Mahlturis Rhaed's page
12 posts. Alias of martinaj.
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Round 2. Initiative 26. HP 54/54. AC 13
I'll opt to keep those rolls. Ditching them feels a bit like cheating, and the lemure's strength isn't really in it's offense, anyways.
As the fleshy monstrosity draws the spider's attention, Mahlturis sidles to his left, seeking a clear line of fire. He holds out one hand, crooking his fingers sharply a thin dart of acid coalesces in the above his palm. Then, with a sharp flick of his wrist, he sends the projectile screaming towards the vermin engaging his minion.
Attack Touch Attack (-4 for firing into melee): 1d20 ⇒ 9
Acid Damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Mahlturis makes a wide move around the lemure and the spider so his minion doesn't give the spider cover, then shoots and acid dart. 6 uses left today. Also, with rest interrupted during second watch, will I be able to recover spells in the morning?
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Mahlturis growls as he takes a step back from the spider. With the tip of his staff, he quickly traces a pentagram in the dirt before him, muttering some unintelligible words. His whispers suddenly ends in a forceful shout and the rune takes on a reddish glow as the air begins to ripple with heat. The scent of burning sulfur licks everyone's nose as a churning mound of flesh appears with a gurgling roar and arranges itself into a vaguely humanoid shape. Mahlturis raps out a short command in the Infernal tongue, and the creature falls upon the spider with stumpy and scrabbling claws.
Mahlturis takes a 5-foot step back, then casts Summon Monster II to summon a Lemure between him and the spider. Duration 8 rounds (Because of Summoner's Charm) Lemure HP: 13. The lemure makes a full attack against the spider.
Claw 1 Attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Claw 1 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Claw 2 Attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Claw 2 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Mahlturis can sit up with Grutsnick on second watch. He' expended no spell today, so it shouldn't be a problem, but on future nights, he'll want to take first or third.
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
"It all depends on who you ask," the tieflings responds as he casually observes the foliage. "For me, I'm inclined to say no. But perhaps this place will prove me wrong."
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Mahlturis simply shakes his head. "There are things worth dying for."
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
"And that is precisely why we must seize control of our own destinies. What did waiting upon certainty earn Cheliax? Nothing less than the corruption of the greatest empire Avistan has seen in thousands of years. They placed their trust in fate, and they are now the most spectacular failed experiment of this millennium - prey to their own stifled ambitions. You're right in one thing, Alexander. Nothing is certain except for the unknown, but to forsake all our goals, to shy from the pursuit of greatness because of it? In doing so you surrender to abstracts just as the people of the last age surrendered to guarantees."
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Mahlturis offers a derisive snort as he looks up from his notes.
"Like so many, you overlook to real wealth of the Expanse. It's not the land that the Chelaxians covet so jealously, nor the baubles you hope to tow out of some nameless ruin." He shuts his book and extends one hand towards the banks of the river, indicating the thick foliage of the jungle. "You realize, do you not, that these verdant depths once housed an empire as old as Azlant? Do you understand how little is known of its founder? Knowledge is glitters more brightly than any gem, and secrets cut deeper than any sword, my eager little looter. If you truly wish to profit from this venture, than look to the history of these ruins, not their gold."
He adjusts his position, waving his pet Raven off its perch on his staff. "Nicodemus," he rasps, "If you would be so kind as to fly ahead a few hundred yards? I wouldn't mind know what the depths of the jungle hold for us."
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
A raspy cough punctuates the the wild sounds of the jungle as the pale, dark-haired man at the back of one of the canoes slides his books back into a small satchel at his feet. His features are both severe and exotic, with a bright emerald eyes peering out from a chiseled face. His ears swoop back sharply, tapering to fine points, though this man is no elf. The pronounced widow's peak on his head accentuates his most prominent feature - a set of small black horns.
He has said little for the bulk of the trip, instead spending his time pouring over notes and incomplete maps of the Expanse. His voice is deep and gravelly, his words careful and deliberate.
"And what privileges does your patronage provide?"
Knowledge (History) to see what I know about the Golden Idol of Postequilas: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Mahlturis only has a few non-standard options thus far, chief among them being two of the "pit" spells from the APG (slightly re-flavored so that thematically he's summoning an extra-dimensional pocket of Hell). Also, I worked out his imp companion, which is going to be kind of new to me, and it has options above and beyond a standard familiar of animal companion.
EDIT: Additionally, once I have access to them, I'll be making ample use of calling spells, most particularly Planar Ally and its derivatives. Not quite non-standard, but seems to be seldom used.
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Mahlturis is likewise complete.
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Ah, I also noticed that one of the requirements for the diabolist class is that you must have summoned a devil and coerced it into a service for a duration of at least a day. With the exception of this requirement, every prerequisite for the class is attainable by 5th level. This particular requirement, though, is a bit unspecific. Presumably, this would be met with a casting of lesser planar binding, which is a 5th level spell, which, obviously, I cannot yet cast. However, the character could have still successfully activated a scroll of a higher level, and it's conceivable that there are other ways to summon the requisite devil. I was wondering what your thoughts on this matter were?
Male Tiefling Wizard 5 / Diabolist 1
Alright, here's Mahlturis. Avatar is potentially temporary, and I've still go to buy gear and hammer out his imp companion. Beyond that, should be good.