Bishop Ze Ravenka

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Unless you are very hooked on Golarion, Kobold Press has Midgard Campaign setting were the area called The Seven Cities are directly inspired by the Italian time periode you are looking for. The Seven Cities has a formal campaign season were the different cities hire mercenaries to fight each other.

But otherwise I agree the River Kingdoms are the best place in Golarion.

finian wrote:

Hi I like playing goblin and sorcerer so I have been looking around to see if I could find a goblin bloodline but nothing has come up and that's make me a little bit sad for why do kobolds gets a bloodline and the stupid Orc and even the humans but not the all-powerful Goblin

So I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find one that would be a big help and thank you for your help all hell the Goblin

Kobold Press new book Deep Magic has a goblin bloodline.

Kobold Press Midgard Campaing Setting has Minotaurs as a standard base race along with Kobolds and the normal standard races.

I am Danish, and I have no technical problems signing up for Kickstarters. But I don't know if that was becaues, I already had an Amazon US account.