Full Name |
Magnus, the Armored Swordsman |
Race |
(0 harm, 0/7 luck spent) |
Classes/Levels |
The Wronged (1/5 xp) Charm +0 Cool +0 Sharp +1 Tough +2 Weird +0 |
Gender |
Male |
Age |
24 |
About Magnus the Armored Swordsman
Charm +0
Cool +0
Sharp +1
Tough +2
Weird +0
I Know My Prey:
You get +1 ongoing when knowingly investigating, pursuing or fighting the monster type that caused your loss.
No matter how much harm you take, you can keep going until the current fight is over. During a fight, the Keeper may not use harm moves on you and you cannot die. When the fight ends, all harm takes effect as normal.
Tools Matter:
With your signature weapon, you get +1 to kick some ass.
Signature Weapon(s)
Huge Sword 3-harm, hand, messy, and heavy
Practical Weapon(s)
Hand Crossbow 2-harm, close, reload
Shotgun 3-harm, close, messy, loud
Bulletproof vest under a trench coat 1 protection
Muscle Car Black mustang w/ fake indiana plate