Mafia Monkey's page

8 posts. Alias of Monkeygod.


Mr Panic,

I do not apperiacate you talking about me and people in such a manner. Ima have to ask you to come down to the lake with me, and try on these new shoes.

You really shouldn't resist, if you know what's good for you, know what I'm sayin?


I can play the role of Hit-Monkey

Ok, takin bets on how likely Cort will be vaporized, liquified, or something else equally unpleasant. Its ten PP to get in, 13 PP minimum bet(so that's 23 PP to just play).

House(me) will double all bets(not including the buy in) of 25 PP or more and any bet of 100 or more will be tripled.

Ladies, gentlemen and what ever the hells Darkbiter is, place your bets!!

James Jacobs wrote:
Mafia Monkey wrote:

is there a Golarion equivalent to the Mafia?? if there is where can i find more info on it??

If there's not, I really hope you make one, otherwise i may have to send Joey Nails, and Tony The Brick to come pay you a visit, know what I'm sayin?

Which god would most likely inspire and encourage Mafia style organizations?

The Golarion equivalent to the Mafia would probably be the Sczarni. There's information about them all over the place.

As for which god would most likely inspire and encourage organized crime... probably either Asmodeus or Norgorber

These Sczarni, they aren't in the faction guide. Which would make sense for them to be in. So if not there, then where? book titles James, or its the cement shoes for you!!

is there a Golarion equivalent to the Mafia?? if there is where can i find more info on it??

If there's not, I really hope you make one, otherwise i may have to send Joey Nails, and Tony The Brick to come pay you a visit, know what I'm sayin?

Which god would most likely inspire and encourage Mafia style organizations?

David Fryer wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
What do you do when the party consists of two CN characters, 2 CG characters, and a paladin?

If I'm the GM, I take a deep breath and hope that paladin's looking forward to a roleplaying challenge, periodically giving the player the opportunity to build a new character if he wants.

I'f I'm the player, I'm one of the CG characters, and I'll be doing my best to convince that paladin to join the winning team and live wild and free.

Well, the paladin as just offered a job by the campaign's version of the maffia, so we will see how it goes.

We thank you for your business, kind sir.

We will of course need to have some sort of payment worked out, but I am sure we can come to a mutual agreement

Obvious Troll Is Obvious wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Threeshades wrote:

Why are internet trolls called trolls, when they are not vulnerable to fire?

They actually enjoy the flaming that starts with their appearance.
Shouldn't they rather be called goblins?
Because "troll" is a pun. Trolls can be unpleasent ugly monsters that savage and hurt innocents, but at the same time it's a verb that means to fish by dragging a baited line. Both things that internet trolls do.

Hey, bub, I don't go around disparaging the mighty T-Rex. I will be filing a grievance with Monsters Local 212. YOU, SIR, ARE ON NOTICE.

Should monsters form Unions for better working conditions?

I heard Monsters Local 212 had a very unfortunate accident involving a Flesh to Stone spell gone awry. Sadly, it is no longer open for business.