
Malastra's page

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The group has three characters:
1. human male witch
2. elven female bard
3. human male cavalier

Typically I would play anything I desired to make at the time.
However, I would like your suggestions on what would compliment this small group to benefit the party the most.

Thank you all in advance for your help!

Have yet to play Pathfinder, this weekend will be my first session.
I am not a noob to D&D, been playing this game for over 20+ yrs...

I am looking at different options to get into Shadowdancer.
1. straight up Rogue-5
2. 1 or 2 level dip into Monk, then Rogue
3. 1 level dip into Bard then Rogue

Straight rogue will give me 3d6 sneak dmg.

A level dip into Bard gives me unlimited cantrips and a few 1st level spells that can compliment my rogue skills.

Monk levels can help me out on saves and give me a few extra feats that I can use for the rogue.

Opinions on which way to go?
My style of play will be versatility, not just stealth, not just sneak attacking....