ some avian angelic creature of freedom, to keep her working the Bellflower ‘plot’ with the pretense of her son’s voice. As a result, she has become more erratic in recent months…
Boons: Mama Tatty has developed a few special items that she calls trinkets, and she may be willing to give one to someone who has helped her out of a jam, or helped some of her ‘lambs’ get to safe pastures.
Aura faint divination; CL 1st
Slot neck; Price 25 gp per token; Weight –
These small baked clay tokens have runes of fortune inscribed upon them, and baked inside the clay are shavings of silver from a holy symbol of Calistria, Desna or Shelyn and a tuft of rabbit’s fur. From one to five of them can be strung on a cord or chain and worn around the neck of a bearer, who can use a move-equivalent action (that provokes an attack of opportunity) to grip the token and gain the benefit of a guidance spell. Each such token is usable only a single time, and blackens and cracks during use.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, guidance; Cost 12.5 gp per token
Aura faint conjuration; CL 1st
Slot –; Price 50 gp; Weight 1 lb
These metal bowls are rarely of particularly fine quality, usually being of copper or tin, and marked with many characters scratched into the metal. If the bowl is filled with 1 pint of water and set upon the ground as a full-round action, the user can speak a command word and cause mist begin to slowly gather around the bowl, rising from the ground over the course of a full minute, and appearing to blow in naturally. Depending on the current weather conditions, a knowledge – nature or survival check (DC 15) may be required to recognize this fog as unnatural, as it forms relatively slowly and unobtrusively. One minute after activation, an 80 ft. radius around the bowl fills to a 5 ft. height with a pale fog that is about half as dense as that produced by an obscuring mist spell, conferring only partial concealment to those within its area of effect. If the bowl is moved during the minute the fog is gathering, the spell is interrupted, and the effect never occurs, but once the fog has gathered, it remains for a full minute, even if the bowl is then moved or destroyed. One minute after the fog has reached full density, it begins to blow apart and ceases to provide any concealment, dispersing fully over the next minute, often appearing to creep away as naturally as it crept in. Once the fog has fully formed, the bowl loses its magic and is just a mundane metal bowl, conspicuously empty of water.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, obscuring mist; Cost 25 gp