Karzoug the Claimer

Malkari Durant's page

Organized Play Member. 106 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

The 1st level power of the discorporation faculty says that the reactive spray can trigger as a reaction after taking significant damage from an enemy.

How much damage does the nanocyte need to take to be considered signifcant?

Is this like one of the ways a vanguard gains entropy points, would it be 2 hp/level needed to trigger the ability?

Or was this meant as damage from a significant enemy?

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm wondering who has misread a particular rule and ended up having a better (or at least more enjoyable) result because of it.

For example, while running last night, I couldn't find how many charges wands were supposed to have. This came up because the druid had a 1st level wand of heal and wanted to use it to heal up the party's tank, a monk. So, I ran it as: As long as it is on your spell list, you need to spend a point of Resonance each time you cast the spell from your wand.

It wasn't until afterward I found the rule buried that wands have 10 charges, but everyone at the table was really happy with wands working that they just needed to spend Resonance to cast the spell if it was already on their spell list.

I also remembered that the 3.5 Eberron setting had a similar item called eternal wands that let the user use the spell in it unlimited times over the life of the item, but only so many times per day (3 if I recall correctly).

Scarab Sages

With real life getting in the way at times, I'm trying to find a few more players to add for the pathfinder game I run on Saturdays. I am out in Northwest Houston. Is anybody interested?

Scarab Sages

Ever since Unearthed Arcana came out for 3.x, I've been using weapon groups with success. Personally, I'm very fond of the way they work and would like to see them for Pathfinder.

However, there is a change that I'm using that works fairly well that uses BAB to determine starting weapon groups. Those with a poor BAB begin play with a single weapon group and basic weapons. If you have an average BAB, you start with basic weapons and two other weapon groups. Those with a good BAB, except fighters gain three weapon groups and basic weapons. Finally, fighters gain basic weapons and four weapon groups plus one more at every even fighter level. If you multiclass, you gain additional weapon groups only if the new class has additional weapon proficiencies.

Basic weapons are defined as club, dart, dagger, quarterstaff, and sling.

Most other weapon groups are taken straight out of the fighter description. There is also a weapon group called Druid weapons consisting of: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortpear, sling, and spear. The starknife and war razor are added to light blades, the earthbreaker is added to hammers, the klar is added to blades, the shoanti bola are an exotic throwing weapon, the bladed scarf is an exotic flail and the sawtooth saber is an exotic light blade. Exotic weapons remain exotic and require a +1 BAB to gain proficiency. In order to gain proficiency with a group's exotic weapons requires either a weapon group or a feat. Improved Unarmed Strike can be purchased with a weapon group slot if you meet the usual prerequisite as usual.

Under this system, dwarves gain axe and hammer proficiency and elves gain bow proficiency plus single proficiency in the longsword and rapier. All races that treat [insert race here] weapons as martial weapons simply add those weapons to the standard group.

So, what do y'all think?

Scarab Sages

I'm just trying to get some clarification on the language portion of linguistics. Excluding the languages you begin with for being [insert race here], how many other languages do you if you select linguistics as a 1st level skill?

For example, if an elf with an Intelligence of 20 had Linguistics as a 1st level skill, would he only know common, elven, and five others (for Int) or would he know more?

Scarab Sages

The rules specifically mention a tie to the fey. I was wondering what people thought of adding this to the gnome's racial traits

Fey-touched - Gnomes can sense the presence of cold iron within 15 ft. If the gnome would succeed on a DC 15 Perception (scent-based) check by taking 10, then the gnome is aware of the presence of any cold iron with this distance, but not the size, number of sources or direction of each source. A gnome that is aware of cold iron suffers a -2 penalty on any skill check requiring concentration or interaction with others and can only concentrate on any given subject (including a spell) for a number of rounds equal to their Intelligence modifier -1 (minimum 1 round including the round that they begin concentrating). Lastly, they are considered fey or humanoid for the purpose of whether or not a spell affects them.

Scarab Sages

In the scaling notes at the end of Bullywug Gambit, it mentions something called Jajirlok. Can someone shed some light on who or what this is? Was it something that got cut for space in the magazine? It would be even better if Nicolas Logue can respond to this


Scarab Sages

I've been toying with the idea of trying to put together an Egyptian campaign for a while now. But I was wondering if anybody out there knew of some good fluff resources that I could use.

Thanks to everyone in advance

Scarab Sages

I was going through the compendium today and taking a look at the Vulcanian Thunder Club, and I realized that I couldn't find a price for the ammunition packet. Any help on the matter would be appreciated

Scarab Sages

I was wondering if anybody would be able to do something about this. I recently placed an order for several back issues and when I went back to check on the status, a completely different address was showing for the shipping address. The incorrect address is usually the sort of one I have a problem with when telling people the address and the zip code is a completely different part of town.

Thanks in advance

Scarab Sages

Now that all of my players (and then some) are back, we can finally get started on age of worms.

I think this is definitely one of the odder group that's been assembled for one of my Eberon games.

We start off with what is essentially 4 groups of people (I have a pretty large group). Group #1 hails from the Emporium consisting of Trixie and Frey. Trixie is just a simple elven girl who discovered that she enjoyed the special company only a man can provide. She enjoyed it a lot, she just couldn't get enough of it. So she decided that she ought to start getting paid for it. And thus began her career in the Emporium. Next is Frey. Frey is rather talented in the healing arts. In fact, Frey is what keeps the Emporium girls and boys running relatively clean. But Frey also does a bit of a side business there, downstairs in the freak show. Frey was born neither male nor female, but both.

Group #2 consists of two "brothers" from the twilight monastary. The first and older of the two is a yet unnamed dwarf who managed to learn a unique fighting style revolving around the movements of magical beasts (he's a totemist with a level of fighter (we used the apprenticeship system out of 3.0)). The second and younger of the two is an orphaned elf who learnt the arts of ninjitsu and is heavily addicted to kalamanthis.

Group #3 hails from the garrison, which is now primarily a Deneith outpost. Again we have a pair here. The first is a young idealistic paladin of Dol Arrah who has been ordained in her service. (he's the youngest Diamond Lake native at 20 years old). The other is an orphaned kalashtar soulknife who discovered his powers on the battlefield during the Last War.

And the last member of the party is an out of towner. He originally hails from Cyre, but was radically changed during the Mourning. He had a great deal of luck both good and bad. He was in Metrol on the Mourning, but he survived it, at a cost. The "poor" fellow now is obcessed with changing himself back, and Diamond Lake is the end of the trail on a long line of rumors.

The game itself is going to be starting a little later than Eberron games usually start, because the story of this one and the original game are going to get intertwined around the time of the Champion's Belt. So this looks like it will be a very interesting time
{insert evil DM laugh here}


Scarab Sages

I'm going to be starting up a game set in Eberron and I'm looking for a fourth player, possibly more. However, there are a few things I need to put out before people respond. I'd prefer to have people that can get onto the base respond and for only people that can stand the chaos of small children reply. (The entire group lives on base, and most of us have children that are three years old or younger). Anyone that's interested, e-mail me at grey_bard42@yahoo.com
