
Mahatma, the Desert Sage's page

66 posts. Organized Play character for Pirate Rob.


Cursed Djinn 1 | HP 18/18| AC 16 | F +9 R +6 W +2 | Perception +2 Darkvision

About Mahatma, the Desert Sage

2019 Mahatma, the Desert Sage
M Sylph Goblin, Tapestry Survivor, Kineticist 1
CN Small Humanoid

Senses Perception +2 (-1 Wis + 3 Prof (T)) Darkvision
AC 16 Studded Leather 2(1/3) + 3 P
HP 18
Fort +9(E), Ref +6(E), Will +2(T)
> +7 1d6 electricity or slashing, 60 feet
>>+7 1d6+4 electricity or slashing, 60 feet
Melee: Add strength to damage and (agile, backswing, forceful, reach, or sweep)
Ranged: Range 100 (volley 30) or Range 50(Propulsive) or Range 20(Thrown)
Save DC 17
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 8
Speed 25 ft.
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Goblin Scuttle
Skill Feats: Assurance(Medicine)
General Feats:
Class Features & Abilities Weapon Infusion, Air Gate Aerial Boomerang, Four Winds
Skills:: Acrobatics +4(T), Arcana +5(T), Athletics +6(T), Medicine +2(T), Nature +2(T), Society +5(T), Desert Lore +5(T), PFS Lore +5(T),
Languages Common, Goblin, Auran, Undercommon
Bulk (8/9/14) Adventurer’s Pack,
Special Abilities
Air gate: 2action+ air impulse, step or half stride before or after (can fly)
Aerial Boomerang: >> 60ft line 2d4 Basic Save. Next turn > Return Boomerang
Four Winds: >> Choose 4 willing creatures to half stride (can fly)

Organized Play Notes
757-2019 Generalist (Pathfinder Society Lore/Battle Medicine)